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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Seriously looking at this thing and then the price makes me really appreciate the value I get out of my SOC Dancouga. Compare a beautiful $150 SOC Dancouga to this $500 one. However in the end I think the SOC one wins. Praise the first and the original Dancouga!
  2. I could see where your going with this but I'm just making a generalization and if your bothered with it I can understand why. Seeing cool toys just getting more and more expensive every year is just a real pain for most small time collectors with a limited budget. Pretty soon only the rich and wealthy collectors will be able to purchase anymore "high quality " products. I miss the good old days when a high quality toy didn't cost over maybe say $120? -sigh-
  3. I have to say in its prototype state it does look good. And what is that this is going to be 32cm tall in fully combined mode? HOLY CRAP!!!!!! I think someone quoted at toysdaily this will be 60,000 yen!! Sure it will be less than the SHE version, but man this stuff doesn't come any cheaper!
  4. Yup sadly, but truly Stick is the only non limited one. I would of really liked to see the green legioss up for grabs from retail, but I might have to "hunt" for it from some HK seller who's going to get it. I also agree now, that CMs price is feasible because unlike Bandai or Takara, CMs is still a relatively small company compared to those two giants in the toy making business. I think CMs makes most of their money from small little race cars instead of their PVC or Brave Gokin line. If CMs delivers on their part towards making this set a quality set then well all finally have that rock solid nonvaporware tread and legioss combo. February is almost here so its just time to play the waiting game.
  5. Make that 7 I early birded this thing a few days ago . I also might order a 1/35 scale vintage one soon too. Hehe
  6. Just heard the news. Truly sad indeed. He was in some of my favorite movies, A knight's Tale and the Patriot and soon to be the Dark Knight! Shot down in his prime. Sad indeed. Rest in peace
  7. YOU CAN BET ON IT! Hot dog that looks sweet. I wonder if those are stickers are tampo printing? Either way this a very nice representation of the VF-1. Look at those nice meaty hands!!! SOMEONE HAS GOT MAN hands now!
  8. Hey its just more bang for your buck! Not literally of course.
  9. Really? Well I think episode 7 was pretty good with a solid story and good action. In addition Lockdown's characters seems pretty interesting as a bounty hunter. I hope more episodes to come are like this. Episode 5 was well kinda boring and a little too choppy for my tastes.
  10. Cool! But I wonder how much EMS shipping would be on this guy. X_X I wonder if any retailers in US are going to take pre-orders on this set. LOS and BBTS I'm looking at you guys!
  11. Could anyone read the text in that picture? I'm a little skeptical at the moment. However Takara hasn't put out a new mold for the MP line for a little while now. So maybe this could be the next big thing! Although I don't know if MP-07 will go to the supposedly anime accurate colored MP Starscream. Although if Takara does make Grimlock, Grimlock would suggest something like this ME GRIMLOCK NOT FLIMSY ME KING!!!!!!!
  12. At least the CM's version looks to have a nice simple not so overly complicated transformation. The few sculpt flaws don't bother me too much except those damn hollow legs. I just hope the paint and finish on the final product will look dazzling!
  14. This picture of the legioss in solider mode is very disturbing. Not only does the hollow legs give a cheap vibe, but also a questionable durability problem. If the joints in that area of the leg and knees are not ratcheted this toy will have some overall problems standing up or taking nose dives backwards as there is nothing there behind it too fully secure it. I hope CMs pays special attention to the legs here. I have CMs Gaogaigo Brave Gokin figure and it has a similar problem to whats happening with the legioss here. Granted the Gaogaigo has a lot of metal and a nice paint job, but the legs collapse on its own weight because the theres nothing under the knee area to support it from falling in. Not to mention the hips being rather loose. Hopefully CMs will make the joints super tight and have a good locking system for those legs. Yes some Final product pictures would be nice because all of the pictures we've seen are still either in the prototype stage or near finished.
  15. Good to know there is a new hotshot QC guy on board looking over the production. Considering how well the guy supervised over the Nora release I have more confidence in Yamato's first releases. However there is still that chance of getting a lemon, but hey its just time now to play the waiting game. By the way lets have a look see at the guy who makes the box art. Could we have his name, address and phone number please by buddies would like to have a word with him. .
  16. Man I feel for you that thing looks like a vintage toy gone through some tough times and yet its suppose to be NEW? HA This toy should win Worse Toy the YEAR!
  17. One word: FUGLY!!!!!!!!! Nuff said
  18. Just as a heads up HLJ has the proto Garland currently at low stock!
  19. I don't know I kind of like the longer noses.
  20. Cool thanks for the response! Excellent 1 point for CM 0 for Toynami!
  21. Yo SaveRobotech did you notice if the Legioss and Tread's hands were hard plastic or a kind of hard rubbery type of hands? Because that was one of things that ruined the old Toynami and Aoshima ones.
  22. Well the good thing looks like when the Legioss is in fighter mode unattached to the tread it looks like the arms can be spaced out more which in my opinion makes the fighter mode look much better. Although the hookup is still kinda wonky looking. Good to see the metal landing gear, but some nice rubber wheels would of been nice. The micro missile details look like Toynami's strap on ones..... Kind of sucks that only the blue variant will be released in mass retail, while the others will command higher prices no doubt Well the Legioss is looking better, but its still not great, but the I think the tread is shaped pretty nicely. Thanks for the pictures SAVEROBOTECH !!!
  23. Whoa nice price considering. Does this local dealer of yours have a website I could pre-order off of?
  24. Not yet. The proto Garland won't be out until probably February if I'm not mistaken. HLJ still has it for a January release, but then again that could be subject to change.
  25. Is it safe to say this has been the best thread EVER? :
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