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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. The 1/6th bendy pole stands for the HT iron men was exactly what I had mind.
  2. Alright, maybe I'll get creative with some kind of heavy duty display stand.
  3. I'll have to buy a bandai action base first.
  4. Since Sazabi is based on the MG ver ka. I wonder if one of the Bandai action bases could support it for flight poses?
  5. The shield is all plastic, the inner shoulder joint was just not toleranced well enough and it looks a little difficult to take it apart to add some solution to tighten it.
  6. I luckily bought the Galvion from Amazon and it went back OH SO FAST! This is correct. Do you remember if your MG ver. ka had any weight issues holding up the shield?
  7. It's not a piece of garbage, but it's not the definitive Sazabi I wanted it to be. Honestly, if there are no rumors of fixes for batch 2 then I would cancel to ease your anxiety. Believe me I have handled a piece of garbage before ( Megahouse's Hi-Spec Galvion was the biggest pile of transforming rubbish I've ever handled from a Japanese company).
  8. Okay, full 3P Sazabi is in the house and it's not bad for a first time company. This is definitely, the MG + conversion kit with metal parts and really nice paint applications. After putting some bright lights on him the red is all painted. Most of the joints are sufficiently stiff, except the inner shoulder joints which are not strong enough to hold up the shield in some poses. The funnel pods sadly do not close all the way when the funnels are inserted. Plastic quality feels okay for the most part, but the side skirts are a little on the thin side for me. The backpack can pop-off when you're messing with the fuel tanks, but it stays on fine with mild- moderate handling. The LED in the mono-eye is red, but they give you an optional yellow LED, but you have to trim and solder the LED onto the toy if you want to switch them out. All of the panels open up like the MG and all of the insides are painted beautifully. Overall, this is a fine 1/100 Sazabi that you can pose occasionally and put with your other MBs or GFFMCs for the time being. Hopefully, the 2nd batch corrects the LED color and tightens up the backpack connection, funnel carton and the inner shoulder/ chest joint.
  9. I still think it's so cool that the LED switch for the mono-eye is the head fin and how it replicates the anime. Touches like that always make me giddy.
  10. If quality is good, I'll get in on another run which hopefully has decent packaging.
  11. Sazabi does indeed come shipped in two separate boxes. Hopefully, I'll get part 2 by Monday.
  12. I'm unsure if the all of the red surfaces are painted, at the very least it's probably top coated with a semi-matte top coat. There is a ton of detailed paint on this guy and the 1/2 of him that I have looks good in person.
  13. I got my first half of Sazabi in today. So far what joints I could mess with are tight. Tampo-printing is good, but could be a little sharper. Paint is crisp and well-applied. Plastic quality feels good, not too thin, not overly thick. LED works just fine. Hopefully, when I get part 2 and put him all together he'll be great.
  14. Kampfer is looking mighty fine there. Poison Toys going strong again.
  15. Man, the packaging for SInanju is looking pretty "garage kit" like and back alley level of quality. https://ggmara.blogspot.com/2020/01/1100_13.html
  16. I wouldn't take it too hard. The issues mentioned above don't sound too bad. No major breakages so that's good. I think as long as I can tighten the inner shoulder joint with some superglue/ floor polish, I should be satisfied.
  17. That used to be my general rule for third party toys, especially for new companies. But since it's Sazabi I jumped the gun. I checked another review and it looks like the inner shoulder joint will have some weight issues. Hopefully, that could be easily remedied.
  18. I can forgive the nubmarks and a few tiny paint blemishes here and there. However, the funnel encasing not closing all the way, or the gun barrel not being fully straight or the shoulders not being strong enough to hold the shield might bother me. Not sure what was wrong with the backpack clip? Please don't be a case of weak plastic cracking. What's with the LED, I thought they were going to change it from red to yellow on the final. Boo!!!!!
  19. LOL ShowZ is reading our posts and double checking their shipping lists. This is probably the smarter idea to do and if batch one comes out great you can jump in for batch 2. A dual finish will make us all winners.
  20. That's a reasonable amount of time. One of my boxes is one step ahead of the other. Box race!
  21. Interesting, while I would prefer both parts coming in one package, as long as they arrive at the same time it's all good. Maybe after slaginpit's order they were just like screw it, one box is too big and expensive.
  22. Did anyone else get 2 tracking numbers for their Sazabi from ShowZ? I'm wondering if it was just too big to ship in one box?
  23. Oh wow, Sinanju first wave is coming too? 3P gundam stuff is coming hard and fast for our wallets.
  24. It's amazing we got the gernsbacks so we can at least have the original team. Maybe a wish and a prayer for one last season of FMP with proper time and budget will happen, and maybe we get a few more MBs to round out the final hurrah.
  25. My copy also shipped. So far I've only seen one isolated report that the joint was missing from the waist on their copy of Sazabi. Otherwise, they seem to be coming out well. I'm still hoping they changed the LED to yellow or green on the final version.
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