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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. I'll be attending this Saturday dressed in a Code Geass Zero costume. Ill definitely stop by Overdrive's booth.
  2. Wow, someone actually decided to pre-order from that HK seller. Looks like I have to buy someone a huge white dunce cap.
  3. Beautiful pictures of such a nice sculpt. Aside from the pictures the real test for this ride armor will be if it can stand on its own and how well the durability is. From the pictures I can already see several of the bars being made of metal so that looks like a good sign. However a lot of that metal is in the back of the rider so I really hope Beagle worked out some good balancing with this figure. Looks ultra top heavy at the moment. I will wait and see the reviews first before taking another $200 dive into over priced Japanese otaku goods.
  4. Man I just got my 21 today and everything was perfect until I noticed that the blue clip part for the lower leg was missing on the right leg of my 21 !!!! . I'm not sure if it popped off somehow, but man I can't find this thing anywhere and I'm thinking Yamato forgot to put it in. Anyone think I should send this item back in exchange for a new 21 thats properly assembled?
  5. More BEAGLE to love. from Yaco's blog.
  6. Just picked up my animated Lugnut today and wow. This is my first animated figure and I love how simple the transformation is and also how accurate the sculpt is to the animation. No problems paint is good, joints are solid. I am a Happy camper. ALL HAIL MEGATRON!!
  7. Thank you very much. This will be especially helpful when I get hold of my YF-21.
  8. I'd go with the last one and make it 4 gallons of scotch for safe keeping. Hell will even give them a complementary shot glass!
  9. Indeed the Super HCM-Pros are pretty fantastic toys with sometimes more detail than the MG kit. Char's Zaku II is really heaven on bun. Honestly I would love to buy this line, but I'm still skeptical. Does anyone have a small review for the EX-S Gundam Special task force version? I love the design of that gundam, but I don't want it falling apart in my hands once I get it.
  10. Excately, I just hate PVC and would much rather have a nice harder plastic. Transfan53 "All the toys that are made out there with abs usually cost a fortune and thats why valks are so expensive. " What are you basing this on? Practically all of the transformers figures being produced these days are made of hard ABS plastic.
  11. Are these FIX figures made mostly of PVC or ABS plastic?
  12. Hopefully that 10% is just a little nitpicking and theres nothing wrong with the build or sturdiness of the toy.
  13. Someone GET ME A TOWEL!!!!!!!!!! **Drools a river of drooling drool**
  14. I've been watching anime for about 12 years now and too me Frontier looks just fine within the 2D department and CG department. Sure you'll have a few lapses in animation from time to time, but hey its a TV series and not every episode will look like a Masterpiece of epic proportions. I think in general people have become overly critical about any little inconsistency they find in life. Personally I would never really rant about animation quality and detailing unless it looked like that shin-chan eye bleeder from Satan's ass. Lets enjoy the show for the show, Frontier is already loaded with beautiful eye candy and I hope there's more to come. Seven episodes in I'm happy so far and lets hope the animation could go to an even higher extent ( as well as the plot and writing) for future episodes. Peace!
  15. A sneak peek at Yamato's 1:24 scale Patlabor figure. According to the poster it will be about 33cm or about 13inches tall
  16. 39 new pics of the Beagle Ride armor! http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...;extra=page%3D1
  17. Jesus Christ! I like big guns, but not ones that are like almost as big as the figure itself! Good grief. Although my pre-order will still be fulfilled!
  18. Nice poses! Man even with all of the little quirks and the huge ass price tag this set really is a bundle of fun. Pure toy joy! I just can't stop playing with these guys. Dammit eyesonme78 you make me want to buy the green legioss now. MUST RESIST!!
  19. I also have a slight misalignment on both my red and blue legioss. However I think that was from their whole design point of view and not a quality control problem. More over you just have to adjust it a little and you don't even notice it I don't think I'll be getting the green legioss unless I see it on sale somewhere in the future. With each legioss I buy blows another cannon ball in and out of my wallet.
  20. Great minds think alike.
  21. You begged and pleaded and moaned well here it is in all its glory. Sup$rhobo Productions presents: THE ZETA
  22. I have to admit I thought I would only pick up the leader class Megatron from Animated,but now that Ultra Magnus has moved up to top priority! When I see it I will grab it and fight some estranged kid to death if I have to in order to buy this thing of beauty. In addition I can't wait to see what the classics cyclonus will look like. Its going to be a good year for Transformer fans.
  23. Sure no problem.
  24. Wooo just got my red legioss today! Turns out OverDrive just sent me the wrong tracking number. Anyways I'll take some pictures later.
  25. Ok now I'm pissed and kind of worried. OverDrive apparently sent my red legioss to the wrong address! While looking at the tracking number today it said it was sent to zip code:94103, when it was supposed to go to 91770 of Los Angeles! I'm emailing them immediately as my package apparently already got delivered to the "wrong" address. My first purchase from them was the blue one and it went so smoothly
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