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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Oh well. At least it still looks beautiful.
  2. How many more weeks until this baby is released? I'm simply drooling at the pictures of the beagle. That display stand is awesome as it has all the compartments for all of the accessories. Look a built in targeting scope! No more swapping in or out! Obviously I'm super excited over this true masterpiece. *continues drooling*
  3. Forget the tread for awhile lets go riding with some ride armor! Yaco's blog has done it again with part 3 of the Beagle review! And hey it looks like it can stand without the stand! http://wildcats.pupui.jp/
  4. Funny I never thought I'd hear this " the toynami one is by far the better one". Good to hear the positive reports! Keep it coming guys. Jenius I can't wait for that review.
  5. Ahhh. So your the lucky bastard who yanked that alpha from my cold dead hands.
  6. Sweet the connection already sounds miles better than the CM's. Toynami putting ratcheting joints on the beta woot! Paint being pretty decent on the beta as well? Hot damn now I'm kind of interested in picking on of these guys up. Plain and simple hell has frozen over. Glad to hear some feedback guys!
  7. Well the CM's one connection wasn't really a connection in the first place so what does that make toynami's? Could you hold it up without the alpha falling off or dipping out of position? Are the joints on the beta nice a clicky or are they crappy friction joints that will get loose after 5 transformations? How's the paint and part fitment?
  8. Some quick reviews please? SOMEONE? How well does it connect to the alpha?
  9. Wow. Hot damn Frank and Sons has them for $110? Which booth was selling them? I might have to take a trip there next week then. If the beta proves to be a good toy.
  10. Ok ok. Fair enough. I'll save the posters and banners for more reports.
  11. Ok. So ladies and gentlemen can we all finally admit hell has frozen over?
  12. Why more plastic? Lets solve this with some tough light weight metal for those hinges. Metal hinges like the old takatokus so this whole hinge issue could be over and done with. You just can't rely on thin plastic to withstand pressure.
  13. However. It looks like the connection between the beta and alpha might be pretty solid. As one of those pictures shows it connected upright without drooping over like a sick dog. **Cough Cough CMS.**
  14. OH god those rubber hands are back! No purchase! Hey look I see the beta. I wonder how that turned out or is hell still frozen over?
  15. Anyone else think that the plastic used on Alto's unit looks a little yellowish? Good thing these things aren't the final products.
  16. Its official hell has frozen over. Get out your sleds and ice skates because were gonna be sore tonight.
  17. YIKES! $72 for fast packs and a stand+ shipping. This is a tad pricey for hollow shells of plastic.
  18. Hey guys! For those of you still wanting a decent legioss + tread set angolz has a sale on the CM's red version for about 63% off! That's right folks $110. Those who paid like $250 bucks for this go eat your hearts out now! http://www.angolz.com/home/productDetails....?PLU=0000106909
  19. Yeah. Z Plus that thing is huge. I hope the giant tank thingy its sitting on can be detached from the skirt armor. I hate giant crotches of doom on my mecha!
  20. In the comparison pictures what scale is that RX-78 gundam figure?
  21. 85 step instruction booklet? Is that just for transformation?
  22. Hot DAMN! I'm going to be clicking the refresh button every 2 minutes now.
  23. Not until Christmas time is when these valks are gonna be released.
  24. If you look at the picture on the far right does Alto's VF+25's neck look a whole lot longer? I'm still hoping for Ozma's to even have a neck, but this gives me hope.
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