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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Ok apparently the beagle's elbow joints can bend like normal. You have to twist it at the elbow then maneuver up.
  2. The joints are pretty solid. the knees and fee ratchet! Other joints are probably friction, but feel solid. One the bike the arm guards and hip armor move out of position, but are still attached securely. The windshield could be more secure, but it does the job. At first I thought the neck was floppy, but after tightening the screw and placing the head back on its much better. In armor mode it can stand on its OWN! I don't recommend it and you should use the stand, but the fact that it can stand with all that crap on the back its amazing! I would comment that the elbow joint is an odd duck that likes to bend at odd angles. Its not your normal elbow joint. Something i don't like is how thin the connectors are to pop the hands on too. No cracks are breakage, but take care in swapping the hands. Did I mention transformation to ride armor mode is ultra complex? Everything on the bike does something so take it slow.
  3. Stick is ready to roll out and kick some ass! The more I handle this piece the more I love it. I found transforming the bike back to cycle mode to be much easier than going to ride armor mode. Went through 3cycles of transformation and everything is still holding up just fine.
  4. Damn. You bought two? Nice. I'm quite excited for to see what Beagle's take on Houqet will be.
  5. Do I think this guy is worth $200? I'd say no, more like $150-$160. However this is probably going to be the best representation of the ride armor were going to get for years on end. For beagle's first transforming figure its amazing how well executed they got the engineering done. I can honestly say this thing is one of the most complex transforming toys I own. Everything on the bike twists, or turns or folds and does something. Certainly a lot going on in this package , but it doesn't suffer from being too small or a part swapping mess. This is perfect transformation and nothing needs to be swapped out. Was the figure worth the wait? I say hell yeah! All we need now is the ideal legioss + tread toy.
  6. Try tightening up the screw at the neck. Then attach the heads. On mine its much tighter and it doesn't flop.
  7. Ok. I got my beagle and here are some quick comments I'd like to make about it. Good: 1. Quality is very high, joints are tight, knees and feet ratchet, paint is flawless and part fitment is good. 2. Some tampo printing throughout. 3. Good possibility in the legs and neck. 4. Bike is solid. 5. Rider on bike looks HOT! 6. display stand functions well and stores accessories. 7. Detail is fantastic! 8. Metal in the right places. 9. He can stand in armor mode! 10. Armored mode is fairly sturdy, but could be more secure. Bad: 1. Odd elbow joint that bends inward at certain angles. 2. Transformation is super complex and should be done very slowly. 3. Hip armor likes to pop out, but pops right back in. 4. Crotch armor also likes to pop out sometimes, but can also be popped back in. 5. Arm and shoulder possibility is limited in armor mode. 6. Back heavy, but that's expected. 7. Some parts made of plastic can be prone to breaking so handle with care. Overall I like it a lot. Its beautiful, but do handle with care so that was my 2 cents on the figure. I've taken some pictures below so enjoy!
  8. I just got my beagle in the mail and I'm now fiddling with it. So far quality is pretty good and the packaging was very similar to a Yamato box (instructions taped to underside etc). I've noticed that the figure has a few problems. The neck while secure is a little loose and the swivel joint at the hip isn't as tight as I'd like. More to come. later.
  9. The VF-25G looks to be the best out of this DX line Bandai is producing and looks worth while for the price. Its blue, filled with tampo printing, big ass gun, has a neck works for me! I see Overdrive is already sold on it so pre-order fast before their gone! I wonder if the missile hatches open up. Any word on this? The model kits do, but what about the DX?
  10. I believe the Japanese release of the beagle is. ITS OUT! Mine just shipped from Overdrive in Japan. I'm so excited. Now I pray quality control is good.
  11. Yes! Overdrive pre order is now processing. I'm so excited.
  12. Darn so I was right the neck just rests into position and not tab into something. In a way that kind of disappoints me as there is a hole right where the neck rests on, but no tab or peg to push it into. This doesn't bother me too much as this kit is just for display and minor handling/ posing, but still it would of made battloid even more solid.
  13. Is there a way to lock the neck in though or does it just rest there?
  14. There's two different neck pieces? Wait why on earth would there be two of them? So does one of them actually lock into something in battloid mode?
  15. We should do a countdown for the beagle. Only a few more days. hours, minutes to go. Overdrive ship mine out first!
  16. Hey guys. When transforming the VF-25S to battloid mode does the neck lock into anything or does it basically just rest there?
  17. It's pictures like this that make me glad I took the 1/72 model route instead of the DX. I still have hope for the VF-25G and if they bundle Alto's fps with his valk.
  18. Wishful thinking man. Who knows though it looks like were getting the ultimate ride armor, so maybe one awesome company will smile and say lets do an ultra detailed huge legioss. One day.
  19. The irony only grows because people are now praising toynami's beta and yet Aoshima was in charge of the design and qc. Someone make a good modern legioss. Pretty please. Sculpt and durability,
  20. Awesome, but once again we have a good beta, but a crappy alpha. Unless Aoshima releases their legioss with good quality control, which again I doubt. For me just bring on the Beagle ride armor already!
  21. Thanks. Sounds easy enough. Funny that on my VF-1S Yamato glued the two shoulder armor pieces together on the left arm and not the right. YAMATO!!!
  22. So people who have replaced their shoulder hinges was disassembling the VF-1S easy? Could someone show me what how you did it too? Thanks.
  23. I put in my request to OverDrive for two replacement hinges for my VF-1S arm's Wish me luck!
  24. The lord has answered our ride armor prayers. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/overdrive-blog/info/1969.html According to Overdrive the Beagle will be released on the 15th of Jan. ! WOOT!
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