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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. You lucky son of a #$%^&
  2. As sick and as twisted as this statement is. It makes perfect sense.
  3. LOL. I bought this months ago! So yeah I'm going to Overdrive and see if they can help me get some replacement parts.
  4. Actually the nose on mine is rather tight, but it does kind of droop. Do those small little doors hold up the nose? If so that would solve that problem. I didn't notice it as everything seemed nice and tight and transformed properly and I got the piece from HLJ some time ago. So yes I am rather irritated with Yamato at the moment. Just to make clear though this is not the stand alone version 2 , but the one that came with the ghost pack. Just be sure to check that all the parts are intact and not missing.
  5. On mine the right side hubcap was a bitch and half to pull out and I had to get some tools to help me push it up. The left side was like butter though.
  6. On my VF-0S w/ ghost the red part i circled was missing on both sides of my VF-0S. I'm going to email Overdrive if they can get some replacements for those!
  7. God damn Yamato. Ok I bought my VF-0S with ghost booster a while ago and now looking closely at the pictures you guys provided Yamato forgot to implement the two doors that cover up part of the VF-0S' head! I'm now checking to see if anything else is missing.
  8. Patience. We just need to wait a little longer. Let bandai take their time with this or it end up like the DX being rushed out the door.
  9. For those of you with the VF-0S does the armor on the shoulders stay in place well or are they still kind of floppy?
  10. So I'm not the only one with that problem at the moment. Maybe their doing some maintenance?
  11. Nice. At max extension it looks great! Now to straighten those head lasers and battloid on the VF-25S will look pretty hot.
  12. That looks great! Even with the hip placement being a tad high. I can't wait too see what else bandai is going to cooking up for this line.
  13. I see. Thanks for the quick overview! I'm going to email Overdrive and see if they got my request if not I'll try to put it in again.
  14. So after you make a request to Overdrive do they send you an email saying we got your request or do they not send you anything until they got your part? I sent my request for some new shoulder hinges and still no reply back. Should I try again?
  15. Maybe this is an indication to loosen those screws a tad.
  16. Man that easy mod makes a whole lot of difference. Hey Edwin have any extra of those joints? I would like to try that with my Ozma coming from BBTS.
  17. This quote from RT.com made me lol. "5) Many fans are disgruntled at the quality of the entire line of Alphas. Is there a possibility of having the entire line remade by the same factory that made the Beta? We haven't heard of any widespread quality issues with the Alpha Fighters, and there are no plans to re-produce them in those original decos." - Toynami
  18. Wait. Is the only alpha or piece Toynami has recalled?
  19. As a rough estimate how long does overdrive take to get parts?
  20. The guys over at toysdaily are complaining about the QC on the new HT ironman. anyone want to comment on this? I
  21. While I do agree a few parts can be improved on the beagle I think its reasonably solid. Compared to other ride armor toys which are fiddly messes this one hold together pretty well. On future releases of say Yellow Belmont or Hoquet I hope they improve the crotch and hip armor to lock in better. I wouldn't call the neck floppy, but it can be tighter. It holds a pose just fine, but can be tighter.
  22. Close. Its more like the little cover opens you fold out the scope and you have to take out the scope, close the door then pop the scope onto the little hole. Then bam there's your scope.
  23. Damn. This is making me want to buy a DX Ozma now. I have to be strong and wait.
  24. I know when I got mine I was amazed out how huge the box was. Felt like an over sized Yamato box. Seriously.
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