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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Really the shoulders haven't been breaking its just the screw getting broken not the shoulder itself. The hip breaking at the metal is a bit of an odd duck, but I don't think we should really worry.
  3. 30cm>? Is that in battle cruiser mode or battloid? Hot damn that size is till awesome regardless. Macross overload? No way man! Macross Stimulus all the way!
  4. The sculpt looks mighty impressive and wonderfully detailed. Nice to see the ratchet joints at the shoulders too. Yum clicky goodness! Is there still word that this thing is 20 something centimeters tall?
  5. Well Its about f$%king time! God damn is that one huge mother huggin macross. Oh god I hope its under $400.
  6. Since sound boosters ruled the air waves and skies.
  7. I can't wait until the 22nd. So much more macross coming. Please someone make a modern SDF-1 toy. Pretty please.
  8. The DX is a very solid and fun to play with toy. Sure its not the best display piece, but its something you can swoosh around, transform endlessly and beat a robber with. - Michel valk coming in March I can't wait!
  9. Oh poo, the cement mixer transforms from cement mixer to an ass for a head or is it the other way around?
  10. I was thinking about this for awhile, but it is possible to stick some gundam hands that fit into the sockets of the Toynami or Aoshima legioss?
  11. At long last new shoulder hinges!!! ROY LIVES!!! Thank you Overdrive!
  12. Atom said there's no indication of their being POM on the packaging, however if you look at the bottom of the box with all the materials it lists ABS, PVC and POM. So that super tough grey plastic is probably POM.
  13. Collection DX video review is up!
  14. Really. Man BBTS doesn't have their HT iron man in yet so maybe their getting the 2nd production run?
  15. Hey Drifand does the Calibur lock together well in jeep mode?
  16. I used these parts to make the neck longer. You can pick them up from HLJ for try a hobby store if needed. That revolver in the back was my first attempt at making a custom Vash the Stampede gun.
  17. Look what I got in the mail today. DX VF-25S. After a little time with the hair dryer and a longer ball joint ( thank you GGemni for the idea). You get one rocking VF-25S. Oh and to the factory worker who had dirty fingers please wear gloves next time! Had to whip off some brown finger print marks on the nose cone. Anyways look at Ozma's valk now!
  18. Really? I could could of sworn I saw POM on the packaging.
  19. I'm glad Beagle used POM in areas a lot of thin areas. The only thing better would of to made it out of metal, but that would make things unstable.
  20. Ahh so those parts are POM. Well if it is incredibly hard to have paint adhere to POM then I'll retract that suggestion, but I stand by the rest of my observations.
  21. All the improvements listed above plus. 1. The joints that connect the hands to the wrists should be thicker and maybe not made of clear plastic. 2. Clear socket hole on legs (hole that connects the peg from the hip armor) should be made of something stronger and not clear. 3. Windshield should lock into something in armor mode and not just rest there. 4. More tampo printing would be nice. Just don't go crazy with it, but a little more would be a plus. 5. The area under the hip armor that slides up and down when moving the knees should be made of metal as it looks a little thin for plastic. 6. Increase tightness of the crotch armor from popping out.
  22. As a quick tip if your inserting the peg from the hip armor into the clear white circular hole on the leg don't force it. As it will cause the white clear plastic to have some stress marks. I put a little too much force on the peg and now the clear plastic hole has a small stress mark on it. No big thing, but be careful.
  23. Really? I thought those white parts click into those small indentures on Stick's chest. They click in and help hold the armor on to stick. If I'm wrong I stop connecting those pieces then. However I could of sworn I saw in the instructions to lock those into his chest.
  24. Sweet. Once again Overdrive comes through for us. Cheers! Curses the though for the price.
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