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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Man what camera do you use to take those sexy pics? I'm jealous , but I must contend I love the VF-25G all armored up its a beautiful sight.
  2. Hmmm I wonder if that pic where it shows the hand and gun emphasizes if they put a peg for the hand to hold the gun better. Even if they did make the linkup better it still looks like poo.
  3. Ok one way for removing the missile pods from the VF-25G with less stress on the ball joint is too go from the underside of the chest plate and using a small rod or chopstick pop the missile pod's ball joint out thereby re leaving stress from the ball joint. So yeah this way this should reduce any unwanted stress marks or breakages!
  4. Yes! The regular gunpod is included as an added bonus!
  5. I owned the CM's legioss and tread combo and I can safely say I wouldn't re buy the thing unless they made some major changes. Especially the link up, tightness in fighter mode and other desperately needing locking mechanisms.
  6. Just as a warning guys the small ball joints that connect the missile pods to the body upper body of the VF-25 can easily get stress marks. Mine are already showing a little so do be careful.
  7. I just got my VF-25G and I am very pleased with it. On mine the crotch locking mechanism is doing its job well unlike my VF-25S. The head laser is nice a straight and the head is nicely detailed! The hip armor stays on ok , but again like everyone else said could be better. One thing I noticed on mine part of the metal shoulder hinge is a little too tight and it kind of scares me. Overall I highly recommend this awesome piece.
  8. My first VF-25S was covered in finger prints and some were brown and I had to get some soap and water and literally almost scrap it off. I hope my VF-25G will come without this nonsense and be clean.
  9. I'm so glad a higher end toy is being realized for Blade. The years and years of waiting has finally paid off even if Blade is small we get a pegas too boot! Now I can have a Tekkaman figure riding Pegas like a surfboard just like in the series! VOL TEKKA!
  10. Nicely detailed hopefully the Quarter won't be too much money. And what is this? Articulated fingers NICE!
  11. I look at the bright side. VF-25S has a neck! I'm pre-ordered and ready to go! Now just gotta to fix those head lasers and maybe a few other things, but hey I like what I see. Anyone know when Overdrive will ship out their VF-25G's?
  12. Great pictures guys. I can't wait till Overdrive ships out mine! So whats the deal with the sniper rifle is it on normal hinges when you transform it or does have like a spring loaded gimmick?
  13. YES! At long last a figure of Tekkaman Blade and Pegas that's not a model kit or some cheap bootleg! VOL TEKKA!!!!!!!!!! Thank you bandai!
  14. I got the same problem too. I'm going to shoot them an email.
  15. Weird anime export's pre-order price for the Armored Ozma is 15,000 yen , but they asked me for a payment request of 16,020 yen plus shipping? Anyone know what's up with that? Apparently for this one you have to pay in advance.
  16. One thing that kind of has me worried is how well the cockpit area will lock in as the chest for battloid mode.
  17. For the love of god YES!!!!!!!!! That sounds like some very reassuring news. If Bandai actually does something or not is completely up in the air, but if they do fix the head lasers and neck that would be a god send!
  18. I hope those fast packs can stay on solidly. Please be super magnets.
  19. Nice, but isn't this guy all plastic and way over priced?
  20. Don't worry your scope is fine. There's nothing missing although you might have to plug that black monitor back in. The scope is like that and check the instructions to make sure if you don't believe me.
  21. I see thanks for your input. I will still get the MP Grimlock despite the low metal content. I was kinda hoping Takara would give this guy some heavy metal, but if he already has some nice heft that's a nice plus.
  22. Hey Alex how was the metal content on the MP Grimlock? Did it feel heavy and well balanced or light and unwieldy? Thanks.
  23. Hey hey what are you hinting at their jenius?
  24. What on earth? Yeah I don't want to get it.........
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