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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. The good news Tekkaman Evil prototype pictures! The bad news its a mother f$cking web shop exclusive. Bull crap.
  2. Since its a prototype, I'm sure HT is still probably tinkering around this dude. I wonder if it will have anymore gimmicks, but consider me interested and yeah its not like I'm going to display this piece with the face mask up so
  3. LOL. You know know that you mention it the face sculpt does look like Orlando Jones.
  4. I just came back from Franks and Sons here in So Cal and I picked up the blue beta for an awesome $80 and I must say color me impressed. Big, heavy, simple and solid and most importantly it looks good. For $80, money well spent.
  5. Well I'll be a son of a bi%ch. I should have waited. Dudes who don't have their mac quarter yet you might want to consider it now. **Goes off to hug mac quarter** Daddy still loves you, daddy still loves its ok its ok don't cry don't cry will make it through this.
  6. Ok with a little help from a household detergent, my sharpest finger nail, some cursing, and a few paper towels I was able to get rid of the slops of paint. Tramsformed back into fighter mode and no new chips that I can see even on the nose cone. so.
  7. Tried and failed. Yes the paint I don't want on the toy doesn't scrap off, but the paint that I do want on it scraps off..........oh the irony.
  8. I got my DX 27 and overall I'm happy with it. A couple paint chips on the shoulders nothing too bad. However, I found some nasty slop on the leg. Anyone know of a paint remover that isn't harmful to plastic and where I can pick it up from?
  9. I wish ami ami gave the option of having or not having the damn poster.
  10. Oh crap, Peaugh broke the fin off while doing that review........not cool.
  11. Make sure you pull out the bottom of the heat shield until you hear a faint click. Once, you've done that all shall be fine.
  12. So I'm assuming these toys are still coming out of the box oily? If so ewww......
  13. I also got 14,000 yen shipped for my VF-27 from ami ami. I find it funny that the regular EMS would have been a whooping 4.560yen. Hell the quarter costed 4,700 yen if shipped normally. How big is the box on the DX 27?
  14. So for those of you few dudes who have the DX 27 already did your samples come with any of that oily mold release or scratches on it?
  15. I now regret not getting this guy when he was 35% off from HLJ with free shipping.
  16. That figure is beautiful. Is there any metal content? How's the articulation?
  17. I also got my quarter today and is happy to have one with no bent turrets or sloppy paint. This toy is big and whatever pose I put it in it holds. Thank you bandai. Oh and to Uxi if you are buying a quarter from ami ami it will come out to be about $190 shipped with EMS shipping since I also live in so Cal.
  18. Those alt modes are just dead sexy. BUT why the hell is starscream BUG eyed? UGLY!
  19. Does that make the socket on the hand open up more to allow the ball joint to slide in easier? If so have you tried it and how effective was it?
  20. Those ball joints also continue to scare the hell out of me. 1. The ball joint is super tiny and is connected to a rather thin plastic shaft. 2 2. Getting the hands on takes a lot of force. However, nothing is broken or stressed so far and I don't plan on swamping hands out a lot on this toy since it takes at least 10-15minutes trying to get 1 hand on.
  21. I think my ears bleed when I heard Hikaru's dub voice.
  22. Ahem.....ask and you shall receive! For people who haven't picked theirs up yet ami ami got a fresh batch of these badboys! So with the 50% EMS or SAL shipping this thing probably comes out to be about $70.00 shipped!
  23. I got my tekkaman today. This figure is awesome. -Articulation= stellar! -Metal content= surprising really hefty, -Joints= can hold poses well no sagging! (at least not yet) -So far no parts have exploded off into my face while posing Here's some crappy pics to look at. If your on the fence about this figure don't be because its just that awesome. - the wrist joints are rather small ball joints and swamping the hands can be a pain in the ass so be careful. All I can say now is I WANT MY TEKKAMAN EVIL NOW BANDAI NOW!
  24. It also looks like bandai added some nice grey detailing on the inner parts of the 27. Again something extra they didn't have to do, but added it anyway. I was going for the M quarter but this is just too nice to pass up.
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