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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Got my FP Bruticus upgrade today from Frank and Sons. A pretty solid set. However, my Blast off came with a cracked hinge , but thankfully the dudes at Franks were nice enough to replace mine . So after fiddling with these guys for a couple hours I noticed that the plastic quality definitely feels like a step down from their Springer and city commander trailers. Its not cheap KO plastic (far from it), but it doesn't feel as beefy as the previous FP stuff. Other than that paint is sharp, joints are solid (for now ) and they look great when combined! I happy am to report that the articulated beam fingers aren't floppy and quite solid and theres even a peg on the hand to securely lock the guns in no FLOP! I'm glad I got this set (finally !) and as always be careful fiddling with these guys. Even though they give off the allusion of being mere scout class Transformers you'll need to step down a little and take care when transforming these guys. I'll try to post some pics later. A little note for new owners: make sure you unlock Blast off's arms before trying to unlock the nose of the drone when going from drone to robot mode Another little note: I talked to the dudes at Franks and they told me from their source that they'd get MP Rodimus in for $150 so hopefully it will be that price and not the $200
  2. Well in case your all wondering what the next PG is ngee khiong has reported from the latest hobby magazine that it will be the Strike Freedom. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/08/pg-strike-freedom.html
  3. Have to agree with the general consensus that HA Jazz and Peg are totally awesome Transformers! I was so happy to see my local Target exploding with Transformers that I just had to pick these guys up. BTW does anyone else who has HA Jazz have an extra peg of plastic on the left hand that does absolutely nothing?
  4. Since the 19 is one my favorite valkyrie designs I would more than welcome a revisit to the YF-19. Hopefully fast packs will be included this time and stick on better too. The current 1/60 YF-19 toy is decent, but it doesn't make the cut next to my favs the 21 and 11.
  5. I swear the fates don't want me to complete my Sinanju. First the hands brake on me (stupid me for assembling them wrong), then an unfortunate accident allowed for the waist peg to snap off now I come to realize that painting the gold trim would of been a lot neater and sexier looking if I only used my gold gundam marker instead of hand brushing everything with tamiya gold flake. Now I'm stuck here waiting for replacement parts and a very strong urge to buy another kit and start over.
  6. Nice job anime52k8 and also thanks for making my work in progress on my own sinanju look like crap. So far the dry transfer decals has been a nightmare on the curves. How did you get your gold trim to look so even? Mine look decent for hand painted but that clean look on yours looks sweet.
  7. This being my very first concert at AX. I was floored! I don't want to sound like a broken record but this concert was awesome with most of the crowd on its feet for almost the entire 2 hours errr pushing 2 + 1/2 hours. I'm strangely liking Nakajima's Sunshine Girl song a lot. Of course the Yoko Kanno addition was the epic icing on the already cool whipped cake. Nakajima and Kanno's combo for voices was pretty damn spot on too. Additionally I like to add that after the concert when May'n and Nakajims were leaving they just happened to pass by the hall I was waiting in and I got to see them up close even if it was for a brief 3 or 4 seconds I think I melted.
  8. MP Movie Starscream this is not. Let's just cease all the hate and call it BUSTER Starscream with an MP box. Hate fest over
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/Robot-Soul-Tamashii-Full-Metal-Panic-Savage-Sand-Figure-/360267604031?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53e19f603f#ht_775wt_1137 if your in the USA these guys have great service and prices.
  10. I think its coming out around July.
  11. Bandai I thank you for making diecast Tekkaman figures I really do. But please oh please stop making them web exclusives. Without any further of my ranting. Blastor Tekkaman Blade.
  12. Well UN Spacy its up too you. Depending on how bad the lines are it could be a three hour wait and sometimes its in the hot ass sun (baking for 3 hours). So depending on whether you want to wait in line and get the tickets for free or pay $30.00 to have a fixed spot. Although I'm not sure if even buying a ticket gets you in front of the line.....wait I think it does as it reverses a close / front row seat for you. I think....going to have to check on that. I bought a ticket just to make sure I see this epic concert.
  13. Actually, if the tickets don't sell out then masquerade tickets there will be free and I have yet to not get into masquerade so far. I wish I read the fine print a little harder, but I'm not sure if its the same for concert tickets, either I can't miss this opportunity to see May'n and Megumi here in the States
  14. Even though their now charging for concerts and for masquerade I will still be there on day 2 and 3. Hell who knows I might even cosplay as a certain princess just for Friday's occasion.
  15. The same way she fits those melons into that space suit of hers.
  16. Interesting tip there, although I'm still uncertain why a black base would have better results. I'd figure maybe spray paint all black then mask the parts you want to keep black and then go at it with the gold spray paint. Btw who sells gold spray paint that sticks well?
  17. Did you paint the strips on ur Sinanju or are they the stickers? Personally, I'm thinking about painting them.
  18. My first hot toys. Battle Damaged Iron man is totally worth the price tag.
  19. I went in 07 and 08 pretty fun, dressed up and stuff with my friends. UN SPACY BEWARE OF WEIRD ASS people there. Some people glomp or tackle/ hug out of nowhere. Aside from that the dealer room is pretty sweet lots of sellers although they won't want to haggle with you (those bast@rds). The event "masquerade" is also quite neat with cosplayers performing skits and other forms of entertainment (wait in line for tickets early). I don't know if there going to have an AMV contest again but thats also worth looking into as well. Hope this helps and enjoy yourself!
  20. For those of you who have loose hip syndrome on your DX 25's fear not they can be restored. If you unscrew the screw behind the metal portion of the hip the two metal halves will split. Therefore, the hip joint will be exposed and you can apply some nail polish or in my case super glue. Put it back together, make sure the screw is tight and move the joint around a little and then you'll have a very tight hip joint once again. Hope this helps.
  21. Well for those you who haven't picked up the Quarter yet. It is now 47% off at ami ami! That's right 9,975 yen + 50% off EMS shipping. Hot damn go! What are you waiting for?
  22. I haven't tried it on the hips, but carefully working some super glue into the shoulder joints worked like a charm.
  23. Well I just finished my Char's Zaku 2.0 MG and I must I'm in love with this kit. I also like to note this my first model kit I fully sanded, painted and decaled up and I have to say I'm quite proud.
  24. Well for those of you unfamiliar with a tamashii web exclusive its only available via Bandai's tamashii webshop and can only be bought in japan unless you pay a middle man service or have a hook up in Japan to get it. So unless you got connections in Japan were looking at double the price of what you paid for Blade.
  25. That means we the fans won't be able to buy Tekkaman Evil through the normal online stores and have to use a middleman service or someone from japan to buy the thing, making the cost a lot higher. X_X
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