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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. I used zoom player ver 8.0 and it played the 720p version just fine on my 4 year old laptop.
  2. Your right jetfire is pretty much junk at least this one comes with more paint apps and none of that crap blue. Anyways, buster prime is pretty sweet, probably the most detailed paint wise of all the ROTF molds. I've never seen Takara use so much awesome silver paint on one mold before.......ever well maybe MP-05. Anyways, the transforming gas tank guns are a little fragile, they don't crumble, but they don't connect together very solidly. The joints are probably going to be the most solid as well...probably due to all that silver paint. I think the last part is to be patient when freeing the chest panels going from robot to truck mode you kind of need to angle them inward and then pull outwards or else you'll be having one hell of a time..... Finally when lining up the front portion of the cab and grill section will take a lot of patience so go slow as tolerances in that section can be a little iffy. Other than that good luck.
  3. Colored pics of MP-11. Looks much better here. http://www.redmercury.co.jp/shop/detail.php?code=1203A-RED-8862
  4. Heh all we need now is an MP Galvatron so we can shoot MP coronation Starscream. This is just bad comedy.
  5. Man prices for this valkyrie is going nuts. The fact that its actually selling for $350 on ebay and I mean selling not sitting around is absolutely crazy.
  6. That lightning figure will be my first female action figure ever. I knew this road would be inevitable.
  7. Behold Amacron! Amazon Exclusive Unicron.
  8. Got my Amacron today. As a person who has never owned this mold before, I'm amazed at the size of this toy! Also happy to report QC seems pretty good on mine, tight joints, clean paint, and nothing is missing. The colors look pretty good in person.
  9. Different in concept than the armor plus? Most likely these won't have any removable armor or any diecast content. Furthermore, the figmas will most likely be cheaper. Additionally, most of Bandai's Tekkamen are web exclusives so these will make a nice alternative....assuming MF releases these in the masses. The more Tekkamen the merrier.
  10. Me too high five! For another Unicron toy this one sold out pretty dayum fast. Good thing amazon is going to get some more. I skipped out on the Takara 2010 version and kind of regret it ,but this one fills the spot pretty well and for half the price.
  11. So as of now I need one pair of off white shoulder hinges for my DYRL VF-1S. I assume were not suppose to pm Graham for these pieces anymore? Should I just hold tight until someone is handling the distribution?
  12. At first I was going to skip the TFC Devy, due to the price and the aesthetics being just alright in my eyes, but now that has changed. The new pics have sold me. As of this morning I'm going the way of TFclub's not-Devy. I ordered a not-Scavenger and hopefully nothing is missing or stressed out of the box. However, this doesn't mean I won't buy Maketoys version,as people have said above it will go well with some of Fansproject stuff. Maybe I'm just a Devy nut. Does size matter? Yes. Can it get the job done? It better or that would make size irrelevant.
  13. A paint brush, a steady hand and some tamiya XF-7 Flat red paint. Overall this red matches pretty well with the original paint.
  14. You know something I've realized? Ever since the 25, 27 and 29 series was spawned, I have never heard so many discussions/jokes/innuendos about a robot's hips and crouch before in my mecha enthusiast life. Then again, who could blame them (us) that thing is practically pointing at you.
  15. Try using some clear nail polish on the metal hinges. I applied some around the pin and tried to ease it into the hinge and it worked wonderfully. Just a little will do the trick.
  16. Don't forget the armor of inferno aka super ryo! He just went up for preorder today. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=77161
  17. Sounds good man I'll order some of that paint right away and give it a try and maybe stop by my local michael's arts and crafts to pick up some brushes mine are all....craptastic now.
  18. **Writes paint name down.** Macrossjunkie did you have to thin out the paint a little for better application?
  19. Actually, it usually takes me a good 20-25 minutes to cycle through fighter to battroid mode. I know these toys are expensive and I'm "usually" quite careful with my figures. However, in my defense my Yf-29 is a little odd, where one side of the figure chips paint the other doesn't. Its like I got a really moody one on my hands here, she doesn't know when to be sweet and when not to be a total b^&*&. Anyways, yeah I posted those pictures because I think those are some key spots to lookout for when it comes to paint chipping. I swear the right gerwalk joint hates me and something is caught underneath it that scrapes the white paint off.
  20. Just wanted to post some pictures of potential areas of paint chipping or rubbing. Admittedly, I was a little rough with her (that's how I got a paint chip on the side of the head), but even when I was being gentle, some of the paint still chipped off even in places where I'm not sure how it happened. I still love this valkyrie even if she is a little beat up. If Bandai reissues the 29 I may buy another just leave in box.
  21. I haven't looked forward to an American produced cartoon for awhile now and after seeing that video clip I can see this series was put into the right hands. +1 for Snarf not talking and being useful. +2 for fluid, vivid animation and solid voice acting. And finally another brownie point for using Lion-O's old voice actor. I think I can now wear my Thundercats shirt a little more proudly.
  22. I found that if you tighten the screw behind the hip it will tighten up the hip joint.
  23. Dayum the 29 towers over the 27. I got a question for the dudes who have the 29. How does the mechanism for the 29 work to achieve the anime accurate crotch angle? Does it simply swing down and use a hinge, can it lock in place like that? Does it cheat like the 25 and 27?
  24. Hurray for shipping notice! Amiami as usual is on the ball and my YF-29 is zooming on its way here. Who will get there's first? Let the race begin! And hey man dolls can be cool....ish ( not Ken).
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