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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Yeah both the normal version of evil and his blastor form are web exclusives. They might be kind of hard to find now, but you can search: http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/ they'll pop up their from time to time.
  2. You are correct, only the normal tekkaman blade was a mass release. Sadly, it looks like both sol teks will be tamashii exclusives.............. ,but at least the blue one will be mine!
  3. NICE! I was wondering when Bandai was going to reveal their next DX.
  4. I can just lick this!
  5. Since me and maybe ten other people who give a damn about Tekkaman Blade may be happy to see this. SOL TEKKAMAN!!! While Sol tekkaman 2 (green one) is known to be a tamashii web, sol tekkaman 1 may be a normal release. Don't quote me on it, but I have a good feeling will be able to get him from all of our normal retailers.
  6. Arcadia? Wow this might be my first MW Con. I live in Rosemead, so this won't be too far of a drive and the location looks awesome!!
  7. Pre-order AHOY! Come to me Dairugger! http://www.toyfreakz.com/shop/index.php?_a=product&product_id=283 Apparently the molds are getting some final tweaks before they go into production in March.
  8. http://yokattaweb.jp/store/preorder/290-robot-damashii-baiaran.html Last one I know of.
  9. Don't worry about the neck, apparently the neck wasn't pushed down far enough on the prototype. Check this thread http://robotjapan.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=SOC&action=display&thread=19216&page=4 out as their is a board member there who has some connections to Most Wanted toys. There's also a few new teaser CAD pics in that thread as well. This release definitely has me intrigued if Most Wanted ( a toy company not known for high quality die-cast toys) can pull off this figure, I'm just going to laugh more at Mattel and their voltron offerings.
  10. Funny you mention that. Most Wanted toys is producing an SOC style Dairugger with a release date for sometime this May. Apparently its also supposed to be 60% die-cast. Word on the street is its going to be about $250 US.
  11. Hmmm well most of the GFFMCs are fully painted and I'd assume they all have some top coat on them so I don't think they would yellow any time soon. However, the Zeta Plus isn't fully painted and may be prone to yellowing.....quicker in theory at least.However, my Z-Plus is still doing fine. Finally, the GFFMC Unicorn isn't fully painted either, but its given a more subtle metallic pearl finish. So far I know the regular #1006 Unicorn is fine ,but the #1008 Prism version has been known to yellow super quick, The Origin one should be fine for a long time.
  12. Looks like someone is hooked on the GFFMC line. Now just remember the older GFFMC's don't have the same amount of articulation as the Origin and the Metal build 00. I'm eagerly awaiting to see how the metal build freedom comes out.
  13. I would be very interested in picking up a pair of these for my dyrl Focker. Will the smooth metal pins be included or will I have to track some down myself? Kudos to the gentlemen behind this valkyrie saving project.
  14. Hey guys. is there anyone here who could help me out and be brave enough to repaint the paint chips on my VF-25S? I'm willing to pay! PM me please. This is one of my favorite valk designs and my toy is completely ruined with paint chips both from the manufacture and my own doing.........
  15. That amiami one sold out in 10 minutes......... they better re-open it up.
  16. Figma Samus Aran pre-order is up and sexy! I've been a long time metroid fan and I've always wanted a poseable figure of Samus. Max Factory Thank you! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-IPN-3175&page=top
  17. Yokatta shopping mall now have the VF-25 armored parts up for sale. I've used Yokatta a couple of times now and I've been impressed with their service so far. http://yokattaweb.jp...-25S-ozuma.html
  18. Hey guys, I have an original GFFMC Gundam Unicorn #1006 for sale. Everything is present, and the box is still in decent shape. Quality control on the figure is very good overall, but there's a small glue stain on the right bicep. If you can live with that glue stain or know how to get rid of it it could be yours for $220 shipped in the US. If your interested just send me a personal message.
  19. Get the RX-78 Origin first. Its also pretty stunning. However, the paint on the face and the body itself isn't as good as the 00. Still a very good purchase nonetheless.
  20. I have the 00 and I have to say that its probably one of the best toys I've bought in 2011. The paint and finish is fantastic. All of the warning labels are painted on very well and the paint itself is incredibly sharp. Furthermore, most of the joints and frame of the 00 is made of metal. Articulation is between the HG and the MG 00. Its solid, and fun to pose. This line kicks the GFFMC series into a whole new level.
  21. For the left arm blade did you put on the small extra attachment that goes on the end of the handle? When putting the arm brackets over the arms you have to put the fingers through the slots and then kind of smush the hand together and then bring the brackets over the arm and then it should lock together. I find detaching the silver shoulder armor first and attaching the red armor at an angle and pushing down on it should make attaching the red shoulder armor a lot easier. Hopefully that makes sense.
  22. While I have to agree with you that the riobot delphine does feel light and a tad brittle, I believe that has to do with it being fully painted and given a rather thick top coat. At first I too thought the armor attached really loosely, but after fiddling with a little more I got everything to click into place. I can turn mine upside down, shake it and so far the only thing I noticed that's been coming off are the two armor panels that go on the chest. Personally, I find the armored mode to be more of a bonus/ display piece because all of that armor really restricts the articulation. With that being said, the base figure is outstanding. It's incredibly articulated and all of those sliding leg pieces is quite a feat of engineering although a tad unnecessary. Furthermore, I love that this guy comes with a ton of weapons and all of them are fully painted! I think the bottom line, however, is that this riobot is more of a display piece that will look great on the stand and can pose like there's no tomorrow. I like it! But I don't $100 shipped like it. I just wish this guy used some denser, heavier feeling plastic and possibly take back like 2,000 yen in price. Anyways, that was my two cents.
  23. Hmm I don't remember seeing any of the enemy mecha at any of the hobby shows that Alter attended and I think Alter has been teasing he M9 release for a couple of years now. However, the more I look at this piece and see how many weapons it comes with, I'm curious to try this figure out. Maybe.
  24. While I think the sculpt and accessories look really sharp, the price tag is just too high. To be honest I would stick with the robot damashiis because with each new release the articulation and detail is getting better and better. Furthermore, it looks like Bandai is making the full cast of FMP mechas in the robot damashii line. If Alter's version was 7 or 8 inches tall with a metal frame I would totally eat this up. For now this figure just looks like a slightly taller, slightly more detailed, and slightly more gimmicky RD.
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