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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Whelp that's it for macross, maybe that muv luv thing could tide me over.
  2. I got to the add to cart button to only be told they were already sold out. Oh well.
  3. I ordered an RD Eypon and Tallgeese I from amazon and should be coming tomorrow. If these guys impress me as much previous RD figures I'm in for the entire gundam wing RDs.
  4. Really no foolin? If so awesome! Oh wait it will sell out in 5 seconds. I want my full skull squadron.
  5. You did the right thing by preordering Exia. Now I hope Kshatriya will be a mass release and be reasonably priced. Which reminds me, I should track down some of the RD zulus and maybe Angelo's custom one too.
  6. Reviews of Metal Build Exia. My short response: Damn Purty. Sadly I have to wait until US retailers get theirs. For now I must drool at the galleries. http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/51871105.html http://blog-imgs-52-origin.fc2.com/a/r/m/armedattack/130323a.html http://schizophonic9.com/re3/metal_exia.html Speaking of RD Kshatriya here's some actual pics of it.
  7. Three Zero is 3A,but without Ashley Wood. From the pictures it looks like this was one of Okawara's original designs, but this project seems to be in the same vane as that 3A x bandai Zaku from last year. As for this figure I like the design much much more than that thing Ashley Wood called a Zaku. This design is down right evil, although I'm still getting used to the face and I'm not sure I like the hip placement and awkward looking knees. Some interesting tidbits from the lineart/ CAD art was that it showed an opening cockpit with a small figure being able to fit inside it, now I don't know if that's just concept art or a real function of the toy. Truth be told this will be without a doubt expensive as hell, but quite interesting to look at.
  8. Sentinel is going to be making mospeada related items? I love their gurren lagann figure, I'm excited to see what they do. Seriously, the prototype was shown with some of their very first projects. Release the damn thing already!
  9. I would suggest you pick it up when you have some spare cash. BBTS still has like 128 of them, so I think you have a bit of time to save up. Two weeks ago when I went to F &S iron monger was going for $480. Now some pics to wet the appetite even further.
  10. I got my VF-4 today after the two week customs hell. No problems here, just the missiles shooting off everywhere. Just beautiful. Hmmm after receiving some packages from NY, they really love to reuse boxes and very horribly attempt to tape them back together. The box my 171 came in looked like the front lid was left completely open and then masses of tape was strung around it even though if they just closed it together like a normal box it would have been fine. :confused: And after looking at my VF-4's shipping box NY paid 3,600 yen to ship it which is about $40, and I paid $57 for shipping. I knew NY was overcharging.
  11. I can attest for Maketoys Giant and I would say he is quite sturdy enough for an adult collector, but maybe not for an eight year old. The plastic quality has an excellent matte finish, and feels very hard, not brittle and not crumbly. In fact, giant's plastic feels a lot better than the main line toys hasbro is putting out. Giant is filled with satisfying clicky joints to bear the weight of his limbs and there's no slack in between the clicks. However, when transforming each constructicon follow the directions carefully, as there are some parts that could be prone to breakage if handled incorrectly. So far, I've put my giant through some man-handling and I don't see a single stress mark. Although if you do buy him don't use the little grey bar that connects not-hook's two halves together to make the chest or that could cause stress marks on the opposite hinge. Anywho he comes in a nice box and he makes a kickass devastator.
  12. I haven't gotten mine yet so will see..... Somehow my SAL shipment of my 171 armor parts came to me before my EMS VF-4. Oh LA customs JUST LET MY VALKYRIE PASS! So I got off the phone with one of the stations that receives items from LA customs and they told me my package is most likely in one of the 25 trailers that customs hasn't inspected yet. So I guess that explains the hold up. The nice representative told me to call back on Tuesday if I don't get it Monday. The waiting continues.
  13. My VF-4 is probably sitting in the same batch as each of yours. EMS has failed us. I think this is the longest customs has held any of my packages ever.
  14. Ditto. Actually I think I spent a bit more on shipping when the dollar wasn't as strong. I should of canceled from NY when I had the chance and go with HLJ, get it quicker and pay $20 less.
  15. I expected this for SAL packages,but not for EMS. I hope mine clears sometime this week.
  16. Yup I'm in the same camp as the rest of you guys.
  17. NY charged me $60 for EMS to California and yes I think that's $20 too high.
  18. I looked at my account and my order was ready to pay at the lower $309 price tag. However shipping was still $57.00 I really hope when NY gets this thing in they'll realize they're over charging on shipping.
  19. SuperHobo

    DX VF-25G

    Thanks for the link! Order placed!
  20. Okay my 29 is sold and I hope she's treated with a lot of TLC.
  21. If anyone's interested, I have an MIB YF-29 anniversary edition I'm willing to let go for $260 shipped. PM me if interested or with offers. Here's a pic of mine.
  22. On a more positive note, why isn't anyone discussing the new HT battle damaged T-800? Two awesome head sculpts that look pretty damn close to Arnold to me and one of them has a led red eye! Not to mention, the spare BD jacket, BD arm, hands, guns, hell he even comes with the pole that he used to dislodge his left arm for the gears in the factory. And the icing on the cake is that liquid T-1000 statue he could fight with. So much win in one set..........for $290. Ok so the price isn't so positive, but heck a BD T2 T-800 from hot toys is no longer a dream and his release is half a year (without any delays) from now so there's plenty of time to save up.
  23. Is NY not willing to lower the EMS rate? If that's the case I'll cancel too.
  24. I originally sold my YF-29, but I kind of want to just own this mold so thank you hlj. I like the colors on this one too.
  25. I believe medicom's new Eva's will be about 39cm or about 15.35 inches tall. Pretty huge if you ask me. I have to say Unit 02 is really calling for me, but I'd like to some reviews before I ever buy a medicom piece.
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