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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. I think I got one from HLJ, but still waiting on confirmation.
  2. HLJ has the rest of the bandai preorders up except freedom and the hi metal?
  3. Wow, I never saw HLJ get 504'd before........
  4. Damn I would go with CD Japan but I don't have the cash for this guy right now. Damn HLJ slowed the hell down.
  5. Good luck to everyone tonight. Watch out for HLJ they may put up orders earlier than everyone else. Our freedom to strike down on preorders is our duty.
  6. Latest episode of Sidonia S2 was the best episode this season and possibly the series as a whole. All of the amazing camera angles, direction, action and soundtrack blew me away. I need a season 3 announcement soon.
  7. Arslan is one of those cases where good story can keep this anime afloat despite having constant off model character art and choppy animation. I wish this show was given to Bones or some other studio who could elevate this show to greater levels.
  8. Bandai sure loves showing this 19 in the same pose. I wonder if that prototype is permanently glued in place.
  9. I'm not sure how much of the manga this season will cover, but right now the manga is firing on all cylinders.
  10. I'm surprised we haven't seen more magazine pictures of the 19. I'm very curious of how Bandai changed the 19's transformation.
  11. The second cour of Fate for me has been very good until about episode 16 or 17 where the story just slows down to a crawl. I'm actually finding myself bored while watching this series now and that really should not be happening. Today's episode was supposed to be the big climax, but man there's more monologues about being a hero. Ufotable is now dragging this arc out for another episode.... good grief. I used to like Archer's character, but now I just find him to be a whiny prick with "muh ideals" being a mistake. Honestly, character arcs or not, Shirou and Archer please just shut up and fight already! Okay Fate rant over.
  12. If strike freedom is done by the same designer as the MB Destiny, then I'm sure we will be in for a treat. Initially I didn't want this, but the tease of the redesign has me interested.
  13. It does pick up soon....., but I must say it gets weirder and weirder with every chapter in the manga. Although it's not boring that's for sure.
  14. I put in an order at NY for the hulkbuster too. He's going to cost as much as the Hot Toys Diecast Mark III I have on order. At least Veronica doesn't come out until January.
  15. I'm still holding out for lazengann......, but I'm not holding my breath. I would buy Dancouga if he was around the $200 price range. Sale here I come!!!
  16. Season 1 was a fun and self-aware love letter to gundam fans that was much better than it had any right to be. I was pleasantly surprised by the animation quality and how fun the characters were in season 1. Season 2 on the other hand, still feels like the cash grab of season 1, but without the extra polish. I kind of feel season 2 is a generic kids show, but with gundams.
  17. If you scroll through some of the pictures it shows that it is possible for the angry head to just show the white of his eyes. Nice nod to the manga art there.
  18. YES got one from HLJ!!!! Now to sit back and watch the flames.
  19. Stupid Bandai. Just when I thought I was out they just keep pulling me back in.
  20. Oh Really? I like it......the VF-19 anyways.
  21. And since the hulkbuster is so big you can use him as a drinking buddy or a wingman! Hey ladies meet my friend buster.
  22. Seriously, at 37,800 yen not only will this be the most expensive variable action hi spec figure from megahouse, but it will probably be the worst selling figure for them ever at that price. This thing costs almost as much as the VF-0D!
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