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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Something I thought was interesting was that some of the panel lines were inked in on the Nexx. Looking back at some of the files and art for the VF-2SS some of the panel lines were more distinct and stood out among other details on the valkyrie. Could ET be trying to replicate this look?
  2. In less than a few weeks we will see if Evolution Toys has what it takes to make a complex transforming valkyrie toy. If this is what they are calling their "Premium Action Line" then I hope it can somewhat live up to its name. The CM's legioss and tread were at least made of good materials.....they just had an absolute disregard for locking tabs. Shake the legioss in fighter mode and parts started to unravel. I hope Evolution Toys made this piece just poseable enough to pull off the pose from the opening. There will be no ab crunch for sure, but I could go for some splayed out head lasers. I can dream....
  3. I'm down for a new Voltron series that's well produced and has a good story.
  4. Awww come on..... dammit I had a feeling Hobby Search was going to drop the price, but I guess I wanted sleep more.
  5. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    Man good on Bandai for keeping this Hi-Metal line going. Bringing back designs that have not gotten new toys in years. I'm not picking up every piece, but I'll be cherry picking some stuff from this line.
  6. Man we live in a weird world where three different companies are making transforming Garland toys and one of them is the E-X Garland from part 3. Madness I tell you!
  7. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    25,000 yen? That's a spicy monster. Not unexpected, but hey it's the first monster toy from SDF since the original 80s toys?
  8. I hope those markings are tampo prints. If Nexx comes out this summer I'll have time to save.
  9. SO delicious. So bulky yum. I've been waiting 8 years for this armor.
  10. Yup that's exactly it.
  11. Okay just saw the pictures of Battle 7 and I'm sad it's not a full scale toy.
  12. Reactive armor looks good and now I need save some money for an 0S. I swore off Arcadia, but this is my favorite armor pack. AND WAIT a Battle 7 prototype or just pictures?
  13. Awesome I always wanted to slap some mosaic armor on the 0S. Pixelated and blurred for your and her pleasure.
  14. The art on this poster is fantastic! Mirage is looking quite delicious in that pilot suit. mmmmhhhmmm
  15. I wouldn't mind becoming one of Arcadia's toy testers. I'll figure out what parts get paint chipping, where plastic isn't thick enough, joints not being tight enough. If I see one stress mark it needs to go back for revision!
  16. Interesting, I wonder how well that gimmick will hold up over time. I wish they implemented the pull down gimmick from SOC Gaogaigar that locked in place when pulled down and included and extra latch to keep it there.
  17. I just want Renato as Optimus Prime giving us reviews of each delta episode.
  18. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    Excellent, one of the few hi metal figures I've wanted.
  19. Well this looks interesting. I still would have preferred an Attack on Titan season 2 date announcement, but this will could be interesting for now. The Mikimoto designs and Sawano music has me almost sold. I just hope it isn't an attack on titan clone and it does something different.
  20. Heh and some of you said it wouldn't be possible to get MB strike freedom before Thanksgiving. Congrats to you all. I on the other hand did not pay fast enough! HLJ shipping notice coming soon! They're double checking my order.
  21. If this release is solid and there are very little issues to report I think I'll buy the version with the SAP. I'm glad they painted the pilot and added a few more paint apps here and there.
  22. Come on sweet sweet payment request. Give my money some freedom!
  23. Bandai milking the fans there. I would have liked to have those stands for the dragoons to come with the actual release of the toy. Whatever I can do without this add-on.
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