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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. I got my VF-0S yesterday and I've been playing around with him and everything is wonderful so far. This the first Arcadia valkyrie I got where everything actually works like it should and it's about damn time.
  2. Thanks for the warnings. I will remove the clear canopy when going to battroid mode.
  3. Is paint transferring to the clear canopy? OR is the metal pin on the heat shield causing scratches to the canopy like on the 0A?
  4. So guys my VF-0S should be on its way this week. Is there anything I need to look out for? Zero reports of hips exploding off right? The hips can be angled outward without them popping off? There's few painted areas to worry about chipping? Can I transform the 0S freely without having to put masking tape on something to prevent paint chipping?
  5. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine from HLJ! https://secure.hlj.com/product/BANN05211/Act
  6. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    I like how amiami's listing calls it the "Destroyed Monster" , I mean sure the destroids usually blew up, but the Monster was never really shown being blown up.
  7. I've been tracking the 0S for this month and it has been interesting. Amiami has it on back order for 31,200 yen, CD Japan is sold out, Hobby search put it on sale for 24,000 yen and is sold out, AE is sold out, NY has raised the price twice and is now 36,800 yen and HLJ is remaining firm at 34,800 yen. It is possible if stock does not move HLJ will put it on sale and or Amiami may have it for a little while at the original price.
  8. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    For 25,000 yen it looks like Bandai brought their A-game and they brought the heat with all of those gimmicks. This could be the best SDF Monster for quite some time as long as the joints are well engineered.
  9. I had the GFFMC unicorn with the green psycho frame since last July and it still seems okay. Does anyone know if that one yellows too? Wait and by blue one do you mean the Banshee? That yellows too?
  10. I'm more of a battroid mode guy so hearing it locks together well in B and G mode is good to my ears. Hopefully Nexx time ET can get the tolerances right for all of three modes and have the manufacturing down pat.
  11. Neat ET painted in the cockpit display from the opening. I can hear the op song now.
  12. Having the large shoulder blocks attaching to the back is a smart decision. If they released a bundle set that would be one pricey ass set.....that would work for me better since I don't have an 0S yet.
  13. Here's a review of a production copy: http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12130602328.html
  14. Awww so no extra tampo printing? Boooooo All of the extra markings on from the Wonderfest photos were just stickers after all. That is a shame.
  15. That older review made me almost press the panic button. Almost.
  16. SuperHobo

    Hi-Metal R

    What is this a Daedalus for ants?
  17. Hulkbuster is due out next month and boy that's going to be a big hit to the wallet. However, this will be the crown jewel of the Re:edit line for me.
  18. Huh that's odd. NY states it should be coming in on the 18th.
  19. The release for Silvie's should be this week. The final countdown begins.
  20. Okay, I see your right. For some reason I remember the Silvie 2SS at WF not having the improvements. I must be thinking of something else then.
  21. The interesting part is that this sample for Silvie's valkyrie is different than the one they showed at Wonderfest. The wonderfest sample was missing a lot of key paint details like the neck still being cast in white plastic, no markings on the shoulder etc. Evolution Toys show us the final product for Silvie's 2SS already!
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