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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. I hope of non-scale means a good robust size. I tired all of these small legioss toys.
  2. You're probably right, but if this is the same person who worked on the CMS legioss, I'm hoping the engineer has gone back and overhauled all of the weirdness of the CMS version and added more locking tabs to the whole thing. The VF-2SS has better approaches in engineering than the CMS legioss, so maybe we will see another leap of improvements.
  3. Will Evolution Toys finally be the company who cracks the code to a modern legioss? Will the 1/35 Gakken finally be beat? Please, please please be good.
  4. Of course it will separate and combine. This is the Soul of Chogokin line where it hosts mostly large combining super robots. You might be thinking of the Super Robot chogokin line which is much smaller and nontransformable.
  5. @muzaffar Episode 1 can be jarring for sure, but I think the series has gotten better and better with each episode. Just keep an open mind and it will grow on you. Back to toys! The fast pack armor that cover intakes better be dead solid this time around. I want to be able to look at it without them falling off.
  6. Don't worry the tamashii exclusive will have a canopy cover that comes with a special splattered coating. .................................................
  7. I'm thinking of doing the same. Kawamori hasn't been to AX since 2002, so I can't let this go moment go. I just hope I don't miss JAM project, Eir Aoi or TM Revolution during the concert. All of the rest I can skip.
  8. Getting In and Out or subbing anime? I would get the In and Out too. I still hope they can get the episode out today.
  9. While we wait for preorders, here's a larger image of Hayate's VF-31 and in a different pose!
  10. Boy oh boy, I do hope that poster is fake. Is that the Satelight logo I see on the bottom right corner? Satelight can't be okay with this. "Help Us Create"...... I'm sure Big West would like to setup a meeting.
  11. Here's a link for the steps to get an autograph: http://www.anime-expo.org/how-to-get-an-autograph/ If the autograph line didn't get crowded around 4-5am I would go, but forget that.
  12. I'm going to say to get a decent seat you should start lining up 1-2 hours in advanced. 3 hours if you want an even better seat.
  13. The schedule is up! And Kawamori's panel is on Saturday July 2nd at 7:30pm. This blows for me because the main concert I'm going to starts at 7pm.
  14. That is a damn good price for the VF-4! If you haven't picked one up now is the time!
  15. Finished season 1 and I say it's a pretty decent start. CG animation is better than expected and the 2D animation is consistent and for the most part pretty fluid. There's still some still frames here and there, but nothing too bad. Even though, it's an homage to the original I kind of wish they didn't have the stock footage of Voltron combining all the time or at least change the backgrounds. It's a little weird seeing galaxies behind Voltron while being in a desert. However, if there is one thing they need to improve it's the music. It's not as bad as the rap in Voltron Force, but the music for the most part aside from one 80s sounding track is pretty bland and forgettable.
  16. Yes yes find Delta 05 bland and repulsive. Make preorder day easier for me. Do it!
  17. YES! Hayate and Freyja taking the top spots in the Newtype polls is great! As long as I don't see Kira and Athrun on their ever again we're good.
  18. So I guess I'll be dancing in December with Haya Haya's VF-31!
  19. The schedule isn't up yet, but should be within the next few weeks when they have all of their guests finalized. I'll be attending AX on Saturday so hopefully his panel will be on that day. I would love to get some valkyries signed by him, but I fear the line to get into the line for the autographs will be beyond ridiculous.
  20. While I haven't seen ep 9 yet, for eight straight episodes they have been pretty good about not reusing animation. I've recently rewatched frontier and there is ALOT of reused valkyrie and vajra footage in there, especially in the second half of the show. If a little reused animation appears in Delta I'm okay with it as long as it's not the same exact frame. As long as it never reaches M7 levels of recycled animation were still good.
  21. I was also expecting a June 1st preorder, but instead we get a rehash of the VF-1J HMR. Bandai clearly has glamour photos ready so what's the hold up?
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