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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Maybe I'll give them a bit more slow and even force later to get them moving. If it involved the amount of force I took to get the Riobot legioss shoulders to move....... my fingers will get a real workout. Yes indeed! Got to have fun with your toys no matter the price of admission.
  2. The kiki joint tightener has brought new life to some of my armor plus tekkamen! I still think Bandai nailed the proportions on the Blaster Tekkaman Blade.
  3. And now to get the thread back on topic! I've gotten to mess around with my copy of the PF VF-0D. It's a beauty and the most I have ever paid for one valkyrie. I will most likely not ever pay this much for one valk again, but this is a great one to go out on. No major QC issues to report. Some minor problems like the ankles just won't budge going backwards for gerwalk poses and there's a few small paint blemishes in a few areas. Everything else, works as intended and it's damn nice to finally have the 0D in the right colors. The color of the fingers and wrists are also a different color and I hope they're made out of a slightly different plastic that doesn't crack like the Arcadia 0S, 0D and probably 0A's hands. I really like that Arcadia even added some subtle weathering to the gun pod as well as the feet. All around, a worthy piece for the premium finish line.
  4. Yeah it's kind of bummer. It makes sense though because the company wants to make officially licensed products so they can't be stepping on anyone's toes.
  5. Its a shame Nicee doesn't come with the Arcee head anymore. Maybe it will come out as an add-on kit by another company one of these days.
  6. Nice! I'm glad these are back in stock. I ordered a bottle and can't wait to use it.
  7. I made the executive decision to buy the last one. This might be a great final macross addition to the collection before the year ends.
  8. The nose cone locks into the back of solider mode pretty well. You do have to give it a good push, but will make a nice click when it's all the way in.
  9. I found once I jammed in the intake covers a little harder in their cavities and they never fell out again.
  10. Was messing with the sentinel legioss more and found out you can lock in the nose cone in solider mode much more solidly if you give it a good push it actually clicks into place! While I would have liked the wings to also tab in somewhere, the nosecone not flopping about really helps solidify solider mode.
  11. Ahhhhh the temptation could be back. AUUGHHHHHHHH
  12. Ah good, my temptation is gone and the 10% off coupon almost pushed me to commit.
  13. I added matte varnish to the ankle joints and I would say the left ankle joint is exactly the joint tightness I desire now. However, the right ankle still needs a little more help so I'm going to add another coat and check it out again in a few days.
  14. After playing with the legioss a bit more: Some changes I'm hoping to see on future releases: -Better tension on the ankle joints -Less tension on the shoulder joints -Pins going through the wings -Make the entire assembly of the landing gear metal except the tires -Include a fixed posed well-painted pilot OR change the materials and tolerances on the pose-able one -Mold the medial side of the forearm in white plastic over painting it white -Make the groove for the gun and handle bigger so the peg can and hole can really get tight. (hmmm that sounds kind of dirty) Wishful Thinking: -Add tabs to the wings to plug into the nose cone in solider mode -Add a clip to tab the nosecone into the chest / back area of solider mode. -Revise the hip design slightly so one side doesn't easily rotate too far back and become difficult to rotate it back. -Add tabs to those grey panels that slide back to the back in solider mode.
  15. See, this man gets it. No foul play going on here.
  16. Alright long thoughts post is here with pictures. My take on Sentinel's Legioss: Overall, this a really good looking and almost a great legioss. Sentinel needs to fine-tune some things here and there. As it is it's a good to very good legioss that some has issues. It's not a disaster like ETs or toynamis and it is well above the CMs. Pros: -It's goddamn gorgeous. The sculpt is pretty much everything I ever wanted. -Lots of locking mechanisms for fighter mode. Pretty solid once you get everything tabbed in. -Plenty of tampo printing even more than the CMs -Articulation is great but the tolerances need to be adjusted! The okay: -The nosecone does soft-lock into the back, but can get knocked when posing. -Shoulders are too tight, but they get more usable once you move it back and forth a bit. - There is a tab in the palm of the hand and it kind of works. He holds the gun for the most part, but the hole needed to be deeper in the gun. -The pilot figure feels fragile, but mine has stayed in one piece (thank jebus) Cons: -Why oh why Sentinel did you not make the WHOLE landing gear assembly metal. -Ankles aren't super loose on mine, but they should be tighter. I'll bust out the matte varnish on these ball joints. -Pilot figure feels gummy. -The wings should have been pinned! Hopefully they do this on future releases. For anyone with the mis-matched hips, try to hold the legs and try to rotate it using the whole leg if that makes sense. My left hip was off-center then it rolled all the way back and while it was a pain in the ass to get it back I got it back.
  17. First in-hand shots!
  18. Sorry, I fixed it. Sometimes I forget this forum shows the whole set of pics in its entirety when you quote it.
  19. Thank goodness, someone finally took a photo of fighter mode without the damn missile pod in the center.
  20. TREX the designer claimed the shoulder joint is indeed metal. The painted grey makes it looks like plastic. I imagine the paint on the metal is making the joint tighter than it needs to be.... probably should have been toleranced better at the factory.
  21. You can do it Shawn. Believe in yourself! It still doesn't look as bad as the Beagle 1/10 ride armor. That thing took me a solid hour to transform the first time.
  22. I've read a few reports about the ankles being kind of loose. It looks like there are two screws around the ankle joint so maybe you can tighten those. That and the main just is a ball joint so I can imagine you can add some super glue or varnish in there to make it tighter.
  23. Is this a good enough A stance? It does indeed have an ab-crunch
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