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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Normally Gundam OVAs are some of my favorite parts of the franchise, but Origin has been a complete snoozefest for me. The Origin is trying to make me care for these characters, but some of their dialogue and overly bombastic character animation ruins some otherwise more serious or touching scenes. These are late 70s characters and there was bound to be some funkyness to them, but it's a bit much for me. As for as Build Fighters is concerned, I liked the first season and it showed some interesting story concepts that went beyond just being a 24 min toy commercial. The first season had a lot of heart and much better animation than it had any right to have. They could have gone further into Reiji's world with a true sequel, instead we got Try and that was just rehashing the first season. I'll wait and see with Build Divers.
  2. I think it airs on Japanese television on the 4th of April. Raws are out, now will someone sub it in English? Or we can wait until September when Netflix gets it in the US.
  3. I'd buy it in a heartbeat along with the remolds. And then some 3rd party company can be the real "winner" by making a GP02A.
  4. Man, the more I look at the visor the more it annoys me. On the prototype photos, the lines looked like they were behind the visor, but now they're protruding off the visor and it looks kind of awful the more I look at it.
  5. Looking real good there. Materials and finish look much stronger than the old beagle release.
  6. Now that you mention it, the latter 1/3 of the movie did vaguely remind me of Dr. Saotome's plan from Shin Getter Robo. Hot damn, good catch.
  7. I'll give it a try. Nothing can be worse than Nobunaga the Fool. I have not forgiven Kawamori for that rancid pile of dung.
  8. I came back from it and yes I paid for it. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. The final confrontation was actually more satisfying than the first move. The first movie, it was hard to tell what was going in the dark underwater scene. In Uprising, everything is crisp and you can see everything going on, but it does lack some of the direction that made the first one pop more. Is the movie perfect, no. The first 20 minutes I was very disinterested with what was going on screen, but as the movie progressed I enjoyed it more. The main female protagonist Namali, kind of reminds me of Noa from Patlabor, but I'm not sure if her acting skills were enough to convince me she was a mecha nerd. The China pandering didn't bother me much, and I'm Chinese. People make it out to be worse than it really is. I mean, this is supposed to be a worldwide effort to save humanity and China got pretty shafted in the first movie.
  9. Box picture and the colored Stiq is a sample from the factory. So things are coming along.
  10. I would say their build quality standards are pretty high, but as far as delays it could vary. It could be as Jenius pointed out, another toy took the factory's priority. If Sentinel found something major, I would be very happy they caught it before going out. As long as the product comes out beautifully, I'm sure most of us are willing to wait.
  11. I've been collecting Sentinel's Riobot line since their first release which was the delphine from broken blade and generally the riobot line has been very good to excellent quality. Paint jobs and molding have usually been top notch. Joint tolerances have also most of the time been on point, but looseness here and there can happen like any other toyline. I would say where Sentinel's products usually aren't the greatest or have durability issues is in their transforming figures such as Dancouga, where some folks had shoulder breakages or the kind of lackluster engineering on the dino getter robos. Their transforming metal gear V rex on the other than hand was excellent! While the ride armor is transforming, this is done by T-REX and honestly looks like much of the engineering has been carried over from the Beagle 1/10 release so I would say it is safe to preorder, but crap can always happen during production. And it looks like they're using good ol' stretchy red fabric and not that painted red over white cloth BS that Beagle originally did.
  12. A black repaint could be pretty wicked. Hopefully Sentinel does not make it a hard to get con-exclusive.
  13. I got my copy of Riobot Shin Getter Robo last week and he's pretty awesome. I would say I like him a bit more than the Riobot Mazinkaiser. Tight joints, nothing floppy. No torso falling off on my copy. He's pricey, but definitely one the slickest looking representations of Shin Getter Robo.
  14. Bird mode is actually decent and I think he would fly well with Raideen.
  15. I would not be too worried. From some inside sources, preorders are selling well for Sentinel. It can't be any worse than Fewture's EX gokin Garland which appears at every wonderfest, as the same painted resin prototype and they keep pushing the release date back.
  16. With Sentinel products, you will usually see a pictorial review on Sentinel's blog a day before on release day. The rest of any info / pics will be in the wild.
  17. Thanks! I try to keep fiery passion for toy collecting alive.
  18. Weapon storage is always a neat feature. Did Katoki ever draw out where those buster rifles were supposed to hangout? I guess you could store them on the shield?
  19. I haven't taken out the F91 for a while. Time to fix that with some UC vs. After Colony action.
  20. The SOC is much better. The Neca is impressive in size only.
  21. It reminds me of the 00 Movie, where eventually the screen was entirely pink lasers going everywhere. Back to Wing Zero, I just noticed there's additional pale gray bits painted on the underside of some of the feathers.
  22. Oh man, can you imagine Heero spinning around firing his twin buster rifles and using funnels?
  23. Those support brackets might come in handy if or when the joints start loosening up. I haven't used the zwerg parts yet, a bit too much excess for my taste and I usually like excess.
  24. Been playing with Gypsy Danger for a few days, definitely heavier than expected. Definitely, the best gypsy danger toy so far. Good: - Lots of metal - Awesome lights - Tons of detail - Good size Bad: - Articulation limited in some areas (like the head and waist) - No ratchet joints -Arm armor is fiddly and cannon armor pops off a lot.
  25. I still haven't transformed him yet, but I don't want to take him out of this pose. Old HG kit couldn't hold the rifles worth a damn. GFFMC new hotness does it with ease.
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