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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Ummm WTF just happened? What was the point of even having a countdown?
  2. For those who have Ray, does he feel any different in terms of build quality than Stig?
  3. Typical NY and their high shipping costs, but it's still like $30 cheaper than HLJ.
  4. If I could like this comment a 100 times, I would.
  5. I agree with point one, the animation is fine for a TV show, but it's not a good as TSR. Definitely better than Gonzo's adaptation. 13 years later anime productions have changed and sadly kyoAni will never do mecha anime again unless you count Violet Evergarden's arms. I disagree, that Chidori's characterization is off, I think it's more a culmination of all of these recent events in this season that are making are her feel really uncomfortable. Crazy Leonard appearing back in her apartment, the school becoming an actual war-zone and even Sousuke's surprise hand holding are all giving her different points of mental stress. Even the crap she went through in TSR is carrying over to how she feels now. Her safe zone is now more gone than ever so I can understand the way she's being characterized right now. Chidori's and Sousuke's conversation at the end of episode 3 was supposed to be awkward, they're both teenagers in love and they're both terrible at communicating their feelings for each other. I think you might feel the characters feel more generic because we haven't gotten a lot of character hijinks this season that past seasons have offered or it could be that these characters are a bit dated for the time (13 years later and all). Either way, it's a miracle IV even happened and while it's not perfect, I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
  6. Sousuke: Al what's wrong? Al: Sergeant I'm not feeling so good.
  7. I think a good transforming modern legioss is totally feasible, but the companies (toynami & evolution toys/ CMS) with the worst track records in design and QC have been the ones to take on the legioss. We just need a first rate company to take a stab at it.
  8. 3rd Party Legioss in the future? Yes Please! None of these official companies can do it right and the good official companies aren't getting the Mospeada license.
  9. Your pics are dangerous! Stop fanning those hot cinnamon rolls at me!
  10. I just sold some stuff and this premium release is kind of tempting. I think it looks best in cruiser mode to show off all of the painted details. Maybe I'll just leave the Yamato release in attack mode.
  11. Well, hot damn they included the arm cannon, now I need it.......
  12. Sadly the figma announcement was just a placeholder card with an illustration. I pray a prototype will be shown at summer wonderfest.
  13. Ah yes the return of the drunk octopus transformation. I'm going to have to take my sweet time with this one just like the Beagle.
  14. Well, it's not Sentinel, but Figma / Freeing are currently working on a new priss with motoslave. Hopefully we see a prototype next Wonderfest.
  15. Yikes, I haven't watched the episodes yet, but I was hoping the story would be improving after some missteps.
  16. True, and after zooming in on some of the blog pictures it I can see the empty slots on the main cannons. It's not a deal breaker for anyone picking this up, but it would have been nice for the price.
  17. The detail looks great for sure. I remember the Yamato release had you finish the product with parts on a plastic runner, I hope this premium one has already done it for the buyer.
  18. It would very interesting to see to see how both of these fair given it's the first garlands fewture and freeing have made. It would be great just to see the fewture one released.
  19. Amazing pictures man! What kind of paint thinner did you use? I'm glad to hear the visor is easily removable.
  20. Thanks for your impressions! Maybe a little floor polish on those ball joints can help those pieces have a little more friction and stay on.
  21. Most of us just had ours shipped. Take your time and let us know what you think.
  22. Size wise, he's looking good. A little taller than a kamen rider s.h. figuart and he should be even taller once his legs are extended for armor mode.
  23. I saw some in-hand pics via twitter and it looks like the super visible visor lines are here to stay. Hopefully, a 3rd party visor will become available.
  24. For those of you who wanted a blu-ray release of 2199, your prayers have been answered. https://www.funimation.com/shop/home-video/star-blazers-space-battleship-yamato-2199-part-one-combo-le-bld-00735/
  25. Origin is another gundam show that I really want to like because I enjoyed the original 0079 series and getting more meat to our characters sounds like it would be very interesting to me, but it's leaving me lukewarm. It could also be that that the direction is lacking that snappy punch I like to see in other gundam shows.
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