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About Shishigami

  • Birthday 12/07/1987

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. In my opinion the best looking valk from M+. Has it been confirmed on denied as to whether it’s going to be made in the 1/60 scale. I am on a quest to have a complete M+ lineup and I would be heartbroken if they skipped over the best looking one.
  2. I wonder if the yf-21 will come with the two gunpods, Or will they hold off and ship them with the FAST pack version? I know for one thing is that i am not going to be suckerd into buying the first release like I did with the 19
  3. Looook at whaatt I havee created!!! Muhahahaha
  4. OH I GOT IT !!!! AHHAHAHAH I GOT IT.. THE darker gray tab that connects to the shoulder can be pulled out>. THanks dude,, man i feel stupid!
  5. HOW do u reposition it? I am sorry to come off as a idoit but i cant do this for the life of me. THe dark tab that comes down gets in $@%*en way no matter what i do. STep by step insturctions PLZLLZ !
  6. I am talking in fighter mode. First, I dont know how or what that little gray thing that comes down does, yet the insctructions say to put it down. THats where i am having trouble. Second, I would like to know how many "clicks" I should move the joints to apply the parts. IN the instructions it shows that you click part of the leg down and click the other part up. Any help would be great. lance
  7. Yea I am back... Can someone give me step by step instructions on how to get the shoulder parts on to the fighter.
  8. I know in the real world FAST packs are fuel tanks that conform to the ship thus eliminating drag and freeing hard ports. My questions are 1) I thought Valks used Thermo Nuclear Engines, thus they wouldn’t need fuel... 2) What purpose does those gray things on the shoulders of the 19 server? They seem to get in the way of the shoulder thrusters without providing any benefit, except that the look pretty cool
  9. But damn IF he doesnt look brolic as hell in battroid mode.. A true wonder to look at.
  10. Can someone tell me if the yf-19/fold pack set sticks together better than the yf-19 and fold pack bought seperately? I am just curious, cause I too bought the yf-19 first. I am kinda disappointed in how un cosmetic the FAST packs make the 19 look in fighter mode, especially from a top down view. I was wonderig the the 19 with the fold and fast included looked a lil better.
  11. OIC... nice. Has anyone here added a bit to the GunPod to make it strait like that.. I dont have a list of materials i need so correct me if I am wrong hot glue-- i exacto knife plastic ruler Does the gun look funny with that peice of plastic on it?? and Does the battroid still hold it correctly? thanks lance
  12. Hey i just sighned up because I recently purchased a yamato 1/60 yf-19 but ofcourse i didnt research enough and i Didnt get the one with the fold/fast pack included. I love my toy(no stress marks yet) But i cant stand the crooked gun pod. So my question is.. Is there a qucik easy fix to this.. or if not, If i where to buy a set of replacement arms, would that fix the problem. I am not a fan of speninding 30+ dollars on a fix, but i will if have to. THanks lance
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