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Everything posted by NERV

  1. or is there any color at all? its just how our eyes interpert the light reflected off different objects, but the object isnt a color, thats why things turn B&W in darker conditions, the only colored thing is the light itself.
  2. that is just horrific, and why the hell is the rider in a bikini instead of combat clothing?
  3. Anime is the French word for "animated." The Japanese also use it to describe animation in general. Thinking you can categorize such a huge genre into a simple "style" definition is preposterous at best; the purpose of an artist is to make art, under his own steam, under his own imagination, which I think Isamu has done well. You are correct in saying the respective styles of western and eastern artists vary, but it is more appropriate to distinguish styles through their respective creators, rather than lumping them into a pretty stereotypical definition. (I'm very opinionated on this subject. Can you tell? ) how is it stereotypical? it is the accepted term you goto any store that sells anime and the section will most likely be labeled 'anime' and it will be 99.9% japanese animation and anime is distinctly different from american animation so why say that it's improper useage? might as well stop calling american movies 'hollywood movies' since they arent all filme din hollywood
  4. custom bumblebee
  5. Somebody thought he could "redo" this pic back in 97 or 98 and not could call on it. Other than one website [been gone for five yrs. now] who check out whether comic artists had plagierize other artists, I haven't heard anything of the aftermath. got the 'redone' pic?
  6. well if it was up and at angle it should appear thicker, but it also appears to be thinner than than the thigh behind it
  7. note how the thigh closer to the viewer is significantly shorter than the one behind it, more shitty proportion
  8. when they say teen titan they better mean eightteen or nineteen, otherwis ei tihnk starfire woudl classify as underage porn
  9. ha, i cant believ ei forget the name, almost smacked myself when u said it, i havent seen it in over 10 years but if i remeber right it was pretty not bad
  10. i saw a movie awhile back, it was animated, it was about dinosaurs, i tihnk they were brought to modern day with a time machine, there was some evil circus owner with a crow and a false eye, there was something that made the dinosaurs friendly but there was also somethign else that made them aggresive, i cant rmeber the name of the movie, i thoguht it was just called "dinosaurs" but it didnt come up on imdb or any search engine
  11. Vin Diesel is banned by law from speaking in public because his voice sets off car alarms. Vin Diesel is actually a black man suffering from the same skin condition as Michael Jackson. Vin Diesel is the illegitimate child of Bruce Lee and Coco the gorilla. Vin Diesel stole Uncle Ben's rice and forced it down the throat of every adolescent male in America. On a guest appearance on "Pimp My Ride", Vin Diesel simply sat in the car and it was officially pimped. Vin Diesel's sweat was the "Chemical X" that spawned the Powerpuff Girls. The use of Vin Diesel for combat purposes was deemed a war crime by the United Nations. Since Vin Diesel has been classified as the first human disaster area, your insurance company will not cover you for any damage he causes. Vin Diesel sells propane and propane accessories. In past lives, Vin Diesel has been Hercules, He-Man, and Conan the Barbarian. When challenged to a duel, Vin Diesel refused a weapon. He caught his opponent's bullet and threw it back. His opponent's body was so utterly destroyed that DNA testing was required to identify the corpse. The body was identified as Bond, James Bond. Vin Diesel personally punched every crater into the moon just to mess with astronomer's heads. Vin Diesel is on permanent standby with the U.S. Army as a weapon of last resort. Vin Diesel had sex with a great white shark just to prove a point.
  12. its just the head as far as im concerned, make it like 3/4 the size and itll be good
  13. good work but omg her head is huge, he head is bigger than her butt
  14. it just me or does he look like Mr. Incredible? it might be the arms and gloves tho
  15. surprised it got to 20 replies with nobody mentioning that i thought of it when i first saw the topic title but completely forgot about it after reading the thread.
  16. ive heard good tihngs about em, friend at bestbuy said they take the floormodels of the dyson out at night and use them to vaccum
  17. wtf, i have never even heard of 'griefers' it's always been PKs/PKers (player killers)
  18. hows about that kit of the swordfish2 from cowboy bebop?
  19. eh, it goes to stamen, cuz meow in japanese is nya and it was pikanya, unless u kno something i dont a7, i dont remeber the yama prefix
  20. it seems like the more recent episodes are actually gears towards kid, not as funny, you can tell the new ones by a certain change in animation, there were 2 or 3 animaiton changes the most recent one is the start of the crappy eps, same with dexters lab, after they changed the characters designs the show was suddenly less funny
  21. anyone know what buttercup is holding besides the hammer? it look like a d***o but i assume its supposed to be a nail to go with the hammer or something?
  22. there is a big sifferende between live action and animation, in animation you can basicaly get away with anything because none of it is supposed to be real, if animation was supposed to be realistic than anime basicly wouldnt exist. and the same problem in liv emovies is currently in animation too, CG that doesnt belong, if the film and the CG effects dont match then it looks obviously fake, CG isnt as bad to animation because CG doesnt look real and animation dont go real so it just a matter of manipulating them both to match up and you have good CG in animation, but with live films it used to be if someone was jumping out of an explosion, someone was jumping out of an explosion, today its a person in front of a green screen on wires jumping around and they superimpose them into the explosion video and add come CG fire around the person to make it look real, but it still doesnt look real, the best CG i have seen was jurrasic park, it was the least obviously fake
  23. well then that another reason to dislike lucas, if the action shot is too hard, then dont do it, dont try to fake it, thats one of the reasons todays movies arent as good, used to be aside from some off camera stuff like pads and wires, all the stuff that happened really happened which is what made it cool, these days theyll CG half the shot, and paste the actors face in
  24. are you quoting the dub or do you have different dvds than me? or are you translating the word into english?
  25. ill fill in for ya kinda easy, what incorrect name does Osaka call the iriomote cat in azumanga?
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