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Everything posted by NERV

  1. i was wathcign ti buti was kinda distracted, from what i saw it was good, better than 12 oz mouse, squidbillies, or robot chicken, i tihnk squidbillies wud be funny if it was better animated, if the product looks like crap then it reduces the appealhome movies, the animation is simple and even crude int he early episodes but its relatively smooth and clean, squidbillys is just scribbles
  2. any progress this past week?
  3. A bazooka named Rosebud. 340743[/snapback] Nah, too girly. How about Bloodrose? 340748[/snapback] No, that's the name of his battle ax. Of course. How silly of me to forget that. 340784[/snapback] and kane be played be the wrestler kain or kane however its spelled and his zany sidekick would be dane cook
  4. hell we can all be script writers,and since ive never seen citizen kane, i can make it that much better
  5. http://www.keiichianimeforever.com/ost.html i havent used them in awhile but i remember thanhaving somekind of limitations with their downloads, check out the rules before downloading
  6. i liked that drunk old cameraman
  7. my friend has xboxlive and he hasnt had any problem but one tihng i noticed that sucks in halo 2 live is that when some gets disconnected for the game everythign shuts down and the wholegame resets eveyrone back to spawn points
  8. my fansub said something like "i tihnk ifoudn what i was looking for, comrades"
  9. call it artistic lisence, like anime has realistic proportions anyway?
  10. Just finished watching the series,it was good except for ending, the ending made no sense, Jin said he found what he wa slooking for, comrades, and thenhe just leaves to be alone again, Mugen obviously started caring about Fuu since he threw down his sword to get her to safety and then he just up and leaves, and Fuu, for basicly the last 8 episodes leaidng up to the end she was hysterically crying at the very thought of either of them leaving, and then they all split up and shes happy. it was completely illogical, if their feelings were still the same as when they started their trip they would have no reaosn to stick together at the end but at the point they were at they obviously wanted to stick together and then theyre just liek whatever bye, i don't get that. that would be like a happily married couple getting a divorce for no reason, what thehell
  11. i never finished the game so might be missing some knowledge, as for story id probly give it a 3/5 it was there, it was understandable but the story wasnt that great and there plenty of unanswered questions, however, for the visuals, i would give it a 10/5 the fights were just about the most amazing thing ive seen, extremely fast but fluid and well planned, when/if it comes outin theaters here i will see it just because this needs to be seen on a big screen it was just amazing, the unrealistic but amazingly cool fighting of anime , yet appearing more real than anything out of matrix 2 or 3
  12. Belgium has Van Damme, the inventor of the saxaphone, Browning firearms, the HQ for the EU, Charles Van Depoele inventor of the electric railway, Audrey Hepburn, invented "french" fries, and most importantly created ME! (50%) What the hell has your country done? I guess you have some nice windmills. 336089[/snapback] The More You Know
  13. the ones ive seen werent old comics, or cheap, they were just 1 comic per disc near as i could tell, and they were weird looking ones that ive never heard of, i think one of em was called ratman yes rat not bat
  14. what about those comic dvds? i see those with the anime dvds at the store and i wodnered what they were, is it just the comic on a disc? is there voices or sound? whats the point?
  15. Like this?
  16. thats what i did, dont work, o well ill try it on some other comps
  17. you mean yourerunning the game in IE?
  18. does it work for you? i keep getting an 'MCI error'
  19. oh word i want that, got a link or something?
  20. why did they even bother? those things are hideous compared to the small poseable plugsuit figures
  21. wow those are beautiful, i just might have to get both
  22. http://lungfishstudio.users.btopenworld.co...h/spiderman.swf
  23. lol jem whered u get that avatar?
  24. i believe there is a real cosmic cloud headed our way but its not gonna dissolve the planet, just make the sky a little less clear and maybe make the planet a little colder wheneve it shows up
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