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Everything posted by NERV

  1. adult as in porno or adult as in grown up
  2. oh yea i kno that one is lopsides, its just a quick mspaint job
  3. This is the symbol that appears kanchis face in FLCL when he powers up, does it mean anything? i was considering having a decal of it made to put on my car but id definitely wanna know wut if anytihng it means first
  4. how can u have an armor that leaves so much body exposed? 1/2 the lower torso is exposed, and so is the head, the mos timportant part, so the armor is useless, i liek the weapons tho, except that gunblade
  5. Which one? im not sure, i didnt have much interest in it as i didnt find it to look good, i kno it had alot of white auxillary armor
  6. i saw a zeta figure at my target and walmart, it was one of those super deluxe expensive ones with craploads of accesories and parts and comes in a box not on a board
  7. well the requirement are it has to withstand a paintball and fit on my head, im gonna be making myself a paintball helmet based of the shrike helmets in blue gender
  8. i thought it was made with english subs? well if its not than a fansub ha sbeen made cuz mine has sub options
  9. i believe i saw somewhere that most of the background are actually dioramas that they put the cg mecha and cell ppl into, i doubt ever backdrop is a diorama but there are a few that are noticeably real, particularly the statues in the museum scene in the begining
  10. i will soon be working with multiple matarials most of which will have a rough matte surface, is there any type of material, like a liquid plastic or something that could be used to smoth out a rough surface for painting, and when i say rough surface i mean rough surface, the worst one ill be working with is paper mache
  11. im going as a ninja, not that anyone will see it, just getting the black costume to go smash pumpkins
  12. well even with the cops not involvedu still might get suspended, unless ur parents r gonna take the blame for you to the insurance company, either way somebodys insurance is gonna climb faster than a green snake up a sugar cane
  13. heres my pic, taken a few weeks ago
  14. yeah... tell that to Christa McAuliffe... who?
  15. well then, looks like ur lisence will be suspended for a year and ur insurance will be crazy high, this is yet another reason not be hard on your car, i used to tailwhip every turn, do random powerslides and such, its all well and good if ur actually in a race, but then one day one of my tires got ripped off the rim in a slide, ever since then ive been very gentle on my car cuz i love my car and i want it to last as long possible
  16. definitely a yammie, i can see giant screws where they shudnt be, otherwise, not bad
  17. great last night i had a dream where i cudnt figure out which pedal was which, and then my friend spilled red kool aid on the back seat and i made him get it reappolstered
  18. spider wude be so much better without that huge cannon
  19. i hit wrong pedal during my driving lesson, good thing i was in the student car so my teacher had a brake
  20. and this one i found in my local asian market
  21. this ones off collegehumor.com
  22. NERV

    Thunder Hummers

    well the fact that its a mistranslation is obvious, cuz the squad logo is a lightning bolt and a hammer
  23. aliens that look basicly like humans with just minor differences, just cuz we are the dominant species on the planet doesnt mena that he human form is the best possible form
  24. the 1/144? i have one ill see if i can find my booklet
  25. I don't really watch many scifi shows, but of the animes ive watched i really liked the endings of Trigun, Battle Athletes Victory, Cowboy Bebop, a few others i cant tihnk of off the top of my head, on a semi related matter i loved the ending to starcraft, the pc game
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