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Everything posted by NERV
heres my try at low viz, sorry bout the rough edges but it was a quick mspaint, i still need install my photoshop
this is a hypothetical image, my take on what would happen if guts figured out how to use the behelit to get the power of an apostale(sp?) the coloring was just a quick MSpaint, i still havent gotten aroudn to installing photoshop but one i do ill recolor it. Note: it wasnt until after i was done that i realized my continuity error in having his arm healed but his eye not
jason won, end of story, end of franchise, put it all to rest
if they didnt even try to protect their pilots than they didnt really give it their best no did they? like building a tank out tube metal
ah, how much is the hasbro verison gonna cost and what differnces will there be besides packaging?
so are these officially for sale in america yet? ive been looking but havent seen im any of my local stores
well lack of armor aside, i still tihnk it would be much for effective on wheels or treads, it wud faster and more agile
what materials do you use for art? its very smooth, im guessing pencilled in, inked over, erase pencil?
and i say if ur gonna be confined to within a reasonable speed over of the legal speed limit(10-15 over), the horse power is useless, as for the suggestion of making up a design for my hood, ill work on it, see wut i come up with Obviusly ya never drivin anything over 200hp, trust me, once you've had it, youll want more. Having a lot of power doesnt mean you have to go 150mph everywhere you go. tell that to the guy driving the viper or Z06 corvette. Seriously though, if you want the vinyl, my cousin can take your design and cut it for you, he has all the professional eqiupment and a storefront. He is pretty cheap for the quality of work and he could probably ship it to your door. Its very easy to put on. I just dont nessisarily agree with it, doesnt mean I dont apreciate good art , ny brother is the same way as my cousin, He's doing up one of those mazdaspeed protege's and wants me to do the go fast stuff before the graffics actually i have driven a viper, dont get me wrong i love horsepower, but not for my daily driver, as for the vinyl vostok was the one who wanted it but i do have a pretty good idea of what i want on my hood i just need to clean up the design, does your cousin have an email address that i can send it to for an estimate?
no, i rmeber it seemed to be set in the jungle for the most part, there was one clip of a predator rising out of the water and it's camo was bugging like is was skipping and there gaps where you could see the predator, and then an alien jumps out of the brush my the river and attacks him, i kno there were other prts to the trailer but thats one scene i rmember the best
i would also like to ad that the legs on the mecha are also pointless, the legs are so short that it does waddle very slowly, irememebr when they showe dit in RL, whells would be much for efficient, legs that stumpy arent gonna be doing anything a set of large wheels cant do better with less energy wasted
i am liking that sentinal
i have gotten to the point whenere i am unsure if this was a dream or not, but i could swear that a few years ago i saw a tv commercial for an aliean vs predator movie, i know it was around the same time there was that big wave of alien toys, people might say it was an ad for the game but i know what i saw was live action i have asked a few others about it, some people do seem to know what im tlaking about so im pretty sure there was an alien vs predator movie in the works awhile back, and that one looked very good
notice my lack of drooling, i found those mecha to be quite retarded and impractical, they cud at least give the pilot some armor so hes not instaly dead in close combat
and i say if ur gonna be confined to within a reasonable speed over of the legal speed limit(10-15 over), the horse power is useless, as for the suggestion of making up a design for my hood, ill work on it, see wut i come up with
dammit movies these days are not worth paying for, why the hell do u thnk people download movies? im not gonna pay $6 (which from what i understand is actually very cheap for a movie ticket it) gimme my comics any time
theres a yf-21 valkgirl?
two days?! are you using MSpaint? with photoshop u cud get those results in 2 minutes
well its not meant to be read, that whys it would be in kanji, most ppl in america cant read it, all im looking for is a decent design to put on my hood, i already have plans for the sides but such a design cant really be applied to the hood so i was just thinking of a large symbol
how abouts the kanji for legend? i kno its kinda exactly wut pfunk mentioned about the mustang, but not quite, if anything its a better idea than car
well my car isnt rice, the paint job is going to be tasteful, no neon, bright, or clashing colors, as for a symbol to put on the car, what would you people recommend? i drive an acura legend so its not a sports just a fancy car
i was gonna go as a ninja with my real sword and slice pumpkins, but the costume made me look like such a terrorist, so i just walked aorund with my sword slicing pumpkins
excellent, in that case i shall get a decal of that and put it on my car, anyone have one that looks more hand drawn?
would anyone happen to know what this symbol means? i have been told but i dont consider my source to be reliable and would like a second opinion
oops see next post