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Everything posted by NERV

  1. look at the side of the finger there is not hinge, there may be some articulation at the base but they obviously cant flex
  2. they dont look very articulated to me, they just look seperated
  3. i tihnk thats a blatantly obvious photoshopping
  4. indeed, ddr is the best game on ps2
  5. spongebob? i tihnk theres 2 or 3 spongebob games for ps2
  6. im sure its detachable but if it isnt you could just build it without the bas and get a normal display stand
  7. prime = ford F-650 megs = some truck of equal size of different brand, do the rams go up to 6500?
  8. but the vf 1 tails are more like: \_/
  9. b 52 is flying fortress righT? how big r u planning on urs to be?
  10. you would need ALOT of power, the vf1 has very small wings for its body size, you could modify it with longer/wider wings though, and smooth out the design on the bottom to be more aerodynamic
  11. ah i missed episode 8, that answered a few things i was wondering
  12. oh yea, what episode had the pilot that spoke english? i just watched the whole series and i dont rmeber that, unless i skipped an episode by accident
  13. just finished watching it, wow, definitely one of the best series i have ever seen
  14. it obvious wasnt 'good' but i foudn it enjoyable, just like cheesy old horror movies
  15. Is that what the problem was? something hit me like that when I was looking at those pics. While they're expertly done they kinda look like an animation cell from the WB store. i tihnk its that mixed with something else, they are great work but something about them seems drab and sterile
  16. wow thats cardboard? i thought it was styrene sheets
  17. it somes alot of the stuff on that japanese site is over weathered, like his fighter mode vf-1j and the alpha, they definitely look nice, but too much weathering makes em look fake, i love how wm cheng's stuff always looks photorealistic
  18. k* dam meyboard
  19. yumimaze is only 5 eps long??
  20. i dont tihnk that building is to scale, lookes like hikaru is 16 feet tall lol
  21. very nicely done but that MPC blue is burning my retinas, heres one a little easier on the eyes and in english: http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/aw_leg.htm it doesnt give any painting tips but decribes his modifications and such
  22. i didnt find revolutions and reloaded to be confusing at all, just because something makes sense doesnt mean it doesnt suck, i think they were worth the movie tickets just for the action, but they shouldnt be associated with the first movie cuz they just rip open giant plot holes and lose sight of the original idea
  23. personally i say the last 2 movies were pointless in the end of matrix 1 all the questions where answered and there was a conclusion, an open conclusion but still a conclusion in the end of matrix 1 there was no 'to be continued' the sequels just made up new questions to answer and caused massive plot holes and added many pointless new characters
  24. I H4V3 T3H 1337357 PC 3V3R!!!!11 C0MP4Q PR354R10 7000US!!!! 4X CD-RW!!!! W4TCH 0U7!!! I7 BURN5 A CD F4573R TH4N A GR33N SN4K3 CL1MB1N A 5UG4R C4N3 TR33!!! D15C0NN3C73D DVD DR1V3!!! T3H B4574RD5 AT B357 BUY G43V M3H A 5H177Y R3PL4C3M3N7 DR1V3 74HT L4G5 M4H PC S0 I L33V IT D15C0NN3C73D!!!! 1.2 GHZ 4MD 47HL0N!!! 512 MB SDRAM, upgraded from 128. NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400, purchased when the old 32 graphics stopped working. 5T0CK 50UND C4RD!!! I DUN 3V3N KN0 WU7 I7 I5!!!! Z1P DR1V3 1 S703L3D 0FF T3H P4R3N7'5 D3LL!!! 80 GB HD 7H47 0LNY R3G1573RZ 70 GB!!! PH34R M4H PC!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!11
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