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Everything posted by NERV

  1. No you cant if opened there is a restocking fee of 15%. I knwo i used to sell them at Best Buy circuit city has no restocking fee
  2. i think your missles are on backwards
  3. point a camera with a motion senso at your front door or get an 8 hour tape and start it at 4or 5 pm it should get them within that timeframe
  4. How's the quality on the Sentinel? the sentinel is fantastic, the only thing you have to be careful is the 4 articulated claws, the digits seems pretty delicate
  5. i think its a good dub, nothing to write home about but watchable
  6. yea but the water drop is like in all animes and its obvious what it is but i never seen the birds anywhere else and its only when shes sleeping not knocked out, and there was that 1 ep where there was a million of ema dnt ehy filled the whole house
  7. what is with the baby birds that come out her head when shes asleep? i dont get it at all
  8. whic el hazard are you refering to? i foudn the dub of the wanderers: el hazard to be awful, some of the voises were good but i kno there were 2 or 3 that completely ruined it
  9. Worst Dub: ROBOTECH some other bad dubs, pilot candidate, dont know if the dub was bad or the show just sucked anyway... chobits el hazard best dubs: basicly what a7 said but ill have to add mahoromatic, berserk, and inuyasha GTO gets an honorable mention
  10. and in the end after everyone has killed everyone else, the only one left standing is pinnochio
  11. theres also a batman vs predator... they should make a movie thats just a giant free-for-all of every superhero/supervillian/creature ever conceived bes something like batman vs alien vs superman vs godzilla vs the hulk vs terminator vs mothra vs spiderman vs starship troopers bugs vs x-men vs independence day aliens etc.
  12. i saw it at my local suncoast, i had no intention of buying it because it dont like the design anyway but i must say it looked very disappointing, its hard to believe that same company that made the sentinel also made thise, the platic and other materials looked cheap, the guy was badly sculpted, especially the face, and the APU did not look to be painted well at allseems to me liek they may have rushed it to get it out around the same time as the sentinel, because its obvious that alot less care was put into these than was put into the sentinel design
  13. if there are only 7381 normal people of out six billion then they are a minority and therefor are abnormal as well, so nobody is normal anymore
  14. make like home alone, electrify to doorknob, ice the stairs and grese the handrail, and stick some nails through the welcome mat, and any other ghetto style booby traps you can come up with
  15. a few things, 1 the chic is hitomi from DOAX, 2 the vehicle mode is fantastic but i tihnk they put too mcuh emphasis on the vehicle mode and the robot mode suffers, a windsheild crotch? 3, his name is lambor, should he not be a lamborghini?? 4, if they are supposed to be 'robots in disguise' you would tihnk they would choose vehicles that would attract less attention than a dodge viper, BRING ON THE SATURN L SERIES TRANSFORMER!!
  16. very nice cut wuts with the red buttplugs?
  17. NERV

    CM Figures Part 2

    maybe this chase figure will be the hairy rat from m7
  18. there was a point?
  19. what is that from and how much of it is custom built?
  20. what was the winner? ive gotta see the model that beat that
  21. i have heard from a few places that they may be making new episodes of family guy that will be out either this january or in 2005, does anybody have any info to confirm this and wheter it will be on fox or cartoon network?
  23. maybe it was activation instructions seeing how it took hours to fiigure it out
  24. NERV

    Taka Paro valks?

  25. my game library consists of GTA:VC, DDRMax, DDRMax2 between the 3 DDRMax is my fav
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