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Everything posted by NERV

  1. well if i remeber right, the front wheel didnt just turn like a normal bike but it flexed also, giving it a tighter turnlike it cuz turn in a direction AND bend in that direction
  2. oh yea and the target audience of scion is basicly poor new driver kids, they are both economy cars that i ithnk are even cheaper than saturns, hyundais, or kia's and and no it's not a minivan its just an extremely boxy compact hatchback
  3. thats not an element commercial, thats one of the commercials for the scion xA and xB didnt you see that that at the end of the comemrcial they had to 2 seperate cars next to eachother? and i believe scion is a subsidiary of toyota so honda wasnt involved
  4. personally i think they should make a transformer of the saturn ion, of course it not a great car, its not even a good car, but the real one has alot of panel breaks which would be very convenient for making a completely accurate body and itd be easier to do the bot mode with so many available panels other cars i would like to see as transformers: Hummer (the real one not the H2) An old lowrider like an El Camino or Coupe De Ville Jeep Rescue VW Eurovan boxy cars make better bots, im all about sports cars but the curvy body panels dont seem to integrate well as armor or body parts that said, i would also like to see the 2 most angular of recent sports cars as transformers Ferrari Enzo Lamborghini Murcielago and last but not least 1990 Acura Legend (my car )
  5. aw why not? it already looks like an armada vehicle
  6. i know there are tohers i was just listing the most common, i kno a guy who owns a retired fox body police interceptor mustang and man does that thing fly, i have also seen interceptor corvettes and ive seen minivans used as patrol cars, there also the verpresent police suv's but iuno wut thye use, i assume explorers
  7. Question, what kinda vehicles do people usually use for police cars and ambulences today? Just curious what prowl and ratchet might turn out as. police cars are mostly the ford crown victoria police interceptor, camaro police interceptor, or impala police interceptor. ambulances have been pretty generic for the last 15 - 20 years, i would say they could use a modern SUV as an EMT unit. for ratchet
  8. i would say it looks to be in scale with the impreza, maybe slightly to big for the viper, and deifnitely too big for prime but prime isnt an alternator
  9. why is the jeep logo upsidedown on the spare tire?
  10. wow hound is definitely my fav so far, good leg and part poseabilit, the feet r kinda weird but totherwise hes awesome
  11. even if its not finished it should still work, my ayu trance lost all peers around 97%, stayed that way for a week, i gave up but all the mp3 work i dont kno where the breaks are amount up to the 3% but i dont notice a problem
  12. well if the song you are describing is just ooOOOooo and la lala la and some instrumental the it is 'Fate of Awakening Love' Do you know what CD it's on, and the track number? I've tried d/-ing the albums...but they're all in Japanese. I just want the one track. :/ mine are downloaded, i dont know what cd its on but i kno that fate of awakaening lvoe is its name, its not a translation the name of the song is english edit: spelling
  13. well if the song you are describing is just ooOOOooo and la lala la and some instrumental the it is 'Fate of Awakening Love'
  14. dam didnt that ep air like 2 mintes ago?
  15. i have been unable to locate the episode on kazaa and i cant download it off bittorrent without getting 90 other eps with it and that wud probly take 2 weeks to dl, im still looking tho
  16. ive seen similar stuff before, it is possible to make costume thats transform with the perosn inside but i havent seen so many, this is what i liek to call legally insane
  17. in vandread jurahs crab thing and the other one's bird thing, ghost in the shell, those spider tanks were used by good and bad (not the movie) but generally i would say yes, the hero mecha are generally humanoid because it is a familiar easily accepted shape to the human eye and when the enemy mecha mecha have a strange unfamiliar shape iuts easier to accept them as inhuman
  18. nope, no trailer, the other side is plain cardboard
  19. well not counting the straws, looks about a foot tall, unless u doubled up thos straws
  20. u happen to have the episode number?
  21. i would have to see the episode again to know which song you refer to but i have the inuysha soundtracks so id recognize it as soon as i hear it, ill see if i can dl the episode and check
  22. i saw it at bestbuy and saw that it noted a preview of the live action eva movie, anyone got the info on it as i dont plan on buying it because i have seen the director cut already?
  23. i imagine it would be rather easy to take apart the shoulder, recast the smokestack and then sell them to ppl with the hasbro, not sure how you would get the chrome look but it sounds like a good idea to me
  24. i just picked up sideswipe at target and got prime as a gift, i must say how unimpressed i am with sideswipe, the vehicle mode is great but the robot mode is so ugly and so not poseable, prime is awesome tho, question, how do you remove primes mask? i have the US version and it doesnt seem to come off
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