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Everything posted by NERV

  1. i rmeber when i was like 5 i had a bootleg gundam toy i ha dno idea what it was it wa sjust awesome, i got it in chinatown, year later i realized it was the v2 gundam, i always loved the designed especially the pod thing, all sleek and lots of interchanging
  2. NERV


    so u actually go down and file a copyright every time u draw something?
  3. it probably was misato and thats why she threw such a fit when she got that message on the answering machine
  4. problem with these games is that once u have finished it u can do it again in like 2 minutes, like myst if u just wrote down the the combo for the fireplace u can win in like 5 minutes
  5. do these pants make my ass look big?
  6. since when did japan try to take over the world? wasn't that germany and japan was their ally? also VW made german war machines, and now they dont want to be associated with violence and wont let their cars be used to make transformers. besides, things change, and people change, you tihnk the same people who ran mitsubishi during ww2 are still in charge? thatd be like blaming colonel sanders for kfc's recent advertisement trying to pass it off as health food.
  7. what a ripoff, who the hel captured me? i need closure
  8. i cant confirm this but if you're sticking to human shapes i have heard that in tony hawk underground you can make ANY character by importing images onto the polygons, u cud even make the character look like yourself
  9. i got a big frakken boner right now
  10. i like the voltorn but individual lions look like deformed housecats
  11. so it ok to make fun of cripples and retards but not gays?
  12. none of those shows are gonna last 10 years fox comes out with a new comedy every year and it never lasts long, perosnally im surprised that 70's show has lasted as long as it did, its a good show but so were others that they cancelled, like family guy and grounded for life
  13. they always had dyrl style heads on the vf-1a Nope, just gave the eye grey edges. I guess Toynami DYRL toys using the TV series head is no different from Yamato toys claiming to be TV series VF-1A with the DYRL head... Cyc well the toynami head is like a hybrid of the dyrl and the tv head, the laser points forward on the dyrl head, and it mor angular had has the grey border around the eyepiece, the tv head is rounder, fatter and the laser sweeps back, the toynami head is definitely dyrl but the laser sweeps back
  14. they always had dyrl style heads on the vf-1a
  15. well the guys at gas station said the guy had been driving around the parking lot revving his engine and showing off, and he definitely ran a stop sign because if he had stopped for it he wudnt have enough speed to spin my car 2 1/2 times by the time he traversed the 25 feet from the stop sign to my left rear door, what do you tihnk that's worth in court? my dad is a lawyer
  16. Valkyrie, from Norse mythology. Warrior demigoddesses taking on the form of winged young maidens. only one of the chicks was a valk tho, plus the art styles of the VF-1d and the girls really clashes, like the chicks are smooth, silky, dark tanned, oily, flowing, fantasy images, the vf-1d is generic box art
  17. what ever happened to those bootlegs that had the random LED in the cockpit?
  18. im driving along minding my own my business and then out of nowhere an RSX runs a stop signs and get about 2 feet into the left side of my car and send me in a 750 sometihng degree spin, i'm fine, the ricer was fine, altho i heard his dad whispering to him in a threatening manner, anyway my car is most likely totalled ill probly be getting about $3500 for it, and i only have about $1000 to add onto that, so what is good? im looking for something relatively small, preferably with awd or rly good gas mileage, one or the other and power windows/locks are a must, i was thinking maybe an SVX or an audi 100 does anyone have suggestions?
  19. well since naked chicks have absoletely nothing to do with mcross or the vf-1d, none of those, and not number 7 isnce the vf-1d wasnt in dyrl, out of whats left i would say the 3rd one after it's cleaned up alot cuz its very pixelated and stuff isnt blended at all
  20. i kno of the aztec and the cruiser is much worse, the aztec wudnt be as bad if it had larger wheels and a less tall body, notihng can redeem the cruiser
  21. walmart has them in for $64, ive heard target has them for $60 but i havent seen it there yet
  22. look at what cruiser cudve been:
  23. why? the pt cruiser is the ugliest car ever made, i cant believe it is what chrysler turned the awesome Pronto prototype into
  24. Whatever it was, it was horrible...I can't believe it's a hatchback though! It looked so much like a mini van... basicly imagine a PT cruiser, chop it all into flat boxed surfaces and reduce it's size by like 20%
  25. i wish it wudnt come with a lisence plate, just gonna be a predictable genric autobot symbol and maybe a abbreviation of his name
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