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Everything posted by NERV

  1. i dont like it, i kno its amazing work of craftsmanship but it looks stumpy and kinda ugly
  2. u got the original verison of that pic? without the actors faces pasted on?
  3. i dont get why people think that everytihng has to be 3d these days, fighting games are no different in 3d except that now the players can shift left and right, and is it just me or are 3d fighters alot harder to actually land a hit than 2d fighters? seems if ur not perfectly centered on the perosn its an automatic miss
  4. its on a doublt hinge, did u fold both of them flat?
  5. the only reason i wud every buy an xbox wud be for the ddr and right now at $150 for the console, $8 for a controller adapter, $40 for the game, iuno how much for x-box live, and the x-box liv emonthly fee to dl new board, its not worth it since i have 5 ddr games for ps2
  6. its about time they shut down their animation, 1 the animation quality has been degrading over the years, not the smoothness or framerates but everything has been done in less detail and the character designs look like they were done by a 4 year old (emporers new groove, home on the range) and 2, they made 2 or 3 decent movies from that studio but not a single movie they made was original, and i hated ABSOLUTELY HATED when everyone randomly busts into a song. i also hate the way they end all the movies, every single one ends happily ever after without any worry of consequences, i especially hated the little mermaid, completely changes the ending, the story isnt supposed to be a happy fairy tail but they turned it into one, thatd be like making a cartoon about 9/11 and ending with osama looking disgruntled in a cage and all the soldiers dancing and singing
  7. i found a translation for the song, ill have to copy it down from the video and put it up here tonight
  8. I am betting Prowl will be a 3rd Subaru Impreza. Considering he smoke,and streak were all 280Z's in the Gen1 line. Just as long as he gets a cool black and white scheme and has police lights I don't care what type of car they make him into. I did not know the 3 of them were the same car originally. I can deal with prowl as a Impreza I guess, though I have never seen a Subaru police car before. have u ever seen a 280z police car? or a countach police car?
  9. bandai made 1/100 transformable vf-19 fire valk and blazer valk, there is a 1/72 transformable resin yf-21(close to vf-22) and it is amazing but very rare
  10. im zechs, hooray im not one of the flaming pilot children
  11. that thing is rly shitty looking
  12. the melting paint is just urs, but they are very fragile and have alot of broken out of box eva's
  13. god gundam, kampfer, mobile sumo, turn-A gundam
  14. PG EVA Yamato Escaflowne Tippman 98 paintball marker, that thing was unbelieveably innacurate, off by up to 3 feet from 10 yards, even without an aftermarket barrel a paintball gun shudnt be that bad
  15. when is the original dod comming on dvd? i heard march
  16. the original dawn of the dead... mad ein the 70's
  17. i saw it last night and i thought it was very good, more like a spinoff than a remake tho cuz aside from the mall the plot was completely different
  18. the visor part is a little misshapen, try to smooth out the curve
  19. i saw it, looked pretty good, the zombie ppl were funny
  20. too many, i had almost 4000 posts on the old board
  21. is that a preorder or is it out? the pic used was just from the hasbro website
  22. everything on there says file not found
  23. personally, starship troopers is one of my favorite movies of all time, ive never read the book but i dont care, for every single movie that is an adaptation of anything, ppl always say the original is better, i also think the lotr movies suck crap, i havent read the books, i dont care to as for this movie, it looks... entertaing. but will smiths character is way to generic smith, hes acting the exact same as he did in MIB, MIB2, independence day, bad boys, bad boys 2, etc.
  24. i built my car from scratch, i just took my checkbook and wrote some numbers in it and it turned into a car
  25. didnt they have like 4 episodes before they got cancelled? it was the dumbest show ever, no risk, no real prizes, no stakes at all, just stupid staged bullshit
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