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Everything posted by NERV

  1. that wasn't needed, the color scheme is already red skull one, just the vf-1a number, i was not talking about a max skull one
  2. the red skull one was his first design, scroll up Thats a 011 in the first design. Skull One would be 001. Simple number and color change. what would be the color change? all u wud change is the number
  3. the red skull one was his first design, scroll up
  4. how much is their price?
  5. if ur gonna do it in white, then skull one, if your gonna actually use that blueish silver color, then max
  6. i dont have a 1/48 or a decent camera else i would take pics myself but he said he wants details so might i suggest close ups of the fastpacks with the covers removed, closeup of the cockpit and pilot, a picture of the flaps in the up and down position, closeup of the airbrake and intake, closeup of landing gear, some comparison pics with a can of soda to show the size, and some really closeup pics of all thye details and panel lines
  7. i saw it, i thought it was pretty good, not too much plot but it was enjoyable
  8. the problem with tracks is that its basicly a robot in a car shel, none of the car parts were intergrated to be robot parts, it just comes apart and theres a robot inside
  9. im sure the yamato is larger than 8 inches becasue the bandai is about 8 1/2 icnhes long and wide, itd be 8 inches wide without the missles
  10. theres also this toy i believe i bought from you JsARCLIGHT for like $15-$20, its cant compare to the Yamato, but it's well worth the small price
  11. here, Edit: sorry bout teh shitty webcam Edit again: o yea, this tihng was like $15, i got it form another mw member but i cant rember who
  12. the bandai swordfish2 is awesome, i have it, only thing is the wingtip are a pretty soft pvc so eventually they droop slightly but u can bend them back after a quick dip in hot water but its got proper landing gear, the engine flexes and rotates, the wings fold up for landed mode, the cannon rotates
  13. i hate em, colors r a little off, faye's face just looks nasty, and julia's pose is quite out of character
  14. is it just me or does the sv-51 look more fragile than glass? i wouldnt want to pilot sometihng that looks like 1 well placed bullet could cripple it
  15. hmmm i did not know that, well then i might have a problem, how long is latex paint supposed to last?
  16. latex paint? rubber on rubber sounds good
  17. aside from the sweeping wings, the f-14 and the VF-1 are very different fighters, biggest difference is the size, the F-14 is a huge 2 person fighter, the vf-1 is a small 1 person fighter, there are many other differences that make the F-14 and VF-1 notihng alike aside form the similarity of their wings, so no, couldnt happen
  18. wow they greatly improved the smokescreen transformation
  19. this was asked b4 but im asking again, how the hell did the t-1000 and the t-x go back in time? they arent organic in any way they are completely machine
  20. that all happened in the trailer, so youve seen it, so why bother seeing the movie?
  21. they should make one that uses the hood or roof as a sheild
  22. i just got the the silverstrak, has anyone noticed a not as good parts fit? specifially the hood doesnt seem to open all the way unless forces, and the steering axle isnt lined up as well as on smokescreen
  23. i had heard that this was supposed to be a crossover with the matrix and would have trinity in it? altho that might just be a rumor based on the title, any word?
  24. the eva-01 is nice, the eva-02 is just in a stupid pose, it wouldve been better if it was croutched over the 05 and in the process of tearing its arm off
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