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Everything posted by NERV

  1. aside from the fact that they are both based on the F-117 i see few similarities, id say its more of a F-117 inspired galaxy defender, oh and i might add the battroid mode looks pretty weak
  2. i still enjoy the simpsons but its not nearly as good as it used to be, u cant keep a sitcom fresh for 14 years
  3. aside form the animation style i dont tihnk futurama is anything like simpsons
  4. i try to avoid ebay unless there isnt another option, ill wait for something on the aibo forum
  5. the fact that its similar to family guy i like, makes it so u can think its a spinoff in the same universe
  6. thats an old story, heard about it years ago, look at the date on the article, its from 1998, they would never allow it in america, people would rewire it and blast it at a cop who pulls them over
  7. if i can find a cheap older model we'll find out
  8. i have seen the first 2 or 3 dvds of raxephon, but i also saw the movie, which as i understand it is a recap of the series, dont bother with the movie, you cant cram 26 episodes into 2 hours without losing alot of character and plot development, as for the series, from what i have seen it is an excellent series, good action and story, i know from the movie that there is a romanc einvolving the maincharacter but i havent seen that far into the series and the movie doesnt go into too much detail, not that i would spoil it anyway, overall i would say its an above average show, worth watching, but it not the kind of thing thatll become a major influence as it does follow a relatively standard show formula
  9. the end is near, enough said
  10. awesome or not it definitely looks like more like a weapon or reconnisance robot than a pet
  11. they doing a lupin III but it shudnt be bad, i know that in the contract the original writer wont let the american movie company 'americanize' any of the characters
  12. strap some white armor onto it and call it liger zero, or taco, taco is good, btw christ u kno u can just edit
  13. i would have to say misao from kenshin, just as the show was getting serious she busts in with her boistruous loud personality to ruin the mood of every scene she is in
  14. Best death: tie between tassadar in starcraft and that drunk fighter pilot in independence day Dumbest death: Asuka in EOE, any smart person wudve known when to call it quits and eject their damn entry plug, the MP EVA's probly wudve been too busy with 02 to even notice the entry plug. Funniest death: animewise wud be Team Rocket in pokemon, everytime they are "blasting off again" there is no way they would survive the fall, so i like to imagine that they die every episode. but they still cant compare to kenny
  15. well most of them u wont see much of the android character's mechanics but stuff like saikano, chobits, mahoromatic, najica, steel angel kurumi, and to a lesser extent, hand maid may
  16. something about this thread seems kinda pointless, i mean are we talking abotu the dumbest military? weakest? most arrogant? id say the military in the animatrix was the dumbest, who the hell would thinkt hat blockign the sun could be a good idea to kill ur enemy without killing urself too? if the machines hadnt retaliated and enslaved humans they wudve just died anyway no sun = no plants = no food = starve to death cuz apparently even with all the technology they werent able to populate in space in evangelion the military was completely useless, they didnt have any weapons that cud relly destroy the angels as much as i would love to get into gundam wing, ill stay away from gundam and how would not dropping an asteroid make the blue gender military dumb? second earth wasnt even big enough to start an ice age if it fell so how wud they manange to move an asteroid? and even if they did, it wouldnt matter because the blue can survive on nonorganic matter so they arent gonna lose their food source and who is to say that the cold would kill off the blue?
  17. i was wondering about the barge myself, barge is much lower tho, maybe it went right unde the bridge instead of getting caught so it got thru b4 the boat, or it cud be a diffrernt barge
  18. only thing i cud think of, got any better ideas?
  19. Er.... cloaking? They already know how to move silently. Plus, who said that preds only have one kind of hunter? You can hunt whales with a harpoon(some still do up here) or a rocket harpoon. They got Rocket Claws! in predator the blades dont cloak, the cloak is only complete when all the blades are retracted, and i dont see any way those things are gonna retract, and whether you know how to move silently or not wont help when ur wearing a full suit of armor, that will be clanking and plates scraping eachother, maybe a few pieces of armor but that is a full suit with flexing segmented parts that are gonna scrape with any movement, and those 2 have the exact same weapons, im sure that the spear he is holding is just an extended version of the tihng clamped to his leg
  20. so much for the 'unique' weapons that each predator is supposed to have, they both have the exact same 30 pound blocks of metal on each arm, a giant fork on their right arm, a cannon on a 2 foot long arm on the shoulder, and that tihng clipped to its leg, their armor is different but their weapons are the same and that is so not hunting gear, notihng is gonna be sneaking around in a full suit of segmented armor, as some kind of medieval ifantry force its cool designs, but not for a hunter, 'hey, ill just put on 50 pounds of armor, strap on these gigantic blades, and hope i find some blind, deaf prey to hunt' edit: i cant spell
  21. it was king arthur and the knights of justice, i used to love that show, lol, dvd release anytime soon?
  22. i seem to rmember an old cartoon show about king arthur and his knights and such, i remember they could "power up" with the energy of different animals and them and their horses would get big armor and weapons, i tihnk i rmeber 2 of the animal energys being lion and pheonix, anyone know what im tlaking about?
  23. even the extreme collectors draw the line at that yamato 1/1 scale helmet
  24. well after wasting 4 minutes of my life i have come to conclusion that the point he was trying to make was "f u c k" seriously, if he didnt say f u c k that rant woudve been at least 30% shorter, and alot of it wasnt really a rant, it was just a stupid story he was making up about bombing south america EDIT: for some reason it got censored to 'fart' when i typed the f word, so yay spacing
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