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Everything posted by NERV

  1. hah, matter eater lad? lemme guess his power is he can eat anything?
  2. bouncing boy? his superpower is he can bounce? im not even gonna start on that
  3. yea, they could probly pass that green thing and the beast guy for females if they wanted to...
  4. The 3 B&W prelims look half decent, then it all went to hell by the final designs
  5. WTF is with that beast guy's head? looks like somebody konke dhim with a sledgehammer, and why does everyone have gigantic calves? EDIT: OMG EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, HAS CALVES THICKER THAN THEIR WAIST WHAT KIND OF COKE FIEND DID THEY HIRE TO DO THESE DESIGNS?
  6. u have got to be kidding me, those were seriously on rt.com? you didnt just bang those in 2 minutes to make of rt fans did u? man ppl r dumb
  7. http://ebaumsworld.com/2006/05/robotmule2.wmv I dunno about you, but the way that thing moves freaks me the hell out. If i saw that thing coming at me i'd be quite nervous. Otherwise, a very awesome machine.
  8. btw, how much is a 'hefty price' ? cause i love those and would love to get them
  9. here's an odd paintscheme, apparently some kind of exclusive: http://i8.ebayimg.com/01/i/07/1a/fe/30_1_b.JPG
  10. so among the WW model and mpc starscream i may be bringing up a pretty insignificant figure but anyone bought 'scrapmetal'? this little thing is already one of my favorite transformers, no so much for his transformation or robot mode but his vehicle mode is just so cool and well executed http://tformers.net/i/a/cybertron/sm2.jpg the picture doesnt do his vehicle mode justice, it really makes me think of a spider-like tank that was made from salvaged parts, particularly the apache/cobra cockpit, if i can find me another one i may just modify it to make the tank mode look better and make it non transformable, if they hadnt used the design on a mere scout unit i tihnk an upsized model wouldve made a great incarnation for megatron
  11. as i understand it, he refused to take the manual controls because it would look bad, he was trying to prove the yf-21's ability and value, i doubt the g's of a freefall would force him back to the point where he couldnt reach the controls, in battroid mode the 21 isnt very aerodynamic so it wouldnt have an extremely fast terminal velocity and it snot like he was thrusting down
  12. Everytime Max's eyebrows are behind his glasses they appear blue, however everything behind his glasses appears blue. I'm sure you aren't arguing that Max has giant blue patches behind his eyes. 397297[/snapback] so his 'black' eyebrows somehow lighten up and look blue behind the lense? now matter what kind of filter you put in front of it black would always look black, if black looks blue behind his magic glasses then why arent his pupils blue too? besides you can see the blue sticking out where his eyebrows comes out from behind the lense
  13. hard to find picture of max that are large enough to be absolutely sure, but this one is deifnitely blue eyebrows
  14. i just finishign watching it, very good show, and i tihnk it's one primed for a sequel, all the characters still have developing to do, theres alot they could do with a second season of that show
  15. i would start with a YF-21 and make it the baddest motherf*cker in the fleet make it gloss black with metallic crimson trim instead of fingertips give it claws for close combat it would still have fornal hands just with claws instead of rounded fingertips give it a more aggressive face the hexagon eye is fine but it wont make the enemy piss their pants and since the thing is normally controlled by brainwaves being converted into coputer signal i would make it capable of being remote controlled so someone could fully utilize it's ability without dying from the g-forces and give it an option for somekind of buster cannon similar to the strike valk and give it a beam sword just for the hell of it they do it with all the giant robots the 21's explanaion would be it was ppb prisecly shaped into a blade that way it could vary in size and never get dull and the sword would have some kind of badass mode where it directs all the 21's power to sword to make some gigantic blade capable of taking down the starships didnt the metal siren have something like that? too bad the siren has an ugly battroid mode
  16. who says anyone's hair is dyed? its anime, any color in the spectrum is a normal natural hair color. More importantly, why would you ask if the UN spacy allowed pilots to have long hair, when they all obviously do, i cant tihnk of any off the top of my head that would be acceptable in the real air force with the possible exception of shin.
  17. Great? I'd say it's good, but not great. I remember when economy cars got over 50 mpg and that was before a pcm could control efficiency. If they put their minds to it they could do much better with the gasoline engine. Edit: spellcheck
  18. lol, well back on topic, here is the only amv i've uploaded, unfortunately it was done on an old version of movie maker that only made wmv of relatively low quality http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/me...nfo.php?v=23976
  19. The yaris isn't a hybrid...
  20. so it starts out with this robot with gas pumps for legs and a clear gas tank in it's butt, it looks just like a tachikoma, altho i suppose it could just as easily said it was a spider made of gas pumps, either way i thought it was cool
  21. terri was abused by the media and republican politicians. she was made a national issue, if she where able to talk to us now im sure she would have been absoultly apalled about what was made of her accident, i just dont think its right to think of such a thing as "witty" 395269[/snapback] My avatar is a witty answer to the member title 'no animated avatars' that was forced on me, im not saying that a picture of her is witty
  22. actually i find it to be rather witty which program are you reffering to in that second line?
  23. I used to make AMVs with windows movie maker, its a basic program but it works well as long as you don't need to add any of your own special effects
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