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Everything posted by NERV

  1. some constructive criticism, in your first pic, second part the way the dress hangs off her right leg doesnt look natural, doesnt look like hanging cloth, looks like it's supporting itself too much
  2. altho it mightve been my friend's guns which were pretty old
  3. i played both time crisis, the accuracy on them was pretty bad, even if you lined it up perfectly in calibration it was still way off, alot
  4. i tihnk her butt is too long and flat, give her some back
  5. i really like that spandex skin on venom, ive been saying they shud do that to cover joints for years
  6. When I saw the head I immediately thought, Patlabor! But.. Humph. The body is boring. They should have just made a Patlabor in 1/8 scale or something. the torso is ugly because it has to flex and contain all the batterys and a few servos in itself, but the head and legs are definitely patlabor
  7. here it is, righ tin the article: " The external appearance of HRP-2 was designed by Mr. Yutaka Izubuchi, a mechanical animation designer famous for his robots that appear in Japanese anime, including the well-known "Pat labor." Mr. Izubuchi also named HRP-2 "Promet." "
  8. i saw something about that awhile ago, the body was designed by the guy who did the patlabor mecha
  9. you forgot to mention that it has remastered in high definition, but sinc eim sure the original film is getting old, i doubt the quality would be a huge step up form the existing dvd, if i had an HDTV i would get this for the improved video but sinc ei dont and since interviews and making-of doesnt interest me, ill stick with my regular version
  10. looks like bike to me, follow the curve of the arc, if it was a D then that D would be just as small as the leter sin the middle, it's clearly a B
  11. that thing looks like a mascot for overstock.com
  12. it isnt upgradeable at all, the closest tihgn to an upgrade is the choise of a 40 or 80 gig HD, which isnt much these days, its neat looking, but underpowered and can never upgrade
  13. http://www.apple.com/macmini/ It's cool in a useless way. Dektops aren't supposed to be portable. If you want portable then you get a laptop which is more upgradeable and more portable. And, with cost of a monitor, keyboard and mouse, the laptop might be cheaper anyway.
  14. NERV

    Old Models

    indeed, the rendering is just as important as the model itself, his red q-rau and at one point the glaug were both rendered in a rashion that was so close to real the only way u cud tell it was fake was cuz there was no seam lines
  15. NERV

    Real ValkGirl

    actually it can do all 3 modes, obviously theres no person inside for fighter mode tho
  16. NERV

    Real ValkGirl

    nothing un justified about that, i been complaining about my dad driving sinc ei was 12, if i did happen to be a bad driver when i got my lisence it wouldntve changed the fact that he is still a bad driver. so whether ive made a valk costume or not doesnt make his head any prettier, everyone goes around criticizing robotech and toynami but nobody here has produced an anime series or a massproduced action figure. On these forums, if theres a flaw, it will be brought out and torn apart.
  17. i liek the first one if it was w/o the text, tihnk you could do a 1280 x 1024 and a 1600 x 1200?
  18. NERV

    Real ValkGirl

    that one looks based off the superposeable, perhaps not better body proportions, head is better, but it just looks better
  19. chicken (26 700 000 results) versus egg (17 600 000 results) The winner is: chicken
  20. This here is severely flawed. Do you know how much of that stuff is actually references to Norse mythos? Whenever I go to google and very often type in "Valkyrie", the results I often get is what some poster on here once so elequently refered to as "those dead chicks that take guys souls". well obviously, my fight between evas and angels isnt balanced either, its just for fun
  21. Asuka Langley: 55,700 Rei Ayanami: 91,500 No wonder Asuka has that inferiority complex.
  22. Evangelions: 17,900 Angels: 25,300,000 OH NO! WE ARE DOOMED!!!
  23. NERV

    Real ValkGirl

    are you kidding? no matter how you look at it, the proportions are terrible, and the head is definitely unneededly big, it wouldve been smaller if he painted a motocross helmet and put cardboard tubes on it, and that chestplate? its huge, it was obviously a compromise so he wudnt have to actually have his arms inside the valk arms
  24. "Mayor West, you have lymphoma." "Oh my!" "Probably from rolling around in that toxic waste. What in god'a name were you trying to do?" "I was trying to gain superpowers." "well that's just silly."
  25. that guy's mini fuchikoma is awesome
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