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Everything posted by NERV

  1. lol prime with prostate cancer, died and transforme dinto a coffin, anyone know what prime figure they used for the stop motion, it looked like a really nice one, same as their bumblebee
  2. mechaninac the actual new looney tunes are even worse than the old ones being edited. they were probly made aorund 96 or so, i cant remmember anythign apecific about them, aside form the fact that were absoolutely horrible
  3. that thing is pretty poor, definitely not a real movie prop, the quality and detail looks on par with the actional fleet x-wing i had awhile back
  4. my favorite toys were thse figures i had when i was a kid, sometihng like ZAP police was the name, they were good quality, super poseable, interchangeable armore, overall completely badass and they wer eonly like $2 each, not small either, full size figures, i havent been able to find them again
  5. heres a berserk one i did a while back
  6. Aren't there four? Rei I-III, plus the soulless dummyplug Rei. Anyways... Rei I: Strangled to death. Rei II: Suicides Eva-00'Kai to destroy 16th angel. Rei III: Merges with Lilith. Dummyplug Rei: No clue. good one, dunny plug dont count cuz it aint a real rei, A7, you were off when you said EVA-02 take it away dark phoenix
  7. close but not quite
  8. how many rei's were in evangelion and how did each one die?
  9. whether the covers are rea or not, im sure the captions have been edited, i mean how could these be serious?
  10. what be Photon?
  11. here is something i made using the black to white shading method that i learne din first semester of art, i could have adde dmore detail but i find that less detailed pictures can be more interesting because you use your imagination FYI, if you cant figur eout what it is, it's EVA-01 crouching
  12. what int he hell is that? some horrible naimation error?
  13. hey Alpha what program did you use for that? i like the smudge effect
  14. my 2 minute contribution
  15. the mpaa and riaa are both bullshit, movies have steadily been decreasing in length and quality while ticket prices and advirtisements have been going up, and with music, there is no way that a cd cost more than a cassette, when cassettes were dominant they wer elike $8, they promised that CD prices would go down, they went down a little but they should have gone down cheaper than cassettes since they are cheaper to make
  16. looks more like a hacking to me, when suprnova went down they just put up a notice that they were no longer in service
  17. http://mordred.isi.edu/collection/mecha/ri...ls/DSC00955.JPG is your kickstand up or are you just happy to see me?
  18. i already own GTO, love hina, azumanga daioh, candidate for goddess, macross (tv, dyrl, plus, and 2), both lodoss wars, scrapped princess, tenchi, slayers, bastard, and la blue girl i guess i was thinking something recent that good, im open to any genre but i generally watch comedy, action, sci-fi i will look into gokusen and geneshaft tho EDIT: seen, FLCL and all the gundam shows that have been on CN
  19. i just got a netflix account and they have a pretty good anime selection, rented spirited away, any suggestions here?
  20. my stores havent gotten anything besides silverstreak, they breifly had hound, tracks, and deadend but nobody had had meister or grimlock yet, what gives?
  21. i will reserve jusdgement until it's complete but at the moment it looking pretty good
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