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Everything posted by NERV

  1. i found shockblast, which makes me assume i wont see another meister, im happy to have the rx-8 but i really wanted the red or white mesiter, anyone wanna trade?
  2. skillful stuff, but i dont tihnk its tasteful since every single one is a naked or halfnaked woman in a suggestive pose, add more variety and ill be more impressed
  3. i dont really have prefrences for bands but i like RHCP and eminem, but basicly i just listen to whatever sounds good
  4. well manga entertainment sometimes attached the title 'mangavision' to their releases and alot of ppl reffer to manga as mangle cuz they screw up alot of their releases, bad ex is EOE, while the actual release was good they delayed it over a year from its original release date
  5. also note that it's columbia tristar, and akira was releaed by pioneer, i assume 'manglevision' reffers to 'mangavision' which doesnt apply in either case?
  6. Starring: Anna Paquin, Alfred Molina, Patrick Stewart, Masatane Tsukayama, more credits Directed By: Katsuhiro Otomo Released By: Columbia TriStar Theatrical Release Date: 03/18/2005 Run Time: 126 min. Genre: Action and Adventure, Science Fiction, Animation, Drama, New Release Rating: PG-13
  7. if you are reffering to the episode where chris has a big penis and peter is jealous, it is called "and the weiner is" and it is in the season 3 box set the first box is seasons 1 and 2 because season 1 was only7 episodes, and box 2 is seaosn 3 edit: and and btw do you have the soutpark season box set? because they released random episodes on dvd before but now they have official season box sets, it ihnk they are on 7 or 8
  8. i wanted to see it but its not playing near me, gotta wait till dvd
  9. don rmeber spelling either, take it away
  10. eh, i dont tihnk the characters shudve been CG, they move unnatural and jerky, and the mouth movement, when she isnt talking shes stuck in a permanent pout, but it could be good
  11. kinda easy, what are the names of the mecha and the ship mikako was assigned to in voices of a distant star?
  12. Femto/Griffith, Ubik, Conrad, Slann, Void
  13. I highly reccomnd voice sof a distant star, here is the review i wrote for netflix I will start off by saying that this movie is one of my top 5 of all time. I'm not an emotional guy but there are some movies with scenes so dramatic that you can't help but get a knot in your throat and shed a tear; this is one of those movies. Yes, there are aliens and mecha, but they are just a plot device and the focus isn't on them. It's a short story about the first of a generation of lovers to be seperated by space travel. The movie's soundtrack is also exceptional, particularly the theme song, "Through the Years and Far Away". I believe this film is very subjective because of the fact that it was made by one man, Without a budget, deadlines, higher-ups to please, he was free to express his vision as he saw it, and the people who understand and relate to it are the ones who appreciate it. A high budget blockbuster it is not, a simple story in a beautiful package it is.
  14. i would have to guess spirited away because the background really seemed to match up with his character designs, i dont know tho
  15. bump
  16. the other day at barnes and noble i saw an interesting comic book, it was about cat ppl, there was a cat guy that i assume was a detective, he was a large black cat man in a tranchcoat, i seem to recall someone on this forum having an avatar from it, and i couldnt rmeber the title, anyone know?
  17. i was under the impression that bloodlust was originally done in english then the japanese was done
  18. All based off manga. but you dont need any previous knowledge form the manga to watch the movie, cept maybe AMG
  19. battle angel alita, geobreeders, plastic little, voices of a distant star, ah my goddess movie, goldenboy, vampire hunter D bloodlust, dominion tank police, kite, question, why no ghibli films? theyre all pretty damn good
  20. if short OVAs are good enough, i would say rurouni kenshin OVA
  21. NERV


    while the other cg valks are super detailed and amazingly rendered, i also have a thing for the low poly stuff, more realistic to possible us ein a game
  22. NERV

    VF Girls

    its dark because its supposed to be dark, i can still easily see the details on the armor so unless its too dark to see detail it isnt too dark
  23. old but still funny who can forget 'kancho' 'spread your legs' and 'gaijin smash'?
  24. wow, i went to walmart today and they a huge pile of silverstreaks and thats it, pissed off at walmart i ent over to target wher ei found windcharger, swindle, ravage, and grimlock, but NO MEISTER which is the one i really want, i picked up grimlock thse and he is badass, be nice if the sword was a tad longer tho, btw anyone who would know, how is the poseability on windcharger? i have been avoiding the alts that arent very poseable (viper and vette) so if anyone could rate it thatd be nice
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