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Everything posted by NERV

  1. i believe any figure with the volks female body should be well articulated, i tihnk they made a female solider from jin roh, and i dunno if it was volks that made that GITS kusanagi awhile back
  2. well i may be thinking way to far into the future, but if robots were made tod o human tasks, then companys would buy them for that reason, prettymuch anyone who doesnt own a business or help develop new technology will lose their jobs, either the human race will become dependant ont he robots as nobody will really need to work except for a few leaders, or the jobless people will revolt and laws will be put in keeping robots from doing jobs to replace employees, but then that would prettymuch make it illegal to use one aorund the house because that is the job a maid could do, o well too many factors to tihnk about, just when/if it happens we may go irobot or matrix
  3. the worst part is im 99.9% sure its guys, and under 'sabrinow' the feeds go on for hours, the guy(s) lives like this http://sabrina.jp/HP200307aichi/5/P1010129.JPG look at that crotch, that bulge def isnt part of the costume
  4. got a link to the sony human sized one? only sony humanoid i kno of is Qrio which is less than 2 feet tall
  5. how can they call that a magnus without the armor? just a white prime IMO i bet it still has the pics of BB and SS under the arm screens
  6. I'm sure some of you are still trying to forget... http://sabrina.jp/
  7. and come on why wouldnt you be impressed? its a bipedal piloted mech, that thing is the first step towards an AT-ST, then Destroids, look at the very first cars, planes, stoves, tv's, radios, computers, they are a joke compared to the current stuff, but they developed
  8. practicality be damned, that thing is badass. i wanna be up in that cockpit, strolling the streets, anyone who honks at me for going to slow will regret it as soon as i can turn around. lol is a lamborghini 'practical'? is the Qrio 'practical'? is buying valks 'practical'? (all the 'normal' people seem to think it isnt ) something dont need to be practical to exist, it just fun stuff
  9. bootleg being unlisenced, note it doesnt actually say transformers anywhere on the box edit, and they dont say optimus prime, they say OP
  10. also just noticed that that trailer is technically a bootleg, its made by "justtoys" not takara or hasbro
  11. does it actually do anything? like have all the stuff inside, or is it just a trailer?
  12. smokescreen/silverstrak have toes, they just arent poseable, if only smokescreen or meister had ankles they would be much more poseable, also be nice if smokescreen had better hips. also not that since grimlock's neck it so poseable it doesnt have to be long, instead of hooking it on top the hood i keep it in my problem with meisters weapon is that it looks hollow from the left side either way im glad its not a have one or the other situation cuz i love them both
  13. check target, they seem to get them in but cant alawys keep stock, i heard that targets stock is determined by corporate off cie so all targets gets them, unfortunatley i found this out too late to get a white meister, but it got me my grimlock and shockwave, i could get swindle and ravage, but i odnt liek the cheapy yellow plastic, and i dont like the vettes, hood seam, bleh
  14. Mods, I know this is transformer related but I can't start a poll in an existing thread. So, sound off your favorite BT/Alt and why for me its close between grimlock and shockwave, i like shockwave's head, car mode, ease of transformation, and his colors are starting to grow on me, but i like grimlock better. I love his legs, with the bulk in the shins and the bumper/trunk being the knee plate, imo shockwave's legs are scrawny compared to his feet, at least smoke screen has the rear windsheil to even things out a bit. also since grimlock as ctually pretty normal feet with good poseability he's never been in a precarious pose i like the detail on his head, how you can see his eyes behind the visor i love the poseability in his arms, alot of the alts so far seem to have problems with arm poseability due to the forearm and arm being a regular joint, but since girmlock has the ball joint at the elbow is makes for great posing and his car mode is awesome tight, love the big underbody plate the only thing i would change is instead of having the silver parts inbetween his legs which are a big giveaway in car mode, i would remove that and give him a thicker inner leg so that he wudnt look too scrawny without the plates
  15. wow, are the echo's rear wheel really smaller than the fornt? i always see em formt he back and thought the wheels were tiny, didnt tihnk the fornt wud be a different size
  16. mini cooper? chevy aero? plenty of companys making tiny cars now
  17. that is freakin retarded, they should also cancel all matchbox cars, cuz real cars dont come with that standard hot wheels rim, and the real cars have opening doors and such, no more maisto models, itll make people tihnk that engines are made of plastic, and there are giant screws on the bottom of your car, dont want people thinking that the interior of a ferrari is plastic, its gotta be leather or they cant make the model
  18. NERV

    ugliest bootleg ever?

    what about that one with the LED in the cockpit?
  19. lots of animation errors, if its its a beam, it wasnt supposed to be, dont forget that the most important part of the 'do-anything' valks is the hands, they can use any weapon that will work, i mean, the army doesnt just use 1 type of gun, sure there are the stndard workhorse guns but there is also specialized stuff as there should be with valks, say they need a huge buster gun to take out an enemy ship but cant get their own ships guns in range, send 1 valk with a buster gun and a squadron with gunpods to escort, same idea with the GBP, obviously if every valk was wearing them they be sititng ducks, but have a few with em for heavy hitting and a few regular valks to cover them, in all of human history hardly ever has a weapon been completely forgotten, spears and arrows still have a home with some hunters, just as projectile wepaons always have a place, i mena look at startrek, they screwed up royal when they had only phaser and the borg can adapt but they cant adapt to bullets, if they had regular guns the borg would hardly be a threat.
  20. who was talking about the limits of lasers and beam weapons and yelling hail gunpods? u kno gunpods are limited too in that they would be less accurate especially in a gravity field and have limited ammunition, didnt the GU-11 only carry 200 rounds?, and with less accuracy assume it needs mroe than 1 shot to take out a missle, a valk could expend all its ammo just defending itself from a barrage, in terms of defense against missles i tihnk beam weapons would be most effective, it would be too costly and inefficient to have anti-beam weapon sheilding on every single missle
  21. yeah, at least joons stuck with the original colors of the valks. the green and the RWB 1J werent original colors
  22. thats the 'galaxy defender' valk
  23. It's not in the i-sheet. It's a heel-balance thing when in bot-mode. The funny thing is that the i-sheet that came with Shockblast has Meister as the bot. lol i noticed that too, lazy hasbro
  24. what is this piece for? its not listed in the manual or anything
  25. still debating about windcharger, anyoen got a pic of exactly how much the legs can can flex?
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