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Everything posted by NERV

  1. cud be interesting
  2. tallgeese 3
  3. tallgeese 2
  4. tallgeese
  5. basicly the tallgeese is so fast and agile that the G's injure the pilots
  6. I'm guessing you have not seen SAC 2nd Gig yet then? Graham just what theyve shown on cartoon netwrok which is still first season
  7. btw are the tachikomas ever coming back on SAC?
  8. a bigger guy wudve been preferable to danny glover, i mean in pred1 arnold near helpless in the preds hands, but he had the traps, so how the hell did danny glover even survive a single hit? back on topic anyone know if any of the skulls are refrence to other creatures?
  9. here is the REAL xbox 360
  10. well see the difference is that while tha major kicks ass, batou both kicks ass and is badass, i got notihng against her but i like batou better
  11. i got mine at target
  12. if you want to get technical then yes a xenomorph could be any could be prettymuch any living thing that you havent seen or isnt from around where you live, doesnt even have to be from a different but aside from 'alien' and 'xenomorph' they have no proper name, and xenomorph is the commonly accepted name for them, if i called it an alien skull, all the skulls are aliens too
  13. xenomorph would be the alien from alien
  14. since haro is going with pokemon, ill go with speed racer
  15. i said xenomorph skull, talkin bout the others
  16. Just saw it on TV, I don't know why ppl hate it so much, it wasnt as good as the first one, but it was good, anyway i was wondering, you know the scene with the trophy rack, you see a xenomorph skull, a human skull, and other misc skulls, are any of the other skulls from other scifi?
  17. its too bad that they changed the mechancil designs, i have had dreams of what a live actio evangelion could look like especially the battles, i cannot even begin the describe how aesome my imagination has been with this, anime is good and all live action, real-looking eva action ive dreamed is just unbeliavably awesome, imagine terrifying 01 could be in a live sequence, teeth shining, armor getting torn off in the heat of battle, skyscrapers coming down because of massive bodies being tackled into them, streets running with red and blue blood, the eva litterally tearing into an angel, all this larger than life, just think about that, and what the eva movie could have been
  18. ok i got it, good description. most of 1 second skits are like a punchline with no joke, and alot of the long skits are like a unneedly long joke not worth the punchline, im not syaing there all like that, but alot of em seem to be
  19. well now we know which of the concept art is final, i like them, but they cant compare to the originals, the new eva-02 looks meaner, but has lost it's sense of elegance, the new eva-01 looks too organic, like any armor would be made so intricate and curvy, and the new eva-00 looks too mechanical, with the 'circuit board' line on it's body and the caution bars on the chin, yes using the original designs would have been best but think of it this way, some aesthetic damage is better than a complete mangle and redesign, its the best we could expect form hollywood
  20. or that shortlived tv show Mantis, where the cripple guy made the exoskeleton suit and then went crime fighting
  21. from what i can tell it has 2 problems, 1 is the second sketches with characters that you know notihng of and will never see again, i bet 90% of the family guy skits wudnt be funny if they were just anonymous characters instead of griffins. 2, is they just drag the jokes on too long, the nsync thing was amusing up till the end of the training, the fight was meh, and when britney spears showed up it was just stupid, the walt disney skit, god i just wished it would end, the teen titans thing, yea, funny when B&B showed up but they dragged it out too long, plus the fact that seth green is doing so many of the voices is annoying, i could turn out something of equal quality in my basement with a few friends
  22. wendys nuggets are better, but robot chicken is crappy parody show on cartoon network, mostly claymation and barbie dolls spoofing pop culture, badly
  23. This is the science fiction thread, not the anime thread. but koshi rikdo approved that episode to be turned into a science fiction show
  24. now they just need to extend it to the arms and construciton workers can carry I-beams on their own
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