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Max is a Genius

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Everything posted by Max is a Genius

  1. Actualy the first time I watched MZ when the scene of the gal singing and the rock started floating around I just turned it off. Come on, at last in M7 they had this somehow bulky piece of equipment to focus their "spiritia" but that was somehow acceptable (except when blocking PPCs from the protodevil....), flying rocks are not...
  2. It does make sense but I guess I wasn't clear a few steps back. I'm not refering to why the M7 fleet didn't upgrade, I'm talking about a recently (sort of) deployed fleet like the M11 or M13 which where build from nothing when the VF-19 was already selected. I'm trying to understand if the UNS whould have a fleet equipped with fighters they have already decided will be changed in a few years time or they'll simply have the VF-19 assigned to those fleets. I bet, also, that Earth Command got all their fighters upgraded asap =P
  3. Hmm I guess I'm missing some important part of the history. I tried to find out more of the macross history but the macross compendium just state dates of event. Can anyone point me to a good side with recaps of the history ?
  4. That whould make sense, but what about the few latest fleets like macross 11-15 that where launched after the VF-19 was approved as new main variable fighter, whouldn't those fleets have the 19 already ? what whould be the point in build a fleet from scratches and equip it with fighters already out of date ? Note, I haven't played any of the VF-X games where, from what I understand, you face M13 which has been hijacket (how lol ??). Maybe it has been stated or something there, I don't know.
  5. Ok but that might apply to a real world situation where economy does join the game of renewing a fleet. All colony ships go around with few 3 Star ships which are basicaly flying automated contruction yards. Those ships could replace VFs without anyone really notice, changing the whole load of a fleet in few months. Beside, imo, change the core fighters when you face the enemy isn't really save =P
  6. Hmm but then why the M7 fleet wasn't using it in 2045 except for 3 unit assigned to Emerald Force and only mid serie (Ep 20 or something).
  7. I'm guessing after some browsing that it's just the name the varioius box of the macross tv serie got once released in the US.
  8. I'm sorry if that has been asked already, I tried to search for the answer to my question but couldn't find it. Has anyone estimated or has been stated officaly or semi-officialy about what year the VF-19 is going to start replacing the VF-11 as main fighter for the UNAF and UNS ? thanx
  9. It's me or the AFOS looked like an Evil serie zentradi like the big winged protodevil in M7 ?
  10. The redshirt sindrome is hitting again I guess heh I still think the suit used by isamu 6-7 years before M7's story is superior in design. Expecialy the helmet which allow the pilot to look above his head thanx to the transparend material.
  11. Oh yeah thanx a lot =))
  12. I watched every episode of M7 and I never noticed that reference.. dang I guess I have to watch the intro all over again. Thanx for the answers tho, now that I know it's canon I can finally use it in my RPG campaign =)
  13. Sadly that's the normal pilot flightsuit =/ I wonder why they didn't used the M+ one since they used them for the VF-22 =/
  14. Hi, I just recently registered on this forum after browsing it for a few years. I've been a fun of Macross since I watched for the first time Robotech (which was aired here in italy in mid 80s), yeah I know they are two different kind of stuffs, but RT introduced me to that world and DYRL? sucked me in forever heh. Now, after the introduction the question. I've been browsing many sites, the macross compendium and other sources and I've often found references to the cloning of the few survivor of the SDF1 for repopulation and colonicazion. Now, I wonder where this claim came from. I mean it has been officialy stated by the autors somewhere or it's just an educated guess ?? Thanx
  15. Does anyone have a guide or something for this game ? I can't read japanese and the manual isn't of much help as you can immagine heh Not to mention my inability to pass the very first mission because I can't seems to find what am I supposed to do =(( heeeelp, plz... my VF is getting dust in the hangar
  16. As a matter of fact, despite Basara and the whole spiritia thing I enjoied M7 far more then Zero. While the animation in Zero was amazing as usualy happens for an OAV compared to a serie, the story really started to sink after the second OAV. M7 at last developed the story and we discovered some new information about the protoculture, the status of the fleets and life of normal people on the colonial ships (no galactica pun intended =P). I found much more bearable the spiritial then the shaman gal flying rocks and stuff around while singing...
  17. I have one question for now as the answer will lead to more complex questions. Is this ment to run by it's own or you need copies of Mekton Z and/or other manuals ?
  18. An Elf ? wth is wrong with Big K these days ?.. I think I'll stick watch Macross, DYRL and M+ for the time been. M7, M0, I can't really stand that fugly series, hell even M2 was far better then the last few Macross productions..
  19. Oh god no... I fear we are starting to follow Gundam steps here... teenager students..
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