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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. hey GhQ, if you don't remember I am the one who sat to the left of you during dinner, anyways contact http://www.samurai-monkey.com/ I saw he had the elint that we were talking about during dinner. good luck on your search.
  2. Has the cockpit melted yet? I thought SolScud forgot it in his car during dinner...
  3. I agree we have to go out and support Mari, I am up for going to her next venture, I think it is in July or something. Does anyone have a picture the back of her T-shirt?
  4. sneakers

    Yamato SDF-1

    if they make one, I hope it is the DYRL version with AARD-carriers for the arms
  5. is anyone going to this con?
  6. I use the Copic Market airbrush sets, but depending on the model kits, my first choice is the Tamiya because I like the vescosity of it.
  7. feels very 80's, something you would see on japanese tv at the time, probably more juju-ranger, like
  8. you should get Roy's, because you gotta love the colors of the black and yellow mixed together.
  9. oops a little too big, but u get the idea... (sorry moderator)
  10. All knee and pray before the great wall of Yamatos
  11. between the two the vf-11b and the vf-11b FP, which one do you guys prefer? i lean more toward the vf-11b, just because it was a first release and the first macross + toy as for the hip joint, I haven't broken it yet, so far...
  12. are any of the masterpiece alpha getting hard to find? I heard some places are sold out of the scott, and rook version.
  13. hey areaseven, how long until a review for episode 5. sneakers
  14. Go Nick!!!! that stand ROCKS, you have to make more of them... I could use one for my Joke Machine also
  15. Does anyone know where to download Macross Plus mame emulator with sound? thanks sneakers
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