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Everything posted by al0324

  1. UGH that happened to me too. I missed my chance on a tracks cuz i was sure there be more at a target later on - and the gf said "no more tf's for now!" well... saw one Jazz... had to pick it up. got the same reaction your wife probably did!
  2. i couldn't find a grimlock alt anywhere so i picked up a grimlock BT. LOVE HIM... LOOOOOOVE HIM! i love the heftier weight, and the fact that grimey is my fav bot next to optimus, having the BT is just awesome. I say if you have an absolute fav, splurge a little and get a bt version instead of alt. The box is so much nicer, and the manuals are much more detailed + concept drawing. Unfortunately, my girlfriend accidently smashed the box into a flattened piece of cardboard and dumped it in the garbage (including manual)... thinking that empty box was just an empty box... the alt's are great - you can abuse them to no end. the bt's require a little more delicate handling.
  3. it's interesting that they would bring out a 3rd remold of tracks. Aside from the fact that you have yellow and blue tracks AND battle ravage. i have ravage. the car is sleek, but i can't get over the panther head
  4. yeah the tires on the outside looks better anyways. here's two weblinks i found: the first one just shows a gallery of him. the second is a simple kitbash to get him looking more like g1. I did tried out the kitbash - simple to do but takes a while (used a carpenters knife to cut through the plastic tabs on the trunk - instructions were somewhere on the web) eventually though, i didn't end up having his trunk piece as his front cuz they look like a huge chest piece. I opted for his normal look, but now his back is more flush. http://www.seibertron.com/toys/gallery.php...&size=0&start=0 http://tfkenkon.com/g/?mode=album&album=Cu...mon%2FBT+Lambor by far, i think hound is still my favorite alternator: easy transformation and poses well. My grimlock's hard to transform (getting those arms out is a pain) but he looks the best in my opinion. I want meister, but can't find him locally - and i'm not impulsive enough to order him online yet. Is he a whole lot better than Smokescreen? The transformation looks real similiar.
  5. Is the Alternator version supposed to say Jazz on the box? Nope. He's also called meister. I read somewhere on some forum that hasbro had a problem getting it renamed to Jazz. Dont know what the deal was though.
  6. I'll believe it when I see a RED Autobot symbol instead of the PURPLE Autobot symbol in those photos. The head looks fairly legit but the miscolored faction symbol screams Photoshop. Actually that's not the case. Many of the Alternators prototypes have had miscolored faction symbols. Yeap, i've seen a proto chevy battle ravage with red decipticaon symbol. interrrrresting.
  7. Because flat red plastic (or any "lighter" colour) is always that bit translucent that it doesn't look like paint. this means light gets reflected back at you not only from the surface, but below the surface as well. this is what makes things look plasticy abd toy-like. Ironically white plastic isn't as badly affected. this will somehat flatten out the range of tones you'll see as light relfects of the differing surfaces of the toy. Grimlock and Streak are painted silver, which makes them look pretty indistinguishable from BTs. Tracks, Hound, Dead End, and Smokescreen are all quite dark colours, so this sub-surface scattering doesn't affect it as much (and smokescreens sponsor decals distract from it). I've not got Alt Swindle, so I don;t know how they've dealt with the problem on him. and on the subject of red alternators, behold Swerve swerve = new alternator remold? i noticed on my hound that the plastic's all glittery, so it kinda looks a little less plasticky compared to bluestreak and Sideswipe. My grimlock's a bt though, so i dont know how the alternator grimlock is (he's painted?) man, all these remolds with different heads how many characters can you get from one mold? i think g1 smokescreen, silverstreak, and prowl were 1 - so just 3?
  8. al0324

    VF Girls

    wow. i drew one of these gals a couple years back? some of you might recognize this but i figure this is a good thread to re-post it in.
  9. hi guys, long time no chitta chattah. i'm currently working at Fluid, LLC - a 3D cg animation company for film/tv. we got a rendering system up and running and wanted to test it on several different models. Boss really wanted to try out a veritech for fun. i know it's risky business passing intellectual goods here and there. you can check www.thefluidimage.com for what we do. The only thing i can really compensate is the image of the render and credit. it's more for personal eyecandy anyways. if anyone's willing to donate a 3D model (hopefull hi-poly with some tex, but not required), that would be great... heck i would love to see how a Koenig Monster would look in our real time rendering system. thanks in advance! you can contact me at my email: albert@thefluidimage.com boss said format doesn't matter? could be in max, maya, etc. let me know if there is any issue with this posting. thanx! albert
  10. 1/72 = 2 1/60 = 3 1/48 = 1 (w/ fastpacks of course) wish i had more... expensive
  11. the seam hasn't changed in the re-issue, right? It's just the QC stuff and the redesign of the nosecone?
  12. Kevin's got some K&M figurines coming in, and i recall some time ago about these coming out? how large are these guys again? thnx! aL
  13. actually, if you read the reviews on this website, some parts become self explanatory. go Mworld!
  14. al0324


    Right on! Btw, that distressed facial expression is often used for girl-characters only-to show "Jaw-dropping", not licking. If she's meant to be shown licking, her tongue would be drawn slightly bent. i knwo the facial expressions and all, but that one really fooled me too... so if it fooled one it'll fool others...
  15. I just picked up a green toynami alpha at a gamestop today. I was really hyped about getting one, but now that i got one, i think they're "ok." it's bulkiness really didn't lend to any great poses. I was just curious if anyone else had picked one up...
  16. i dunno! i still gape at my 1/48th with awe, but i'm very sure once the 2030's reach, those valks will blow away my 1/48th retro chunky monkey i bought during the stonage 2000's
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