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Everything posted by al0324

  1. actually, i have a friend that worked on that show doing the animation. The reason why it's so sporadic is because none of it is episodic. After all the sequences are done, they are taken and edited into an episode... so it's not like EPISODE 1 was written and the best. it's a mix of random stuff from the beginning of production towards teh mid of production. probably what they did is put all the good stuff in the first ep, and slowly cram all the poorer or left over stuff towards the end of the show. it's a pain in the butt to animate toys that can't stand - you gotta break em apart and rebuild an armiture for it... then use a lot of hotglue to make sure they stand. let alone that, there's exec decisions that screws up stuff... sigh... i know this first hand edit to add: yeah, Adult Swim actually doesn't spend the time for good writing - i can't really tell you how long production took to make RC (i dont want to get in trouble), but it was short.
  2. That is really a very good point. Perhaps it has something to do with a sword being Grimlock's trademark? Or could the quality of plastic for the sword be soft material? Hmmm.......... doesn't really make sense to me. not to add to the "i heard this" bug, but... i heard that it was because Honda didn't want to be involved with creating a violent toy/dangerous toy, so the barrel was removed? but when the BT was made, takara talked with honda and got them to reverse that? anyone know the official deal?
  3. a "DOH" and "DUH" from me.
  4. subcategory for customs? i enjoy looking at them, but they're spread out all over the forums. what do you think?
  5. i'm me
  6. this is probably old news, but i finally got my windcharger barrels from JD productions at: http://jd-p.net/btwc.htm 8 bux (includes shipping) - i think from singapore, so took like 2 weeks... but finally got it. It's nice, and really helps WC's castrated weapon look whole.
  7. yeah the popping of DOORS! i really like grimey, he looks cool, but his transformation is a pain - kinda discourages me from transforming him much... end up grabbing meister and fiddling withi him instead
  8. Customs range from $200 on up depending on what you want. For exactly what you see here, $200 each. Including valk or we provide valk? i'm sure you have to provide valk. the amount of labour/time vs profit isn't justified otherwise?
  9. i have the japanese instructions and they are just as bad. for me to get the arms out, i don't pull from the arms - it tends to take them off of their joint. i have to go from the inside of the car and use my thumbs to get the arms out (if you can imagine holding someone's head and trying to squish their eyes out with your thumbs, well, that's what i'm doing with grimey to get his arms out- hurts my thumbs though)
  10. Has any one here ordered from Action-HQ.com before, what's your experience with them? i dont know - i always thought of them as somewhat over priced in comparison to others. i'm sure there's a reason for it though.
  11. Man, I'm kinda offended you'd put , Ridley Scott, Steven Spielburg, Tim Burton, Sam Raimi, and Ang Lee with Paul W Suck Anderson. Lucas I'm just mixed on. i didnt clump em together to say that they're all equal - i clumped em together because you can tell them apart from each other easily
  12. michael bay bleeeeehhhh... maybe sam remy. you can simply throw in other directors and get a bleh feeling right away... like: Tim Burton directing transformers george lucas steven spielburg that crouching tigers flying monkeys or wahtever guy that gladiator guy AvP director If everything was a popcorn flick, nothign would be memorable. But oh well, here's hoping Tformers the movie rocks!
  13. well, in that case i agree - if op's can pose on one leg. but most toys can't anyways, cept maybe some stikfa's or BT/alt hound. i had op standing on his tippy toes, so i'm amazed at how many different poses you can do with the amount of diecast on him anyways. in regards to ear plugs - i dont think there was any ever? i can't find a pic showing his right side with a plug, so i doubt there's one in existance. The MP came with some black plug like things, but that was for the trailer.
  14. mmm... did the "ear-plug" fall or it doesn't come with one? My MP-01 left earplug fell and got lost after 2 days Did that happen to anyone? ~Tico Well, there weren't any "ear-plugs" to seal off that ear hole, but there are a coupla rubbery thingeys seaed in a small plastic bags that might be used to plug it in.... but they were black in color and i tot i'd wanted to keep magnus all white... so i din really care abou it. More pics after I get home. a lot of people have been asking about thsoe rubbery things on other boards and dont know what they're for. The manual says they're for the trailer and i've been using them for that. also, some reviewer said MP OP couldn't pose well? i spent an hour and a half putting op in a ton of neato cool awesome KAZOWY-BANG-BOOM-SHAZAM poses yesturday, so i dont know what they're talking about. MP OP rules! i use him to talk to my girlfriend - i love that button on the back of his head... sigh... i'm a loser...
  15. mmm... did the "ear-plug" fall or it doesn't come with one? My MP-01 left earplug fell and got lost after 2 days Did that happen to anyone? ~Tico ear plug? my mp 01 didnt come with one?
  16. wanted to clear this up: i used the bumper thing as an example cuz i can't actually remember what it was i read - all i know though is that it was relating to some part of the car splitting - not necessarily the bumper... it was so obscure/stupid that it might as well be something like a bumper splitting or the roof of the car coming off (hah! roof of car coming off is hazardous - people can fall out when robots tranform!) yeah... just wanted to make sure not to confuse people about that. ugh just ridiculous though.
  17. i recall at one point certain companies refusing licensing rights because they fear that when for example a transformer changes to robot form, the bumper has to split to form the feet. Their fear is that they don't want to misconstrue that the bumper on their cars actually splits - fear that customers would think certain parts of a transformer that comes off will actually come off on the real car. it's silly - it's like MPOP's smoke stacks being shortened because of fear of poking your eye out. edit to add: besides that, i remember companies like porche and ferrari rarely licensing their name brand out (they had that issue in Gran turismo 2). Too snotty perhaps?
  18. al0324

    1/48th scale hands

    I've been working for cartoon network! well, a studio that works for them at least. www.thefluidimage.com been busy only enough time every now and then to check the boards for new toys. been mostly collecting transformer alternators up the wazoo. but i just recently revisited my 1/48th and noticed the hands deal and wondered about it. nice to see that the gang's still here!
  19. HEY was overdrive ever in the cartoon series? i can't remember him? if he was, anyone with tv screen shots? i can't find screenshots of him in the tv series on the net anywhere, just the original g1 toy.
  20. are you going to get the barrel for windcharger? I'd like to ... his gun is pretty wimpy .... Yeah it is without that barrel. I ended up ordering mine through JD productions blah blah blah for 8 bux (free shipping) so gonna wait and see hwo it turns out
  21. al0324

    1/48th scale hands

    Hi guys - please forgive me if this has been answered already (i have limited internet access so it's hard for me to do extensive searches) are there any kind of remold 1/48th scale hands for sale anywhere? i'm specifically asking about the TV hands seen on the 1/48th vf-1J valk so that i can plop em on my 1A. (these hands are exchangeable with the 1A right?) thank you! albert
  22. are you going to get the barrel for windcharger?
  23. i've seen dragstrip, but i can't remember who decepticharge is? i tried a local search, but keep coming up with stuff about the toys and not the g1 character or the cartoon char?
  24. yeah i did that to my ravage. folded the doors to the rear and between his legs and you end up with a semi-triangular tail. sorry no pics
  25. hmmm. (alternators line) anyone know if someone can mold tracks head scuplts to replace ravages? sad to say, but ravage's head is starting to bother me.
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