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Everything posted by al0324

  1. ok thanks. if a mod comes by this, please remove post?
  2. i just picked this up yesturday. animation: a++, though the lifelikedness + motion cap made it eerie at times. story: wtf? confusing as hell. You had to play the game to probably understand most references. I played it, but that was 10 years ago? action: a+++ 10x better than the bigbudget american movie i really wished they were more clear on the storyline anyone else watched it? (coudln't find an open thread about it, so i jus tstarted one)
  3. I nominate david hasselhoff. I rented ZULU - thinking it was the original miniseries in the 80's or 90's. It had david hasselhoff as a british captain of a smuggler slave vessel. He was absolutely horrible - no attempt to act british, no british accent. he even looked like he was gonna run down the beach with red shorts. how he survived through the years is amazzing. good agent that guy has... good agent.
  4. This was my macross moment as well. DYRL... still makes me giddy watch the first battle sequence.
  5. "more of the same" is the typical response to any network exec's mentality. If you try to pitch a cg movie and it looks like Final Fantasy? - no one will want to produce it... even though it's the story that caused the film to flop, not the visual style. then you get the "walmart" execs who come in and tell you what they like or dont like.
  6. for me the make great drawing reference. but midori is an exception, she looks bloody wicked! I'm actually pretty happy with the grey too - i thought i got the black one cuz it was so dark - the grey is much darker than the photos. quite amazing. the detail is astonishing. My g/f was fidling with the guns and thought that removing the clip and cocking the rifle was a neat add on for such a small scale. now only if her eyes glows.
  7. i collect very few cool girl dolls, but the female jinroh armored girl (midori protect gear) gray version just came in yesturday! she is awesomeable-uber-duber-cool! i luckily had a mg-32 that i've been saving for a jinroh 12 inch figure that i never bought... did anyone else pick one up? wish i had a pic - will post later.
  8. i have to agree. there is a lot of weird (being nice) stuff on [AS] that could be vastly better. with any broadcast pilot and cartoon... a LOTof things fell outside of our controls (story and stylewise). I had a goofy funny pitch one time only to get it shot down immediately because it had a female lead... and network execs dont feel "comfortable" with having a female lead unless it runs on the lines of a show like sex and the city or gilmore girls. wtf? "we have yet to see a female lead in a sitcom do well - with few exceptions" i swear... that's why we get crap movies and shows... but i'm ranting.
  9. found out i can't say much about it. but it'll have to be greenlit for a series first. if it is, then expect a series coming out maybe in spring? i dont know the details. glad you like it!
  10. sorry... bumping this only one time as it's about 1 hour b4 show premiere. those that have seen it so far thinks its thumbs up... those that have hate it so far thinks that it's at least more deserving than some of hte material on [Adult Swim] thanks to anyone who've seen it already and commented on it.
  11. actually, today (oct 28th), adult swim posted the pilot online for the friday night fix. you can watch it there between 11 pm - 6 am http://www.adultswim.com/fridaynightfix/index.jsp
  12. while we're talking trek - someone sent me stuff about George Takei coming out of the closet? is that true?
  13. shatner does Seven http://www.devilducky.com/media/22937/ kinda good sense of humor, that shatner.
  14. Hi guys, first of all, if this is an inappropiate plug, please just get rid of this message. I'm just trying to get more people to watch the show. My company and Loren Bouchard (creator of Dr. Katz and Home Movies) created this show for Adult Swim. It will premiere on: Lucy, The Daughter of the Devil Oct 30th, 11:45 pm i hope you guys can take the time to watch this 11 minute pilot. I was mainly responsible for character design, storyboards and matte paintings. We worked hard on this. everyone at the company worked hard on this there's several things to note though: 1) it's rated TV-MA - so it's not for kids 2) it's a spoof of Omen and horror shows, but it can still be offensive to people (religiously speaking) 3) if you hate it, don't go after me. you can view a clip of it at www.adultswim.com - it should be on the main site. let me know what you think if you watch the pilot! if you hate it, please say so. if you love it, please say so! any feedback is welcome. aL
  15. well, it'll have to be an intel driven mac now... as they've got plans i'm sure to phase out powerpc within the next two years or so. This will stagger Apple sales now for sure. People wanting to upgrade will probably wait to see what's gonna happen. I was all set and ready to fork out some $$$ and get a powerPC... but now i'll just wait and see what happens. THe powerPC at work will get me by. I have no problem with having an Intel in my comp - wouldn't mind it at all for a mac. it's the winXP os that's a different story - also - with an intel based chip, how will mac sell their comps vs other options like dell and such? oOoo that's something to ponder.
  16. someone enlighten me? is ep 4, 5, 6 using clones? or has the empire gotten big enough to start recruiting troopers? thx
  17. ugh family movie? that's more on the lines of Spy Kids. what was the rating on the old transformers movie? they had a lot of death in that one.
  18. Lucas is in a scene just before Anakin enters Palpatine's box seat at the "Opera." He's in the left of the screen wearing a purple outfit with a tall hat that has a sloped top. He's also talking to someone. After all these years, George finally makes a cameo in one of his Star Wars films. you know, he might be talking to his daughter in that scene, cuz i remember seeing her, but not lucas - HAH i missed that one. he was right there.
  19. I missed Lucas himself, saw the scene with his son, but didn't know that his two daughters were in it. Where were they? I thought the voice of the medical droid that was explaining Padme's condition to Obi-Wan sounded a lot like Lucas. But I didn't see him. H i can't remember the scene, but i recognized the costume designs from the artbook. She was the blue faced one with a lot of cloth over herself. her sister was next to her for one shot. albert
  20. anyone seen lucas in the film? i caught a glimpse of his two daughters and jett lucas running around swinging a light saber in epIII.
  21. ah yes, the typical forum flame with the "don't you know how to use search" crap. seriously, people need to lighten up... otherwise, you guys start sounding like those star wars/star trek elitists. anyways, my two cents: every movie's a rip of some movie (or as we say "borrowed"). I doubt the stealth guys ripped macross cuz otherwise they'll have transforming robots. you know, when i saw the trailer, i didn't even think of macross plus until someone here mentioned it. just because it has a flying AI jet, people assume it's stolen from macross plus? ppleaseeeee... you know what's a rip? it's a really good movie that's remade for the 90's (OOPS i mean 2000's)
  22. I bought the blue BT Tracks because of the flame decal. It's funny how much I hated the yellow but loved the blue. Sometimes all it takes is the colour to make the different. I mean look at all the exclusives and stuff Clear Plastic? Black Plastic? No Plastic? (Full Metal Bits?) And the damn thing becomes hot or a new character. Look at Sideswipes Reissues. Clamp Down and Deep Cover ( I think) And that Yellow Tracks looks like a freaking Taxi. So Blue is Best. i liked the yellow tracks more, its makes a pleasant change. Looks like a taxi??? Please, you havent noticed the large percentage of sports cars these days being yellow? Bikes as well. But it's hard to mistake the others such as a porshes (spelling) Ferrai, Lambos etc as a cab But the way Tracks was designed looked just like a cab if you pop a sign on top of him. i mocked this up real quick just to see how it looks (picture modified from tfkenkon.com)
  23. BT's Grimlock's roof is the same as Alt Grimlock's so that wouldn't make a diff. I know. which is the irony of it! I have to say I was proud of myself not getting angry at my wife when it happened. well, that's the point. If my BT's (er, my BT, i only own one) get scratched, I get a little depressed - 40-50 dollar toy and now there's a scratch. But if my alt gets scratched, i tend to care less? cheap plastic, cheaper toy... so i mind less, even though it can be as hard to find or rarer than some BT's.
  24. I bought the blue BT Tracks because of the flame decal. It's funny how much I hated the yellow but loved the blue. yeah, you would think that since the mold is the same, it wouldn't bother people. I have ravage... thought that could fix my tracks void but it really didn't (gole dang panther head). I'd opt to get a BT blue, but i notice i like teh plastic more - can chuck 'em around without worrying about them breaking.
  25. i want alternators tracks re-release!
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