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Everything posted by Darrtallion

  1. I have started the Project and I figured I might as well give out a cool looking pic first. I am also assuming that the Height of the pic is 176 and the width is 146 So here it is, a starting point for the gif one.
  2. I will see what I can do but no promises and this one could take a long while but I got something maybe
  3. hmm maybe I should have you text me the pic lol. My phone hates getting anything from computers it has to be received by other phones lol.
  4. I did a quick Run through in photoshop and uploaded the PSD to my site SMS PSD I also uploaded here a couple of the screen shots of it. Feel free to edit it fix it what ever lol. This is the large version and this one is 146 by 146
  5. The AGAC I have on there is not transformable I have a transformable one. As for the other Stuff that was made for a game long ago so I had major plans on improving those ones. As for Encoding them that would be great, My other project really hates sharing transformation sequences with others but since we are completely re-writing all that code its almost not required but encoding them would be preferable just for sake of preventing hackers in my other game project. Although the texture files don't need to be coded. As for Animation we have a to truly figure out how we are going to do that since we are completely rebuilding our base engine. It could be totally different. But I would love to see what animations you would come up with. And yes my Beta Fighter is fully animated. Though I think I am going to edit some of it mainly the thrust vector fins because they don't conform with the actual drawing.
  6. I can give you A completed Alpha Fighter A completed Beta Fighter A In Works needs animation work VF-4 I can give out Mospeda enemy mecha I have a SDF Macross. I am currently working on Levels and such mainly a full size Post apocalyptic Manhattan Working on some other things as well. This project will be very interactive with one of the Projects I am currently working on. And will allow me to incorporate between the two quite easily. I also have a Southern Cross AGAC I can give you. I have some Zentraedi Mecha I am currently working on. I will have to go through a list of models. But I have a lot of them. Note All Models are designed for Games and have poly count under 2k normally.
  7. me personally About Robotech and Macross. Well honestly I am a big Rifts fan and can see these more like parallel dimension stuff. Each is different but have a similar beginning. To go over and blame one or the other Is just kinda of pointless to me. As for the game I think it will be a fun and interesting game.
  8. I just noticed something when I went back over the model. I was wondering how many groups do you have in the model that is used in the game. The reason being is that the MMO group I am with we noticed a increase in performance when you combine all the groupings in the model to 1 group. I believe the reason being was that you did not have to reload the same texture over and over and over again for each group. It increased performance quite a bit. It is also a reason why we are sticking to generalized texture groups. Just a thought that came to mind.
  9. If you dont want to deal with all the spoiler tags then do the simple thing. Hold down the CTRL button then press A on the key board and browse. Spoiler tags are gone and you can be lazy and not swing your mouse around. Enjoyed the Episode hope to get a better understanding of everything when a translation comes out. My Japanese sucks.
  10. I thought it would be good to get Isamu into a YF-19 cockpit rather then an older VF style. So I took a bunch of screen shots I could find for reference for you just incase you wanted to build the cockpit of the 19. I will link the rest since it would be one heck of a long post if I put them all in. Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot Screen shot I hope that will help
  11. I had the same problem with the VF4. The line art was very well very bad lol but I got it done the best I could for a video game and at least you can tell what it is lol. I really should finish the animation and texture work on it though lol.
  12. I thought he was doing a basic layout to get the pattern down then just do a smoothing at the end and do all the touch up work Thats how I would do it. And I think he has the video frame rate increased noticeable when he does some of the micro adjustments. But he is definitely very talented to still be do it so effortlessly. One of these decades I will have to go out and purchase a real 3d modeling program. No more milkshape.
  13. I think that most of the work was done by the Program. I sure would like to have a program like that it would definitely make modeling so much easier for me it had lots of tools I want in the program I currently use.
  14. ahh Spoiler alert lol Poor little Ranka I have to say though that I have really been enjoying this new series and I am quit pleased with the way the story is going and its not to far off of what feels Macross. As for the "LOBSTER" if I remember correctly in the scene when his head was sniped it look like it severed its own head too and it was a clean disconnection not the head disintegrating. So maybe it can detach its own limbs if it is prepared for it.
  15. yea that is was what I was thinking because to move the fingers the distance needed you have to pull the length of the cable. I was trying to design something that would have a short rotation requiring a short distance of cable movement. I believe the length I had to pull the cable when I measured last was about 2 to 3 cm but with yours I think you will have to pull half the length of the fingers. Not to seem critical cause you have a lot of talent just trying to explain the mechanics of things. And if you use a trigger system I am not sure how much distance you will be able to press the button. But I myself haven't finished the full mechanics of the thing. I know I can still shorten the length of the rotation needed by a little. Honestly my first Idea was to just make it work on a electrical setting using batteries and components from airplanes using servos but I figured that might be a little to expensive since I am unsure of your budget lol. Maybe we should do a fund raiser to help out the VF girl project hehehehe. But all needed components and ship them to you and have instructions on how to make it electrical lol. But I really hope that the simplicity works over the complexity. Either way you still have a great looking piece of work. It has inspired me to work on one as well for my Girl and even maybe my cousins. Time to put the old Crafts to work. Of course I think I might make it out of different materials I can carve foam but oddly enough I have hard time shaping it the way you do. I will also finish the design and see if I can layout how to make it. Not sure because its well its just one of those things I can see in my head I just have a hard time laying out lol.
  16. ok here is a quick sketch on a fingers part of the mechanism. Just for an Idea I will try to explain some parts of it as well. Now normally I would just fabricate something like this but I am not sure if you will be able too but its a diagram for it and might be of some help or ideas. Now in the picture I have a spot for adding a top piece that would straighten the fingers out on release of the button but I have not put it in. Something elastic and keep taunt would work. I will show more later when I start on the other part of the mechanics of the connection to a trigger system.
  17. lmao ohh that is just so so funny. But on to another thing. Do you remember the Claw grabbers? The extended claw arm with the pistol Grip Trigger? example Claw Arm Example I think this type of design might be able to be created to create a system switch out the trigger to button and use a cable string in through the fingers to pull on hinge bars. I will see if I can create a diagram on how to make something like that But I think I can easily design something that would work. So maybe you can still have a trigger arm type setup.
  18. sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner in the emails but I was busy with a lot of extra stuff with my company changing a whole lot of things So I am stuck working 16+ hours a day right now. But I have been looking for some models for the buildings and such and I am working on a few maps for the MMO game I am working on so please give me some time and I will send you stuff as soon as I can.
  19. I had already verified the problem on my PC as being the file itself and not the system. The guy did a bad job with it. But at least I got to understand more of it. I am just glad I watched it Raw first.
  20. I would take a guess that if the gun is a Rail gun base sniper rifle then those would probably be cooling rods to help prevent the barrel from over heating. But that would be my initial guess.
  21. Those are great looking models to begin with I am sure you will have a great looking piece of work when your done. As for the Poly count I find that it only matters if you want a faster render but I deal with low poly projects mainly in gaming and never tried any of the film type so I wish you the best of luck with that. Personally I use milkshape for making 3d Models for games and such I like the way it works. I have tried blender and wasn't very fond of it. But I do like 3d max but since Milkshape and max work in the same principles I think I feel more comphortable with it. Though I prefer to texture in Milk more then max since it is far far simpler. Also I am working on a original VF with a forward sweep wing design if you like it you can feel free to use its principle. Or to at least modify it I still have it only in sketches but I will have a working model shortly though I am not sure how it will look to others. But its an offer.
  22. I think the project looks great. You are doing a fantastic job. "I don't have any software to do screen captures so I can't help you there." To answer that question you can go to www.videolan.org and be able to download Videolan which has a lot of great options for screen shots and frame by frame progression. Plays all sorts of video files to DVD's. It is what I use to pull screen shots out of movies for 3d modeling.
  23. I used another program for rendering the 3d files. It just makes them look cooler but I think Milkshape released a new rendering program as well. "I Have to check it out" But if you like Email me and I will try to help out with some stuff. Or chat with me on skype I may have it up and running half the time but I work grave shift out here and well I am asleep half the time I leave it up for messages. But you can contact me at Darrtallion on skype.
  24. Here are some of the alphas I have textured I just had to rebuild the green texture so I didn't add in everything but I will have them ready and if you want you can use some I don't mind. I use milkshape3d and everything is animated through that so I can loan some of them that I have permission for the others I will have to ask about. Also here is some of the VF-4 I have been working on I still need to finish the animations for its transformations.
  25. Kool Kool Sorry about the wait been busy with moving and all that getting ready to head back to my home town of Los Angeles. But here are some models based on the New Generation stuff and some pics showing scale I have a lot of stuff I can add but I am work and unable to do so at the moment. And Note a lot of this stuff is just texture work by me and some modeling mainly editing. But the bulk of the work is between Ancient and another Dev member Breetai
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