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Toby Danger

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Everything posted by Toby Danger

  1. Ah, to say Square has lost its touch is a little harsh. Sure it's made some mistakes and some crap, but then again, who hasn't? And I still fail to see how FF7 is crap. I think it is the greatest in the series, next to 8 (and yes I have played all of them, with the exception of FF3 - japan). The whole FFVII-2 deal in my mind is like all the live action crap coming out (like evangelion). I'll see it even though it might suck, but it'll be interesting how they take it. I, for one, hope that Final Fantasies live on but the fact that they're resorting to sequals, IMO, isn't a good sign...
  2. Always wanted to play Front Mission 3... for one reason or another... never have been able to lay my hands on a copy. The toys owned though, used to have all of them before the little brother's friends took care of them once and for all.
  3. Well... chances are it won't be released here. I'd hafta go to Houston most likely and staying in a theater all day... fun but... really hard to do.
  4. Interesting... I quote EGM #171 October (even though its not even September) 2003: So.... do y'all think this is just EGM's prediction or does anyone actually know anything on this? I really don't know if I'm for or against it...
  5. I'm already back in school... but I ended the summer with an Evangelion Marathon... all 8 DVDs, Death and Rebirth, and good ol End of Eva. Macross marathon would be pretty sweet too... maybe next year.
  6. Am I the only one who is having trouble getting this? For some reason I download the .zip file and it cannot be unzipped... did this happen to any of you?
  7. Toby Danger is back in town.
  8. I'm going to buy it on pay-per-view, record it on a VHS, and then have that to satisfy me until the extended version. Thats my game plan.
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