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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. Memo...your avatar looks delicious!
  2. the episodes should be remade into an intergalactic rapper dromity... have the game as luke, warren g as darth vader, too short as obi-wan, dr dre as palpatine, cg'd army of eminem's for the storm-troopers, alicia keys (only cuz i like her booty ) as princess leia, and snoop dogg as han solo as for yoda? russle simmons .... i got this idea from lookin' at a picture of some nike air force 1s with a storm trooper siluette printed on them...
  3. that's actually pretty cool...
  4. well...MGREXX is MW's bastid puppy no one likes and every one loves to kick around...i suggested not banning him simply so he couldn't have the pleasure it takes pure retarded-ness to be banned from MW and he's gone above and beyond...he deserves to be kicked around for his rude comments and inflamitory attitude...so u know what dude, u just proved u were retarded by attacking our senior and most known/trust-worthy members...if you claim who you say you are then you seriously need to grow the hell up...this is freakin' middle school/jr high behavior...
  5. wow...the skygrasper doesn't look like a flying brick anymore
  6. She did, and honestly, she should have been playing Padme. but natalie portman has more of a booty... i would've loved to see that nympho josie maran as padame tho...
  7. i'm surprised this thread is still open... but then again, it was a mod who started it
  8. awww...yeah, mahou's fansubs are better than anime-kingdom...grr saw episode 7 and ended up with the whole "WTF is this?!" type mentality when i finished it...i was barely able to understand the whole episode...and they were too wordy like put in a whole long sentence for something that could be said in two words...i can't bring out an example since i deleted ep- 7 and replaced it with mahou's sub
  9. i think the creator just wants to make his own version of the 3 dom pilots from original gundam series making them the "new" Black Trinary
  10. actually...i can see woody playing carnage... woody, not topher... what if topher ends up being hydro-man? well then again, since this is topher, his body type would be better suited for maybe the hob-goblin, volture, or some sorta squany villian...
  11. we're more likely gonna see more striker packs before we see a PG Freedom...and there's so many other suits more worth being made into a PG kit...Bandai releases 1 PG kit ever year to 2 years...
  12. yeah...and so does the english audio for samurai champloo
  13. wasn't it said that the director changed how mwu died in the SEED compilation movies? so now we don't really know what happend to mwu, sorta like he just went missing for a while or something like that...can't think right now...drank a few beers and can't think correctly...thank god i learned how to touch type
  14. i guess it's about time...but come on...there's probably an assload of people already using pentiums or amd chips to run their apple computers...this just means apple has decided that they wanna have intel on their side and get away from IBM....
  15. freedom doesn't need any painting at all, there was something like 5 stickers for the whole thing...all it really need for painting wise was the just a couple parts...but the thing i loved and hated about the freedom was that it was stiff...when it's fully built it's stiff as a rock...the proportions are kinda off, in my opinion...if you can, get the 1/100 scale MG freedom...the wings are larger and more possable, sheild can be fitted perfectly to each arm, face is smaller so it doesn't look as long as the non-grade 1/100 and 1/60, proportions are just more stream-lined...
  16. i could see someone wanting to do so for nastalgia sake....so it could remind you more of your original toy you had when you were a kid...if i didn't suck at customizing i would probably do the same
  17. yeah...batman is actually worth the try...while this FF movie just reeks of hollywood cheese
  18. i guess you don't like lowrider and it's affiliated magazines then
  19. it's the aircraft going against the YF-22 (F/A-22 now) back in the early 90's at Edwards Airforce Base...basically, the contest that inspired Macross Plus
  20. They're both. really? i thought manga just owned the english audio for the ova's and the japanese audio for the movie...well i guess it makes sense to have both audios for the ovas lol
  21. are the macross plus ova's subbed or dubbed? i've been watching so many fansubs it just doesn't seem right to watch something dubbed anymore
  22. see...zeon likes gundam sentinal too
  23. i got this like a month ago from 4chan
  24. the thing i'm really starting to dislike is the fact they're making the solar aquarion seem like it's the most powerful of the 3 forms...
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