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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. i really hope yamato release a fastpack set....i honestly just want the leg fast packs but it would be cool to have the drone there for display tho...i guess it all depends on how this new vf-0s sells now...if this is gonna be the only one release then i guess i'll be forced to buy more than one
  2. Eventhough this is great news, I'm still waiting for the VF-0D I was actually looking forward to the 1/100 scale VF-0S...I wanted to buy a few to make customs with I feel that this new 1/60 VF-0S would be just too expensive and even precious to mess around with!...I'm also hoping CM will make a Shin and M0 version of Roy for this release...Also, it would be STUPID of Yamato if they decided to just release the VF-0S and no other VF-0's from M0...I know I'd buy a 0A, 0D, and there could easily be two versions of both the 0A and 0D...Shin's A and D plus their cannon fodder colored brothers
  3. Ehh...I think I'll stay with my homebrew version of Doom for now then.
  4. Me too but somehow I think it will come with the normal TV Hands 312761[/snapback] you mean the regular chicken fingered standard DYRL? hands? I really doubt the new CF will come with any spare hands...but then again, it doesn't hurt to dream
  5. Dat Pinche Haro!

    TV-1A head

    was bored and remembered >EXO< modded up a 1A head so it's TV style... I was just curious on the status of it....It'd be cool to see it painted up and all
  6. looks like yamato is easily getting like 300 bucks from me with the release of the cannon fodder 1a and the re-release of the fastpacks and the gpb armor coming out...like whoa ....i think i'll actually wait for the cannon fodder and maybe get the fastpacks and armor when they're released...hopefully some of our sellers can contact their warehouse/distributers to see when they'll be released...good job yamato...all you need to do is upscale the macross plus line, and release the macross zero line gee like that's ever gonna happen...
  7. i think the roy was put there to look pretty without the armor... what i'm wondering is when yamato is gonna re-release the fastpack sets
  8. hopefully it's another Macross Plus figure or something. It would be cool if all these figures came with parts to make another character or the SDF-1 Macross. let's just hope it's not another Minmay chase figure
  9. most likely got caught up in the model dev since he's apart of Bee-Craft or Bandai decided to just keep him somewhere else. He could be working on another Sunrise/Bandai mecha series or working with another company. I feel like Bandai has more or less killed Gundam. By releasing so many different types and variations, they've allowed themselves to kill a lot of creativity and originality. All anyone can do is improve on what's already there or add on to it, which is not totally a bad thing . It's disappointing to see IMHO lack of respect for the fans by work that's mediocre at best. Yeah, it does cost a lot of money to produce a series but why bother doing such a poor job? If you want to put the blame on anyone for the crappy mech designs, blame Bandai since they have to approve designs and all. We know Okawara can make something new and exciting, it's only the matter of Bandai allowing him to.
  10. feels like his head isn't long enough or his face is too full...sorta chubby cheeks...the lips look a little too full to me sorta makes him look a little girly...hell, maybe draw in some stubble and hikaru looks like he's more like 13 instead of being around 17...i think his cheeks are too full too but it might just be me...all in all, it's great work, i know i wouldn't be able to do anything like that...i suck at sculpting
  11. yeah, I thought the same about isamu. He either looks too fat or too muscular. But it's better than nothing! yeah i know but i kinda wish they gave a pilot Max or Kakizake as the special figure, not another cockpit it's basically a repaint of the first one. i hope they make gloval and more bridge bunnies in series 4...and less minmay i would also like tv versions of skull squad
  12. Max looks a lil gehy in the colored pic...and since the image is kind of small i can't see if there's any seam lines for him to indicate swapping legs and arms...Isamu looks kinda chunky IMO...and the flower girl looks like cagalli from gundam seed and it's good to see that the VF-1S cockpit is Roys and not Hikarus...
  13. well, i have the dreamcast cd image of super robot wars...
  14. nah...nick cage's head is just really big.... and that tight leather suit seems like it's too tight for my taste...makes him look gehy IMO...
  15. Yeah I'm also pissed off by that. I realy want the rest of the strike packs. I seriously want the buster and astray armor packs the most of all the other gundams. well there's always b-club, g-system or any other garage kit company out there that'll do it... but honestly, i'd rather have something official from bandai simply because i don't want to spend hundreds of dollars if i can't remove the armor from the frame or limit the articulation ... i know i'd hardly do it but it's nice to see all the details and interworkings of the kit...i mean why else have a PG kit? it's sorta like having a true physical representation of what the gundam would look like in real life....i also like to pose kits from time to time, which is why i like gundam models...they're articulated statues
  16. if you have a VF-11B then you have a place to display Isamu...an 11B is good enough for me
  17. i hate the way bandai teases us with lineart of the other striker packs...bandai could easily sell another skygrasper but with the other two packs..it would be cool if bandai made a pg scale gunbarrel or that one other pack in the seed msv collection...
  18. well the guy who released the memory card swap-exploit for the US ver. 1.50 is releasing another developer pack which WILL NOT need 2 memory sticks....there's rumors that it will NOT use the firmware to load games this is good news for those of us who don't want to sacrific a memory card or the card reader for the swap. here's the link... http://www.psphacks.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2107
  19. well this looks interesting... http://www.psp-hacks.com/2005/06/20/pspers...sp-backgrounds/ backgrounds for the psp
  20. yummy booty hehehe...great build thus far Ryuji. gotta give it up to Brazillians for liking booty...damn, it's nice being latino
  21. hopefully max comes with an extra body or at least legs and arms so you could slip him into his q-rau...the 3rd one might be millia or it might be mylene...or some hot chick charactor!! i'm hoping the second one is misa in screet clothes but it looks like minmay with the that green and yellow dress she wore in the last episode of the tv series....
  22. so you would suggest this book to anyone who doesn't have any design books featuring Miyatake's works? I would actually get this book simply because I don't have Kawamori's book. and I feel it's actually interesting seeing the refinements and inner-workings of all these mech/ship designs
  23. not a hanky...a long gym sock
  24. yeah the hack was released yesterday...a very ghetto way to do a hack but still good....well at least it's a step in the right direction...even if it is a dangerous direction...but all homebrews when they're first released dangerous anyways right? ahh well i'll be waiting until there's a safer release since i don't wanna spend 250 again cuz my psp turned into a brick
  25. In that case, she also need to change the control of her Freedom to a guiter. nah...cagalli is more of a drummer in my opinion and that image of cagalli with a freedom rouge looks bogus...probably something from 2chan...like the rey with boobies... and it's nice to see kira finally get some funnels or any character besides the guys in the side stories and le kruze...
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