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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. wow...just wow...can't wait until early summer cuz we all know it'll be released then and not in april like it says on hlj
  2. if you have winamp, you could just go into their shoutcast radio section...there you'll find a lot of great radio stations...and you can have multiple stations on your playlist so you can pretty much change it to whatever you want once you're tired of a certain type of music
  3. as beautiful as ever BTW, I think the head lasers are supposed to be that long...big ol' bunny ears and all I'll deffinately get more than one on this release...this thing is just too good lookin' to pass up
  4. is that an assumption or do you have a list of upcoming releases? if you do then please, by all means share with us. I'm curious to know what's being released in these coming months
  5. I really hope Bandai releases more 2.0 or even just 1.5 kits. It'd be nice to just have simple joint improvements...maybe just very little improved on the exterior
  6. I see a GM attatched to that unit's name...not Gundam altho, why even give it a Gundam's designation # if it's not a Gundam?
  7. but unit 1 is a GM...isn't it? dammit bandai...just make some BD MG kits already!!!
  8. nah....that's unit 2 before zeon captured it
  9. now there's a movie i'd wanna see!!
  10. instead of making an adapter for those who wanna keep the nosecone on, yamato should've just made two different coverings for the crotch area...
  11. hmmm...didn't yamato say it was gonna be released sometime in spring of next year? they've gone a long arse way from the cad drawings back a couple months ago
  12. dude i'm suffering already with my 2 jobs
  13. It's not strange at all if you think about it. It was always Hikaru's VF-1A from DYRL? that was always released first. Since there isn't someone in the series that really spent a long time in an A model, they just went along to the SECOND coolest mech in the series which happens to be the VF-0S...and the first being the 0D model....I'm sure Yamato went this way so they had more of a base to put possibly pull the D off....I know for sure I'd want a cannon fodder 0 when it comes out...I just hope something gets released soon...I'm becoming impatient
  14. for now i'll buy one then if i like the quality, i'll buy another one for collector's sake hopefully the sales are good enough to make it possible for a VF-0D model...
  15. u know in a way i'm glad that the hands do not go into the arms simply because it doesn't sacrifice the size of the hands...i'm hoping we get fixed pose hands or at least improve the possable hands so they don't look like chicken feet either way...i'm glad that yamato finally decided to make a VF-0 at all!!! i'm probably gonna get this and possibly a 2nd edition if it comes out then (wishful thinking) purchase a VF-0D when/if it comes out....i know for sure i'd buy an A and i'm sure you guys out there would buy a B if it came out too...i'm just gonna wait until we see more prototype pictures...hopefully we'll get to see some pictures in battroid and even gerwalk....now it's just time to play the waiting game
  16. actually there is a tab...you can see it on the bottom here in the pick that chowser put up http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...e=post&id=25092
  17. i think i'm in love...
  18. Well, for now the closest thing we'll have to the RX-79G are the Blue Destiny suits since they were built on the RX-79G's frame and all...and they almost look like the Ground Gundam anyways...
  19. that and because of how the person is wearing those clothes it's hard to tell if it's a chick or a guy i can't even tell if those are boobies or just a heavily padded bra...
  20. nope no homebrew working just yet...but it looks like there might be a chance for people who updated to 2.0 tho...i guess all of us will just have to wait and see who the whole homebrew thing unfolds
  21. it's not always the case though.....usually a smaller and better proportioned kit will come out later and it's usually a smaller kit...it's like comparing the current MG Mk II to the HGUC version...the HGUC is obviously smaller, better proportioned, better balanced, and better posability than the MG kit...the same goes for all sorts of kits...i really doubt if bandai's going to retool the zeta they'll do it from scratch instead of working on top of an existing mold and just building on top of that...they'll fully retool the kit much like they did with the MG Wing kits...they're by far more possable, and just plain better looking...hopefully Katoki or the guys at BEE-Craft did enough with the kit to make it a totally different animal than the first release.
  22. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/1...48revisited.htm there's a transformation video there that you could use as a guide...and you could always just look at the pictures in the manual...
  23. at this point in time it's not really worth it for me to upgrade...altho the wallpaper feature is tempting but not really enough for me to upgrade...if anything, a guy is going to hack up the update and make it so you could use a lot, if not all the functions the 2.0 os has....hell, you could already do half that stuff without the damn update!
  24. yeah me and hikuro were just talkin' about this on aim a few minutes ago...he said it would transform fine without any floppyness
  25. REACTIVE ARMOR!!!!! and some destroids....i'm also kinda hoping yamato will release leg fast packs along with the drone attatchment...would be cool to see what a vf-0d would look like with one on...
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