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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. funny thing is...Hasegawa already has a F-14D model kit.....they should've just used that one!!! honestly, i wouldn't mind paying a little more just so i could have an ACCURATE kit <_< oh yeah...can someone make me the decals for the Mac 0 F-14? it's in 1/48 scale...PM me if you know someone who can help
  2. thanks for that i personally think the D would've been better suited for the OVA but hey, you can complain cuz at least we're gettin' new macross stuff soon :D
  3. do you have any pictures or links to it? i'm kinda curious to what it looks like
  4. just curious to know which version of the F-14 was used in Macross Zero...a friend of mine told me it was probably the D but another friend told me it was the A....i'm just really confused and would like to know also, i already bought the F-14D kit to convert into the Macross Zero F-14 (yeah, my dumb butt waited until now to ask lol) anyways, thanks for the help! EDIT: the kit i bought is at 1/48 scale not at 1/72 like the current Hasegawa Mac-0 F-14 kit
  5. ....that's just wrong
  6. i want one sooooooo bad now ....does anyone know where i can get one?
  7. well i still play around with my 1/60...i'm probably not suppose to but oh well...and if you made the toy a "perfect transformable" wouldn't the swing bar interfer with poses? i HAD a bandai re-issue and i couldn't do anything do it...but with the yamato i was able to put it into all these cool poses and stuff...and these figures are more or less made to be like "moving statues" like the gundam perfect grade series of model kits (i would really like to see a PG of a valk before i die) i mean come on, give the poor yamato guys some credit...the figures are probably some of the best representations of the valks there is right now...and maybe someday(like in the next 10-? years) yamato will make those improvements....anyways, enough with my ranting
  8. i'm not a good modeler but i'm very patient in getting work done...i was wondering what kind of airbrush i should buy? i'm on a budget so i can't get anything too expensive...but i want it to be easy to use (like for a beginner, for instance) yet still be good
  9. all i really want to know is if there was any real difference (besides canopy and color) because i bought a yf-21 but it's all molded in dark blue....is the vf-22s kit just molded in one color too? Edit: i was talking about the Hasegawa model kits (since the YF-21 kit is molded in nothing but dark blue)
  10. wtf?....it's gonna look so much smaller than the 1/60 vf-1's well i hope they at least scale down (or is it up?) so it'll at least be the same size as the current 1/60 vf-1's.....i'll just be really disappointed if they really do go down with the 1/72....it just wouldn't go well with my vf-1 i shouldn't complain though....either way i'm gonna end up bying one anyways uhh....i'm talking about the vf-0 lol if u can't tell
  11. if anyone does decide to cast them i hope i can get a couple for my vf's
  12. a friend of mine said they'll probably put the vf-1a (in low-vis colors) during the last couple episodes of macross zero....i dunno if it's true or now....i just heard it from him
  13. i saw a VF-1S (Roy Fokker use) on ebay....they were selling 3 of them for $20....but in all honesty i doubt they're even worth the plastic they're made out of...thing is ugly as hell....if they're going to bootleg something they should bootleg a GOOD figure like the 1/60 yamato VF's
  14. where the hell did you find that?....send a link please
  15. didn't realize how sleak the hasegawa model of the vf-1s battroid was...makes me wanna get one
  16. thanks Graham.....that's all i wanted to know
  17. look.....i just wanted to know if this was a real thing...i mean it looks like a prototype doesn't it?....i'm probably not the biggest Macross fan so i don't really know if the model is the real thing ....i just want to know if this thing is bull crap or not... on an different note... even though Macross Plus: The Movie was the first Macross thing i've seen...DYRL is what got me to fall in love with the whole Macross universe!
  18. here's the link to where i found it...seems it wasn't google i found it from....it was on Alltheweb.com lol http://www.alltheweb.com/search?q=vf-0&c=i...g&cs=utf-8&o=12
  19. here's the link where i got the picture from but it's just the picture....ahh it's probably a pro modeler that did it lol http://www.d8.dion.ne.jp/~crafuton/vf0_1.htm
  20. i'll have to go through my history thing...hopefully i can find it then i'll be able to tell you where i got it from
  21. Dat Pinche Haro!


    i was looking on google for macross zero pictures and i came across this.... where could it be from?!
  22. well....i get my macross stuff from HLJ (cheaper than most places). i know this has nothin to do with the poll but i get my gundam stuff from... Gundam Store and More!
  23. here's another one
  24. aww that sucks.....it worked before though!
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