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Dat Pinche Haro!

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Everything posted by Dat Pinche Haro!

  1. 1. the feet and the back landing gears on my 1/60 VF-1S are "loose" any way i can "tighten" those areas up? 2. the paint on the leg fins is coming off. anyone knows what i could use to touch it up? thank you, it's very appreciated :D
  2. those models look better in person, trust me and most of the models he used were mine (Tallgeese III, Wing Zero, Wing Zero Custom, Epyon, HeavyArms Custom, and the MG Zeta were mine) saddly, i broke all of them in some places (HA Custom was just about perfect, but i still gave him away) at least Druna Skass did a good job cabinalizing those kits
  3. wow that does look amazing! GREAT WORK MASTER CHENG! **bows down in praise** BTW.....i still haven't got my decals from Anasazi37 <_< ahh well, i'm sure he's still busy making them
  4. oh yeah.... Thank you John Busacha for the scan it's really appreciated
  5. for one, i don't have a scanner of my own... second, i wanted to try out some color schemes of my own to do...i've drawn up some ideas but i don't know what it'd look like on the actual kit.. sounds kinda stupid huh? lol and i've messed up MANY of my model kits during the painting process (to the point i gave them to my friend to canibalize them) lots of wasted money :(
  6. i thought sony announced the ps3 like 2 years ago? <_
  7. i'm guessing the gamecube runs on DVD mini disks...i doubt you could play DVD's on a gamecube though get a gamecube if you're into games like Mario, Donkey Kong, or Megaman (since only the new MM games are coming out exclusively to nintendo, except the old school ones that are going to be available for the ps2 and gc) but get a PS2 if you like a little bit of everything...and hey, it even plays dvds too! and that's always a good thing
  8. i'm going with Graham.....the first version of the minmay guard is much better...i'm more fond of the blue scheme....i don't really like the new scheme hasegawa made though...still nice but i wouldn't buy it good choice Graham!
  9. wow....people sure like seein this topic lol.... i started a new one asking for views of the YF-21 so i could actually start my kit!...i wanted to do a custom paint job on it but no one can't even give me a simple link to some line art...i've looked around and i haven't found any on the net...i was wondering that maybe someone had some scans or somethin...ahh well....
  10. hmmm...doesn't look like that's gonna happen <_< aight mods......take this down
  11. i need the top, bottom, and side views of the YF-21 in fighter mode (line art, no color pictures). i'm trying to finish my model up but i don't know what paint job to put on it. my friend already gave me some views but they don't work well for what i had in mind. can someone give me a link or pictures? thanks for the help :D
  12. is that guy like mark hamill's illegitimate child? they just look too much a like not to be related i'm not much of a star wars fan...but i'll just watch the mark hamill clone just for the hell of it
  13. hmmm....maybe that's why bandai is releasing all those UC MG kits now?....i've noticed that a couple of gundams are the new MG gundams i've seen on HLJ.... i'm glad they put in the GP04 though....always liked that one (the original, not the one that was converted into a zeon suit)
  14. damn.....it's been like 5 years since i've heard that they were making a superman movie... IT'S NEVER GOING TO BE MADE!!!! it was done just perfectly already....why change it around now? damn AOL-Time Warner just wants to waste money, i guess...let them make the movie and see how bad they do....i'll be sitting in the back row laughing my @$$ off, while it all goes to pieces
  15. GAINAX would also have to sue AOL-Time Warner for a Justice League episode they did... had lex luther piloting an "eva-looking" type robot....and Cartoon Network is always showing the reruns of the JL episodes so you always end up seeing it i'm sure they can get an @$$ load of money from Warner
  16. DAMN THAT LOOKS KOO! NICE JOB Druna Skass!!!!
  17. wouldn't make much sense to make one....i think yamato just wants to make transformable kits, for now...if they were to make Mac0 F-14 they'd probably make a limited release....i doubt it'd be that important to them to make an F-14 figure hey....just because they won't be made doesn't mean i wouldn't buy one
  18. i dunno.....i like the boxes (don't care much about size anyways) i think it makes look more "elegant" and i like the plain black boxes...makes them seem more of a "master piece"...i dunno i'm wierd
  19. that's just sad...i didn't even notice that at first, thanks for pointing that out...i think that kit would to better as a childerns action figure or somethin...that's what it looks like anyways, an over weathered action figure... lol....wish hasegawa would come out with a kit NOW....i still have a couple project planes to do though (an F-14D i'm goint to convert into the M0 F-14.....then a custom paint job for my YF-21).... does anyone have any paint sceme ideas for the my 21? i really don't know what kinda paint job to put on it right now, so any ideas?
  20. i was bored so i decided to look for the battriod kit Less than Super Ostrich was talking about...looks nice....but the picture they had there made it look way too weathered for my taste...too bad it's just the 0A though...i like the kit... just wish i had a Yamato VF-0S and D now if you want, check it out...here's the link... VF-0A Battroid kit
  21. ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!!!
  22. umm....is there a bigger picture of it?
  23. oh damn that's just WRONG!!!
  24. looks like they used OpenCanvas... i have that program and it's pretty good for such a small prog... makes nice brush strokes and everything
  25. It wouldn't be a single term or phrase. The way it would work would the court would describe each individual's responsibility toward the project. Then determine who that person worked for and how this specific show was put together. So what your saying is that potentialy several diffrent companies own the diffrent elements? If that's the case how is any one of the partner companies able to make other projects based off the original with out any sort of involvment of the other? If that isn't what your saying could you provide some sort of example of what you are saying? Damnit I accidently logged with my friend's ID... Druna Skass
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